Reprinting Mein Kampf in Germany.... Ugghhhh.

Yeah fuck the Nazis, WW2 - a fucking awful time was had by all.

Except for the mostly American bankers and industrialists, who profited most hansomly from the investment in rearming Germany for WW2...

Brought the USA out of the depression that did....


National Socialism, it's only proof that being a cunt, is normal for humanity, irrespective of uniform, association, religion, political affiliation, empire, nationality, employment, pledges, oaths, etc., etc., etc....

It's just a fucking brand name, kind of like "Patriot Act" or "Bringing Peace and Democracy" - so often used by the righteous christian - Australian, English, German and American empire.

And being a nazi arsehole - a veritable cunt it's not the uniform or the swastika, it's the school board who fires the cook for giving some hungry kid a feed, when they are hungry and have no money....

It's the cunts in the catholic church who cover up the crap in the ranks, instead of dealing with it, and getting people married off instead of being celebate and nutso - because the organisation is a corruption of the issue that monkeys fuck and inventing "holiness" rules, that NOT fucking makes you special in their imaginary jew zombies eyes - as he flies around the planet in low earth orbit with no oxygen for the last 2000 years....

Catholics are fuckwits anyways, same as the jews and the moslems - airy fairy crap for brainwashing people with, from birth, with stupid bullshit.

And this neo or new nazi bullshit - these fucking retards SHOULD be made to read the entire Mein Kampf.... as punishment.

And they should be made to read the bible - the book of jew propaganda and hate - which evolves into the book of christian hate propaganda - and learn to think for themselves for a change.

Deal with their own shit instead of dumping it on everyone else  - just like it was done to them, by their parents and idiot society of no hoper cop-outs.

And all these new nazi fucktards, seig-heiling their way around the place - are too stupid to figure out that wars only profit those that finance them, and manufacture for them.

And what you have left after them, IF you survive it - well most of your seig-heiling fucktard friends, most of them will be dead.

Every where and every thing, and every place you will have ever known, will have been blasted into oblivion.

And then AFTER the war, 10 times as many people who died in the war, will then go onto die of malnutrition, diseases, exposure - because there is no food, transport, industry, sewerage systems, medical facilities, utilities such as fresh water, electricity, fuel etc....

And now of course, we have fucking nukes...

(along with squillions of biochemical and biological weapons)

You fucking neo-nazi fucking retards and your bullshit lack of critical thinking, that I call group-think... (just like most other conformist social groups)

Is this the world that you want to go on to create?

So back to the main thrust - teaching Mein Kampf in schools...

I actually really approve of this. Why?

Mein Kampf, is the WORST fucking book, I have ever tried to READ.

It's the emotional equivalent of tying an engine block around your neck and suiciding by drowning yourself in a tank of cold molassas -  a couple of degrees above freezing point.

It's a brilliant experience - trying to read it...

Because it's such an incredibly horrible book. It's really insane. Adolf Hitler, while far from being a complete fool - is REALLY fucking insane... A ranting nightmare of just crazy shit.

It should be compulsory reading - with the caveat, of "Read of much of this as you can, until you cannot cope with it any more, and then just stop." and go burn this fucking shit in the back yard - as some sort of ritual cleansing.

The impression that it left on me I suppose it would be like trying to eat a really fucking big garbage bag full of fresh dog shit......

I think the only thing that compares to Mein Kampf, is the last page of the book 1984 (You have to read the whole book to "get it"), but Mien Kampf, has that kind of level of dread and foreboding - but it's different, it's just a profoundly DEEP degree of insanity and ranting madness and it's all the way through.

Hitler’s 'Mein Kampf' Okayed for use in classrooms by Germany's education minister

Published time: 24 Dec, 2015
Germany's federal education minister has called for nationwide use of Adolf Hitler's 'Mein Kampf' in the classroom. It comes just before a critical version of the book is due to be reprinted for the first time since Hitler's death, sparking fierce debate. 
Referencing the critical edition of the book, scheduled to be published by Munich's Institute for Contemporary History in January, Johanna Wanka told Passauer Neuen Presse that it is “aimed at promoting political education and is easily comprehensible.”

Wanka said that Hitler's statements will not go “uncontradicted,” adding that “students have questions, and it is right that they can get rid of these in the classroom and talk about the issue.”

The critical edition, the result of three years of labor by scholars, will include explanatory sections and some 3,500 annotations. The printing of the 2,000-page, two-volume work is possible due to the expiration of a 70-year copyright on the text, which will take place on New Year's Day.
Wanka's support for the critical edition to be used in schools follows a similar call from the German Teachers’ Association, which said earlier this week that the book would “inoculate adolescents against political extremism.”

The president of the association, Josef Kraus, told Handelsblatt newspaper that the text can easily be found on the internet, and it is better for students to learn from “savvy history and politics teachers.”

However, despite being critical of Hitler's ideology, the new version of 'Mein Kampf' has been met with opposition from those who say the book is blatantly racist and anything but an educational tool.

Jewish groups have expressed divided opinion on the reprinting.
“Knowledge of Mein Kampf is still important to explain National Socialism and the Holocaust,” said Josef Schuster, president of the Central Council of Jews in Germany.

Charlotte Knoblock, chairperson of the Jewish Community of Munich and Upper Bavaria, said “this deeply anti-Semitic diatribe of all texts does not belong in the classroom.”

Chancellor Angela Merkel's coalition partners, the Social Democrats, have supported the call for the book to be taught in schools.

“Mein Kampf is a terrible and monstrous book. It is appropriate as part of a modern education for a qualified teachers to unmask the history of this anti-Semitic inhuman pamphlet and explaining the propaganda mechanism behind it,” said Ernst Dieter Rossmann, the party’s education spokesman, as quoted by the Telegraph.

'Mein Kampf,' translated in English as 'My Struggle,' contains Hitler's thoughts on various topics, including eugenics, race theory, syphillis, and movies.

Although the book has never been officially banned in Germany, its publication in the original format has been prevented since 1945 by the state of Bavaria, which owns the copyright.


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