Interesting Chicks

See women tend to come with all sorts of problems, and while it's necessary to sift the abundant from the deficient, and checking out the ones who are DOING interesting things, doesn't neccessarily mean they are interesting people of complexity and depth, or even remotely well adjusted, it does mean that at least it's a better hunting ground, than those who are not doing anything interesting at all.

Here is Marina Ginesta, a 17-year-old communist militant, overlooking Barcelona during the Spanish Civil War, 1936.

I mean she might be a really interesting person - at that time, or she might be a political ideologist who just spouts shit - because she has a head full of it....

But at least she is doing SOMETHING interesting.

Mmmm this is nice.... 

It might be a complete terd in real life - but this is quite an attractive look.

I think she is fucking hot, because she LOOKS cheerful, has a personality, is living a LIFE, and is doing something useful and interesting. There is more going on between her ears, than, "Oh my god, I chipped a nail! Shriek."

I like this Kurd Chick - because she stands up against shit heads from American funded terror groups - like IS.

"They have guns. I have gun too."

 And this woman from a little village in Egypt, Al-Ur, is probably one of the most attractive women I have come across in a long time.

She has all the important qualities - very hansom, cheerful, is a good wife and is a good mother to the children.

The following is nice, because it's clever, clean and tidy, and it's selling it's self on the basis of having a personality, instead of the idiot tits and arse parade - but it looks like is hasn't "lived" - like gone trekking across the mountain ranges, and deserts etc... It looks like it's "institutionalised" (never left school) and has lived in it's comfort zone all of it's life.

But at least it's not a complete fuckwit - well that remains to be seen. But the ability to do maths, and to be clean and tidy, is a huge step up from those who can't, won't and aren't. And maths is quite sexy....


But the chicks from the "Crawly Incrowd" - in on all the gossip and have shit for brains as well as lots of personality problems...

And their lives are like one shitty never ending bad episode of Neighbours..


Don't want to know about them.

And these ones (below), look like a real pack of cunts. 

Down the race track, a skin full of piss, and wall to wall bullshit.

These women are just trash..... Like a row of vultures looking for fresh meat. 

If they were prostitutes going for 10c a fuck, and I had a million dollars in the back pocket, I'd still drive around the suburb, just to avoid them.


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