Fucking DUMB CUNTS and CLOTHING SIZES....... The fucktards at LEE jeans.

Tack on a shit load of hate for IDIOTS who run IDIOT websites....

Lee - as in Lee Jeans, as sold in Australia......

Well their listed pants size, inside the pants, that fit me, are not what the tape measure says around my waist.

The discrepancy is out by about 25%.....

i.e. size 35 (Lee Jeans) is like a 44 inch waist.

The fuckholes running that website, have a guide to sizes - which means how their assorted styles FIT you...

And there is NOT a fucking real world measurement conversion system chart anywhere on their site...

The only thing is a whole plethora of skinny arsed gym bunnies, wearing the different cut jeans like straight leg, taper leg etc...

And that is a WHOLE HEAP of useless shit type help.

Fucking cunts should have a fist full of tape measures rammed down their retard throats....

And phone all the shops... well it's Beer O' Clock at the head office - closes at 5 and by 4.30pm - no one is answering the calls and the answering machine is on.

And after talking and then chewing up 4 or 5 retard sales assistants, well fucking NONE of them have any kind of a clue - about sizing...

"Why does a size 35 (Lee Jeans) fit a 44 inch waist? There is a discrepancy here, so what sizing system is used by this (idiot fuck hole of a) company?"

"Oh? Oh? What do you mean?" - like 5 times out of 5 different people, at like 4 different stores.....

Or are the fucktards running this company using the 1788 eastern Tennessee Tin miners guild's measuring system as derived from a fuck up from a fuckwit, who used a Cornish tin miners 3" cup, as the basis for the associations rulers, both not realising that the 3" was the inside diameter and not the outside, and that the fucktards in Corwall, were using the Sottish inch, which was 13/64ths of an inch larger than the English inch..... until the measurement systems were unified in 1911 - because the Scottish ammunition blew up in the English guns... ***

And in the intervening 300 fucking years, not one of the DUMB CUNTS have ever fixed it up... "This is the way we have always done it..."

Which explains why the size of 35 (assuming it's inches) fits a 44" (real world inches) waist....

And what tops this shit off, is they use like 35 waist size, and a CENTIMETER size on the leg length...

Fuck - Fuck - Fuck.......

I honest to gods cock, HATE having to deal with DUMB CUNTS....

People who - have just got NO fucking idea....

And forget about making the conceptual leap from A to C - they can't even manage A to B....

i.e. "Fucking trend setter idiot - works in the factory FLAG SHIP store...  hasn't got a fucking clue about anything."

The kinds of numb skulls who when they get the green signal to walk across the intersection - NON of them never ever think to look left or right, before stepping off the kerb...

Just in case there MIGHT be a drug fucked / brain fucked geriatric driver or someone with brake failure sailing though the intersection....

I have this compilation of historical standards and measurements, that just makes your fucking brain go into seizures, with ALL the bullshit standards, in weights, volumes, and measurements etc...

There are like 20 different versions of a mile, and feet and inches; and the TON - the long ton, the short ton, the imperial ton, and gallons - about 10 variations on that...

And it had all the variations in region, country, provincial variants, and people should just be punched in the face just for NOT using metric...

It's 2016 - the fucking country went METRIC 40 fucking years ago....

Then you throw in abstractions like size 35 fits a 44" waist....


Lee Jeans Trend Setter from the head office, getting high marks at school....

Managerial material I guess.


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