What is it with FUCKING retards - like the ones who run Ebay?

Seriously - another revamp of their shitty site, from PRODUCT (desired / under consideration) and details of product.... size, weight, power consumption, compatible with etc...

From that - to PRODUCT...

Menu bar listing ALL the other products the seller is selling;

And then PRODUCTS like it, that other sellers are selling...

And then FINALLY down the LONG web page of 50 fucking DATA CHEWING images and links later., we get to the product description.

Then the delivery details etc..

It should be legal to punch advertisers in the face - just for being advertisers.

And things like "I don't have time to fuck around all day on the internet, scrolling through your endless amounts shit, that I don't need, don't want and did not go searching for."

Like I want to get on the net, look things up, spend as little time as possible doing it and then fuck off and do other things.

I do not like being embroiled in the shit created by complete and utter fuckwits...

So now instead of spending 10 minutes on Ebay - it's dragging out to like 30 to 40 minutes, of just having to wade through ALL of this fucking cram in the advertising crap on every products sale page....

I also HATE the banner adds, that slide sidewards - backwards and forwards, never pausing quite long enough to actually READ what they are saying...

The advertisers have fucked the internet - without Add Block Plus, Badger Privacy Blocker, Ghostery etc., the internet would be totally unuseable.

Yeah and fuck the creators of Google Chrome - on that score too. Firefox can have all this really great add blocking software added to it, but Chrome - no fucking way.... So you HAVE to endure more adds than Emelda Marcos has shoes - every day of the year... for things you don't want, don't need and didn't ask for...

Just fucking truckloads of ADVERTISING - every step of the way, in every page, in every website and then add on ALL the tracking and privacy violations etc...

The "legitimate cunts" are totally indistinguishable from the email spammers pushing their big dick pills....

It's the screaming competition amongst the screamers, about who can scream the loudest and the longest and the most often....

And all these fucking cunts do, as "a website improvement to provide a better customer relations experience", is MORE of it......

Like you know - "If I had of wanted it, I would have asked for it."

Like the spotty retards at McDonalds....

"Hi yeah, I would like ONE big mac." (A $5.60 thimble of shit)

"Would you like a Mac Crappy Meal to go with that?"

(Plus coke - which size, plus fries - which size, plus dessert - what type/s and which sizes, would you like it here or take away)

"No I just want the (fucking) hamburger."

Which loosely translated, means "Take the money, give me the hamburger, and just shut the fuck up - and quit wasting my time with your fucking sales pitch."

The endless stupid shit from endless stupid amounts of stupid people.

I was reminiscing about the post WW2 wave of Greek immigration to Melbourne and one of the starter business's was the Fish and Chip shop, run by the Greeks....

You could just walk in, "Two hamburgers with the lot, $5 worth of chips (not fucking FRIES), four potato cakes, 6 dim sims, and two pieces of flake."

And they go, "That will be $12.40"


"Sit over there, we will call you when it's cooked..."

I have absolutely come to hate McDonalds...

I miss my Greek fish and chip shop owners....

I really miss them and I want my fucking wogs back.....

I want people with fucking brains who can cook good food, instead of spotty retards squeezing "real cheese" out of a bottle, asking me if I want fries with that.

McDonalds can get fucked - with their shit food, high prices and IDIOT sales tactics.

Same with fucking Ebay....

I have had my tolerance with dumb cunts who incessantly intrude, with their crap into your life., pedalling things, you don't want, don't need and didn't ask for.

I am so sick of this totally fucking mental corporate mind fuck bullshit.

That trip, where I actually went to a McDonalds, I think was the last one I will ever make in my entire life.

I have had it up to here with Ebay...

I like the sellers, but I am so fucking fed up with that retarded American sales pitch bullshit....

They have always been fucking arseholes, but they just got greedy and with the change from 10 adds on a web page to 50 adds on a web pag, - they have just gotten worse.

Insufferably WORSE.

And life goes on.


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