Shit Parents, Shit Inlaws, Shit Schooling, Shit Prescreening, Shit Training, and Shit Managers = Shit staff.

You know those places that put spotty clueless kids on staff.....

"Hi do you sell any steering wheel covers?"

"Ummmm what's that?"

"It's a cover, that goes around the steering wheel."

Groan etc.

And this is not a case of not knowing what a steering wheel cover is.

It's also not a case of not knowing where they are in the store.

It's a case of not knowing what a steering wheel even is.

And when the issue is put upon the pimply twat....

"Have you ever considered the benefits of doing a automotive maintenance course?"

If it's a girl, it will get all truly "I am a feminist, I am being victimised, you can go fuck yourself, no one tells me what to do" attitude, by opening it's mouth, and saying, "Your really rude you are, I am really offended by your attitude." + hang up on you...

So total fucking incompetence coupled with an IQ smaller than it's shoe size, when met with the opportunity to "get a life, grow a brain, and UPGRADE to even the most basic JOB RELEVANT skill set - and showing some fucking INITIATIVE to make use of the opportunity of enlightenment, and to then defend it's retarded crap with "I intend to defend my being completely unemployable, by becoming a bigger idiot..."

Well fucking hoo raa.

The grinding away of ones life, on the millions of little rocks...




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