Picturesqe and Dead - Bushfires and Stupid People.

I was raised by idiots....

And I have this REAL aversion to stupid people....

My idiot mother - one one of her "parental access visits" - well I was about 16 or 17 or something... and I had been riding motorbikes for some time.....

And I knew that in the wet, the highly polished steel tram tracks, even under the most gingerly performed slow speed manouvers, could causethe said motorbike to lose all traction and have the wheels slide out from under it....

And mother dearest - who had the tendency with all her mind fuck never ending head games, to produce psychotic reactions in the step children, me and her pets and all of her relationships.... including her doting advocates..

And she did it by shit like this.

On this particular visit, I noticed that the VERY NARROW tyres of her Volkswagon Beetle, well the tyres were about the same width as the tram track rails embedded in the concrete, and the width of the tyre track, was only about 150mm or 6" wider than the tram tracks...

Like so.

And it happened to start raining at the time, it was late afternoon, and there was plenty of traffic entering and exiting the road, assorted traffic lights and intersections etc...

So I told her, that "With the rain and the tyre size and width etc., it would be better to move into the left lane, where there are no tram tracks, because if ONE of the set of wheels of this car, are on the tram tracks, in the wet, and you have to apply the brakes, then the side of the car that has traction on the cement, will stick to the road, and that side of the car, that is on the tram tracks, will slide around, and you will probably broad side another vehicle or roll the car."

Volkswagon Beetles with their split differential rear axle, were very prone to rolling - starting at the back end, under hard turns....

So what did IDIOT mother the mind game playing manipulator do?

She proceed to drive along the wet tram tracks, slowly oscillating the car, from running the left side wheels on the wet tram tracks, and then the right hand side wheels on the wet tram tracks - backwards and forwards, backwards and forwards..... like a slow waltz..... back and forth, back and forth....

In her button pressing for a reaction - and the idiot is putting my life in danger..

Where as I am completely risk adverse......

I'd be in the left lane, where the tram tracks are NOT, and she not only is in the RIGHT lane where the tram tracks are - she is playing mind fuck head games, by driving the car ALONG the WET tram tracks - in fairly brisk, heavy traffic, with cars coming from all directions...

I am into staying in the very high probability of retaining control of the vehicle and avoiding collisions, and she is deliberately provoking me, by putting ME at risk, by putting the vehicle in a position of having a very high probability of losing control and creating all the conditions necessary to produce a collision.

And there was another time when I offered to take "my mum" Princess Valium, around to see her friends who lived near by - via the quiet back streets, on the back of my motor bike.... at a sensible pace.

On the way back however, doing a brisk jogging speed, coming to an T intersection, Princess Valium decides to start screaming and waving both her arms in the air, left to right, left to right - "Slow down, Slow Down, Arrggghhhhhhh !!!!"

Which oddly enough, with her perched up on the pillion seat, of a small and light motorbike, had the effect of causing the entire bike to sway, and this affected the steering, and the bike slewed totally out of control, across the intersection and into the path of the oncoming traffic and then into the gutter on the other side of the road.......

To this day, I regret NOT spinning around and punching this idiot bitches face in...

Giving her the beating of life time....

"After a near death experience - from almost writing off selves and motorbike, Princess Valium meets Mr Punchy".

And when I and my sister have discussed Mother Dearest's never ending mind fuck head games - the gossiping, manipulation and playing people off against each other...

Really sinister mind fuck head games....

There are frequent long pauses of both of us, just tripping out about the remembered what this bitch was always pulling...

So if she button pressed one of her adoring acolytes, into really going off the edge, and they ended up killing her, I'd be the first person to stand to that persons defence...

As far as I am concerned though, she can fuck off and die....

And when she does, don't bother inviting me to the funeral....

Not interested. In fact I don't even want to know about it...

There are a few things I do want - a few photos and a wooden statue that I made, many years ago... Ransack her place, and get my stuff back...

But aside from that, I NEVER want to see her ever again...

So I have this aversion to people doing REALLY stupid shit, and living in a vivid fantasy world of denial, that it's OK - when it's clearly not.

One of my charming ex's and I travelled by push bike and foot, from Marysville to Warburton.

I was fairly familiar with the area, as I have been traversing those roads since I was about 12 years old.

And the general issue was that the place was (once) fairly consistently wet, with surface water everywhere, moss, little streams along the edges of the road ways, and streams and springs coming forth everywhere, damp and wet patches across most of the roads, most of the time.....

There was always TONS of ground cover, by bark, twigs, leaves - very thick and lots of it, and the place and area, was filled with and surrounded by HUGE tall trees.

And Marysville had this giant forest of trees, growing up to the edges and within the small town....

And this is all wonderful and fine, IF it stays wet....

However, when the GF and I, went through there - it was TOTALLY BONE DRY.

There had been a HOT dry drought on for some years.......

In some 40Km of mountain roads, forest etc., I ONLY came across ONE still running stream.....

One of the advantages of travelling by foot and bicycle, is that you can see the details, that the car drivers cannot...

You can see, and smell, and touch and hear the forest....

And I said to my ex, "If a fire comes through here, being as dry as it is, with the BIG timber (forest) coming right up to the edge of the houses and town - this place is just going to be incinerated... It's just going to get wiped out."

I also added, "This situation is SO high risk, that because the drying out is SO gradual, they have become adjusted to it, but to an outsider, and infrequent traveller, I am thinking, "If and when a fire came through here, unless you had a bunker or a fast way out, you would have to be insane to live here."

I think it was 3 to 5 months later, of continuing drought, the entire place, the whole of Marysville burned to the ground.

I remember "Bruno's Garden", thickly grown over with vines and shrubbery etc., and ll the fairy statues.

To the idiots, they might think, "Oh how lovely", but to me I was thinking, "Oh - it's as DRY as, it's fireball in the waiting."

This is kind of what it looked like before the 2009 fire, and about 5 years after it.

 And after the fire.,_Victoria

Wikipedia :

" The town, which previously had a population of around 500 people,[1] was devastated by the Murrindindi Mill bushfire on 7 February 2009. On 19 February 2009 the official death toll was 45. Around 90% of the town's buildings were destroyed.[2]"

And I am right into clear felling the bush for about 1Km around, living in a Mud brick shack with a BIG deep concrete bunker underneath it, with the yard fenced off about 50 meters away with BIG steel water tanks.......

Fire pumps and hoses at the ready.......

"Bush fire coming - be fucked...."

Since Marysville burned to the ground about 5 or 6 years ago...

There have been pictures like these plastered everywhere....

And last night I was watching the news about the bush fires along the Great Ocean Road, and I saw these images...

And I looked at all these stupid people, who have built their houses right in amongst the bush...

And my logic sequence went like this:

1. Bushes burn in bush fires.

2. Houses in bush, that is burning, also get burned to the ground.

3. Why in the fuck are you living in houses, that are smothered in "the bush"?

 And now that the bush is on fire.....

AS the bush in that area, periodically DOES..

4. Your living in one of the BEST informed countries about the RISKS of bush fire and RISK REDUCTION - but the whole town and it's surrounds - for some fucking distance are not mown flat and filled with decidious European type trees that burn rather poorly - no your houses are in the middle of a fire ball, eucalyptus oil (flammable) soaked forest.... 

5. So you have got your houses, surrounded by shit that goes up in flames with gusto...

6. And I thought, "Well what do you fucking expect?"

"Or my mother is a bona fide fucking idiot, what is your excuse?"

Because Picturesque and Wiped Out and or Dead, are not on the same page in my book....

This to me says, "Death Trap"

And what gets me going, is that it's so easily preventable.

And these fucking people, have done everything, they possibly can, to basically gurantee that their homes and property gets burned to the ground in a bush fire.

And bushfires... once there is a LONG drought, lots of HOT dry fast wind, and the fire goes from the leaf litter on the ground (the core of the fire) and then makes it into the tree tops, and the tree top fires get going - the vapour of the evaporating eucalyptus oil from the gum tree leaves, turns the canopy into one exploding fire ball igniting the next tree and the next etc...

So in towns like Lorne etc., it's doesn't matter that much, if they have cut the lawns and raked the leaves up etc., because once the fire is in the tree tops - with a HOT dry strong wind behind it, it's just going to go right through the whole town.. and it has.

Like in an area, of 100 houses, where 99 of them burned down, and 1 of them didn't, the question is,

"How in the hell did that NOT get burned down?"


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