Is my cunt too big?

Well I wrote this about, one behalf of, and for the issues of SANER sex.

If your one of these retarded women who grew up playing with Barbie Dolls, and still do - your an idiot.

And if you have then gone onto shoving HUGE fucking things in your cunt, like double fist fucking, HUGE dildos etc...

Then YOUR cunt is TOO BIG.

And your basically INSANE....

So you either have issues, or your the wiring in your head is not quite right.

Take your choice.

Yes - so you idiot chicks with your FAR too big cunts. 

Go burn your Barbie dolls and get a life, and learn to be content with a nice stiff dick.!/

 And the chicks of FEMEN - at the Barby Dream World Opening in Berlin.


What kind of inspired this post.

a) There are now far too many girls / women / teenagers, fucking FAR too many BIG THINGS, far too often.... and they are taking their idiot cues from both the internet and each other....

But when main stream media - i.e. regular Sunday news papers, are running feature articles on SUPER FUCKING HUGE dildos....

I am thinking that this is really getting insane.

I kind of draw the line at a NICE big dildo... or the occasional fisting...  or a largish vegetable from the crisper.....

And I think the internet has been really good for sex in a lot of different ways.

It helps to remove the stigma and the shaming that the religious fuckholes like to perpetrate.

It helps to equalise everyone.... 

"Your normal" - most of what goes through your head, goes through everyone else's.

And if your parents are dysfunctional retards, as many of them are, you can LEARN far more about more things via the internet, than your parents could even talk about.


And really - listening ABOUT sex from your parents, "Oh fuck - really - must you?" 

Who in the fuck wants to know about their own parents sex life?

Fucking gross.

But what is NOT pushed forward much, is about having SANE healthy relationships, starting with yourself, your FAMILY of ORIGIN role models, the generally insane polarised positions that the more extremely neurotic take - inside and outside of your family...

The religious people are some of the worst - and the most destructive cults - spreading their shit where ever they go.

I mean I have met people in the sex industry - who have been good, honest and kind people, and I have met the "Christian Pillars of the Community" who are the nastiest, back stabbing, two faced cunts, that I have ever met.

Oh you mean your jew profit saviour, with his incest father, his cuckolding mother and his lame arse step dad, are giving you telepathic directions, and the book of instructions that none of them actually wrote, that starts off as a plagarised rip off, of the bylaws of Babylon, that says masturbation - ONLY for guys, is an abomination, and guy on guy sex, is a double abomination... Never mind the girls wanking or getting into girl on girl sex...

Well these retards who are NOT jews, are telling you as Authorities on the Subjekt, of the Book of the Jew, what their zombie profit in low earth orbit is telling them, what they must tell you, by telepathy, about SEX....

And your idiot parents are getting marriage guidance from a bunch of old retarded poofters living in Rome, who preach murderous lies and outright bullshit, including the idiot "rules made up to suit themselves as they go along" - live in the mind fuck fantasy world that being single gives you greater "spiritual point scoring", than the guys shacked up with chicks, and who are sucking lots of cunt, instead of cock....

And there is nothing wrong with this picture? The self appointed sanctified, selling you their ideas of sex?

Hmmmmm Sure.

Same goes for pretty much all of the retarded arseholes in ALL religions.

Burn in hell.... 

Oh you mean they will keep me alive while I am dead, and burn me forever, on the rubbish dump outside Jew-ruse-alem.

Hell of a fire that will be.

And the nutters with the pointy pitchforks? Where do they come into it?

So the TWO extremes are the retarded fuckholes spewing their religious cult brain washing bullshit in one corner, and the really fucking screwed up and fucked up and damaged sexual extremists in the other corner.

The question is, "What is satisfying, nurturing, and healthy?

What defines a HEALTHY relationship, starting with yourself and SOME others?

And what makes for a SANE and HEALTHY sex life?

And contrary to all the BULLSHIT in the market place, there IS something wrong, when the dildos are just getting SO OBVIOUSLY far too fucking BIG.

Going from the "Ooooo this is awesome" to the completely insane....

There is something wrong - when sex with self and others, becomes crazy.




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