Panadol - Now available in Executive Anal Formula.

GlaxoSmithKline said their product Panadol Osteo, would rise by 50% on 01 January 2016...

It's basically a slow release pill, composed of paracetamol, all 650 milligrams of it.

0.65 grams....

With no changes to the cost of manufacturing the product etc... it's just a fucking scam.

How to fuck them up.

1. Buy dirt cheap paracetamol.

And since I rarely take any medication, I have no idea on how long the tablets take to be digested and absorbed, and then remain effective in the system...

So read the original pack, memorise your own experience and then if your normally taking 2 or 3 x 650mg a day, then you can adjust your doses of 500mg x 2 or 3 a day... or 1/2 a tablet every 4 hours, or one tablet every 4 hours...

It's basic maths... and rounding up or down a little.....

This is not an endorsement - it's a first come first served web search... more of a lucky dip...

Panamax 500mg 100 Tablets (LIMIT OF 2 BOXES PER ORDER)

2. And contrary to my former wisdom, that when one as a head ache, if ONE dose of pain relief medication is good, then TWO must be better and a THIRD ought to be considered - just in case the head ache decides to come back....

Stick to the fucking PRESCRIBED doses...

Because LOTS of people DO end up slowly overdosing on paracetamol...

"Oooo I think I will buy another 2 pack from another chemist / super market etc... and double the dose..."

And over they go..... eventually.

But better yet.....

Get the shit out of your diet, and get into this:

 A caveat....

I think Chopra is a mixed bag, there is a strong thread of mystical bona fide bullshit in most of what he says....

10% outright crap... but 90% on the ball....

But it's NOT all bullshit....

There ARE people who have cured themselves of cancer, or meditate in a box with no fresh air for hours, and slow their heart right down etc...

Issues with meditation, fresh nutritional food instead of tea and toast.

I was going to post some pictures of clapped out OLD people, dull and unimaginative lot that they are...

But fuck them....

I want people who get off their arses and make a go of it....

Old people usually eat shit.

And I am not a fanatical fan of the "vegan bullshit" or "super food of the day" crap....

And there is FOOD that is clearly very very good for you (like most of the vegan stuff AND other things - like MEAT etc), and 

There is SHIT that resembles food, and it's clearly very, very bad for you - Like Mc Donalds, Pizza Hut, KFC, 

So look this up...

Google. Images: vegan health salad meal

(I am a fucking hopeless FOOD pornographer.... I can look at this stuff all day)

So for me - THIS and some MEAT.... brilliant.

And this are only some the people who EAT healthy AND exercise.....

And sure Jack LaLanne was a fitness nut, and he worked out all his life, but look at his physique - his muscles, strength and stamina - at 70. (two photos down)

So I mean I can understand how one wants of needs to allocate ones time, but people who say "I don't have time to go to the gym or ones own home gym / work out / go swimming / walk for 10K a day / buy a bicycle and ride it for an hour a day etc...

BUT they have time to sit on their arses watching TV for 3 to 6 hours a day... or being gossiping old molls (of either gender)...

Sopping up all the mental sewerage....

These are the people that you learn from...  maybe not 4 hours a day working out, but an hour in the morning and an hour in the evening....

Grab a back pack, grab some food and walk 2 or 3 Km down to the park every evening, for dinner. And then walk back. Pick a new place every week...

Go swimming, do yoga, go motor bike riding in the bush... cycle a rail trail - one week end a month, go camping and clock up 100 - 200K over 3 or 4 days...

Tons of opportunities.

Dr. Deepak Chopra & Dr. David Simon - Training The Mind Healing The Body Part 1 to Part 15.

Parts of this, especially in some of the earlier parts, I tend to think of mystical bullshit, but they kind of combine, into and with the REAL medical stuff later.....

And this is really heavy duty stuff..... 

The information on diabetes and heart disease is frightening, and it also has a great deal of optimism - that much of the information about heart disease is in fact crap, the testing, the beliefs, and social indoctrination - with ageing and cholesterol etc., and many "serious" health conditions are reversable.

It's like "Many people are not suddenly sick, they have CHOSEN to do what it takes to become very sick, for a very long time - and then the crash happens...."

You have to take responsibility for your choices and what they lead too, and for doing what it takes, to implement the improvements; 

So stick with this.... don't write it off, because some of the earlier stuff sounds like dip shit bullshit..

Jump to the site and download the recordings, convert to MP3 and have a good listen.....

It's very good.

And send your Panadol back to the Galaxo Klein executives, 

And tell them to stick their pills up their arses.


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