See what YOU can do IF you stand up against fucking idiots. Re the Australian Good Design Awards.

Well the Australian "Good Design Awards" is a committee of stupid cunts.

Yes really.

The first arse licking award was a bath tub - the most wasteful way to wash ever, in the driest country on earth, with chronic water shortages - particularly in that "state"...

It is a wonderful bath - but we are teetering on the brink of starvation and societal collapse. No water to drink = we are fucked.

So I fucking lit up like a christmas tree over that...

And then their next award was for the Tesla electric super car, that sure it was well designed, but it consumed ENORMOUS amounts of resources to make it, and it was astronomically expensive to buy, and run - because it used staggering amounts of electricity to run, what is essentially a road going racing car - with leather trimming etc., and that amount of power used, especially if multiplied millions of times, will require a fucking ENORMOUS amount of power generating capacity - Like Duhhhh....

Not a few extra solar panels on the garage, to have more or less free transport for the next 40 years....

I again challenged them on a number of points, in that it's not a very effective mass transit method or an integrated system, they are staggeringly expensive, and the Chinese manufacturers of electric scooters and bicycles, have transitioned to making small, low speed, inner city transport vehicles which do 60Kmh for a couple of hundred KM for a few thousand dollars each.

My main shit fit grew out of my days as a poverty stricken apprentice, where I reasoned, that if I and my goods, weight say 100Kg... (nice easy number), and cars weigh say 2000Kg, have 4 wheels, seating for 5 and they consume LOTS of fuel, resources, minerals, etc., to make and to run; why am I paying SO much money to move TWENTY TIMES my own weight, just to carry me around?

Like why am I expected to pay to accelerate 2000Kg of vehicle, up to speed, and only to piss that energy away as heat in the brakes, when I am coming to a stand still at the next set of lights?

Why are cars not weighing say like 100 - 200Kg for single or double seaters, that go like bullets, weigh fuck all, and use hardly any fuel?

The wastefulness irritates me to the absolute fuck.....

As far as personal transport goes - for me a 2 seater streamlined recumbent 3 wheeler bike, that can carry a weeks groceries and then some... with 2 people pedalling at a modest effort and a 500W petrol / electric motor - idling over - can easily get the equivalent of 200Km a litre of fuel... at 100Kmh + speeds - that is what I fucking want.

So this is where I had a go at them all, for their awarding the Tesla super electric car, the design of the year award. Like it is a great design, but we NEED far more efficient and integrated transport systems NOW.

Anyway, these fuckers with their "Design Awards - by people with big egos and empty heads", and all their design partners, have conceded defeat to my calling them out on their retarded bullshit - because I went and confronted ALL of THEM.

This is me - The Fat Penguin, with the ruler, and Jake and Elwood, are the idiot designers and their crap awards.

This came in the email today:


Following its 29th General Assembly in South Korea, the International Council of Societies of Industrial Design (Icsid) announced a new blueprint for change that would recognise and promote the power of Industrial Design to address some of the world's biggest challenges. Attended by member organisations from over 50 nations from all regions of the world, Icsid Members ratified a new vision, mission and name for the the organization. Dr. Brandon Gien from Good Design Australia, who led the initiative, highlighted the importance of positioning Industrial Design a catalyst for positive change in the world. MORE


The Victorian Premier's Design Awards saw a record 40% growth in entries submitted in 2015. Best in Category Winners and the Overall Winner will be announced at the Premier's Design Awards Presentation Ceremony in early December. MORE


The World Design Impact Prize recognises and encourages Industrial Design driven projects that seek to make a positive impact on our social, economic, cultural and environmental quality of life. This year, more than 80 innovative projects were nominated from across the world. We are very pleased to announce that the iHear You project from Australia is one of the Finalists. MORE


Mexico City has been designated the World Design Capital® for 2018. It is the sixth city, and first city from the Americas to hold the designation. The prestigious designation is awarded biennially to cities based on their commitment to use design as an effective tool for economic, social, and cultural development. Previous cities include Torino (Italy) in 2008, Seoul (South Korea) in 2010, Helsinki (Finland) in 2012 and Cape Town (South Africa) in 2014 with Taipei hosting the 2016 World Design Capital®. MORE


Hear from some of the biggest names in the international design community describing how design has changed over the last 60 years and the importance of positioning Industrial Design as an agent for positive change in our world. MORE


This beautifully produced video was made to explain the evolution of the Industrial Design profession over the last 60 years and the new focus of design to create a better world. MORE


From the archives, our 2015 Good Design Awards opening video (we thought it deserved one more run).

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The articles / links / videos.

[Image: Brandon Gien, Jorge Vazquez, Marco Coello]
From Left: Icsid President, Brandon Gien; Jorge Vázquez, Secretary of Tourism of Mexico City; Marco Coello, Co-Founder of Design Week Mexico.
19 October 2015
On 13 October 2015, Icsid announced the six shortlisted projects for the World Design Impact Prize 2015-2016. On 18 October, at its 29th General Assembly in Gwangju (South Korea), a video of the shortlisted project were presented to members.


Gwangju (South Korea) – At its 29th General Assembly, the International Council of Societies of Industrial Design (Icsid) announced that Mexico City has been designated World Design Capital (WDC) 2018. It is the sixth city – and first city from the Americas – to hold the designation.

Awarded biennially to cities based on their commitment to use design as an effective tool for economic, social, and cultural development, the WDC has become more than just a programme. Today, it is a global movement and serves to acknowledge that design can, and does, impact quality of life. Previous designated cities include Torino (Italy) in 2008, Seoul (South Korea) in 2010, Helsinki (Finland) in 2012 and Cape Town (South Africa) in 2014. Taipei will be World Design Capital 2016.

For Mexico City, the WDC appointment is an opportunity for its vibrant and entrepreneurial design community to build a liveable city, embracing old and new in their plans to showcase innovative design in urban planning. Icsid President and Member of the WDC Selection Committee Professor Mugendi M'Rithaa stated, "Mexico City will serve as a model for other megacities around the world grappling with the challenges of urbanisation and using design thinking to ensure a safer, more liveable city."

Design Week Mexico, a non-profit organisation that promotes design as an engine of social change, led the bid and plans to focus on the borough of Miguel Hidalog, introducing new health, communications and security programmes, a bike sharing programme, urban gardens, parks and playgrounds. Emilio Cabrera, Director General of Design Week Mexico said, "Our goal is to build a platform for collaboration not only between design disciplines, but also between countries. As WDC, we seek to create a hub of global creative industries that have an impact on their societies."

Shortlisted co-candidate Curitiba (Brazil) also mounted a compelling bid. Curitiba has a well-established and inspirational legacy in design-led urban planning. The calibre of the bids made the decision a difficult one for the members of the Selection Committee. What ultimately led to the selection was the broad-based scope of Mexico City's plans and the active support of not only the mayor but also the wider design community.

For more information:

Ms. Augie Van Biljouw
Director of Communications
t: +1 514 448 4949 ext. 228
m: +1 514 839 8549

Published on Oct 28, 2015

Following its 29th General Assembly (GA), the International Council of Societies of Industrial Design (Icsid) announced a new blueprint for change that would recognise and promote the power of industrial design to address some of the world's biggest challenges.

Attended by member organisations from over 50 nations from all regions of the world, Icsid's GA approved with a two-thirds majority vote the motions to renew the vision and mission of Icsid and to change the name of the organisation to World Design Organization.

Dr. Brandon Gien from Good Design Australia, who led the Renew Icsid initiative, invited leading designers from around the world to comment on the changing nature of Industrial Design and how it can be positioned to create a better world.

[Image: 29th General Assembly]
19 October 2015

World Body for Industrial Design approves Blueprint to Design a Better World

Gwangju (South Korea) – Following its 29th General Assembly (GA) over the weekend, the International Council of Societies of Industrial Design (Icsid) announced a new blueprint for change that would recognise and promote the power of industrial design to address some of the world's biggest challenges.

Attended by member organisations from over 50 nations from all regions of the world, Icsid's GA approved with a two-thirds majority vote the motions to renew the vision and mission of Icsid and to change the name of the organisation to World Design Organization. Dr. Brandon Gien, who led the Renew Icsid initiative, was pleased with the outcome, saying the new name speaks to a more accessible organisation, open to the wider design community and better aligned to the organisation's international programming, including World Design Capital®, World Design Impact Prize, World Industrial Design Day and Interdesign.

In his opening address, Gien stated, "As the world organisation for industrial design, we are uniquely positioned to leverage the strength of our global design network and align regional design agendas to the newly emerging solutions economy. Designing a better world is possible if we aim to position design thinking as part of the solution and work together towards a common cause that ultimately impacts us all."

The main objective of the new World Design Organization is to re-position Industrial Design as a catalyst for positive change in the world. Secretariat staff will begin work to implement the new name and vision to be presented in 2016 and celebrated as part of the organisation's 60th anniversary in 2017. Secretary General Dilki de Silva stated, "The transformation we are embarking upon is a demanding multiyear effort. We will begin with a programme audit and new branding to introduce the World Design Organization and ensure industrial design remains a core component."

As new President Professor Mugendi M'Rithaa took his seat he emphasised his commitment to strengthening member value. "I look forward to working with the new 2015-2017 Board of Directors to formulate a model for member collaboration that will identify regional issues for a global design agenda, and to build partnerships with the younger generation of designers that will bring fresh thinking to these exciting times and rapidly expanding areas of design." President Mugendi pointed to the recently launched Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and spoke about the new opportunities offered to designers in the solutions economy as design thinking becomes a critical tool for resolving seemingly intractable 'glocal' problems.

The two-day general assembly also reported on the term's international programming including Interdesign in Mumbai (India) in February 2014, the upcoming programme of events for World Design Capital® (WDC) Taipei 2016, the announcement of WDC 2018 to Mexico City, and the six shortlisted projects for the 2015-2016 cycle of the World Design Impact Prize.

For more information:


Renew Icsid Explained: Industrial Design in the Solutions Economy
Voices of Design

Ms. Augie Van Biljouw
Director of Communications
t: +1 514 448 4949 ext. 228
c: +1 514 839 8549


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