Australian Christian Lobby - and the Liberal Party Love-In's

I fully support the Australian Christian Lobbies attacks on homosexuals, lezzos's trannies, transgender etc..

All I have to do to remember Christs message, that was originally the Code of Hammurubi (king of Babylon), which was plagarised by a bunch of dead beat goat herders, who declared them selves to be Jews - a master race, who wrote the first 6 or 8 books of the old testament - substantially or in part as direct derivatives of the Babylon laws...

And then some jew bastard son, of an incest god and a voyer angel (probably whacking off while watching), a cuckold god daughter / wife, and a retard husband, who never existed, was upheld by the retard gentiles (dirty non jews), as their own way to be a jew with a jew god, without actully having to be a jew, or follow the jew gods idiot rules from the plagarism based jew gods rule book, written by retards of the jew cult...

Well they say, the non existant love child from the incest god and cuckold mother, said, John 15:12 (etc) "Love one another; just as I have loved you". several hundred years after the event - from the certifiable non existent eye whitness's;

I just have to think of Jesus up in the olive grove with his disciples, drinking lots of wine and getting really friendly with each other....

The christian re-enactment group show us all what Jesus meant, when he said to his disciples, "Love me as I have loved you".

We should listen to the ministry of hate - and their bullshit propaganda, to love all men, like Jesus says to.

And ban all non christian man love, queers, poofters, lezzos, transgenders - because the authorities on the subject, from the Australian Christian Lobby - in direct telepathic communication, with their special jewish zombie friend in low earth orbit, giving spiritual guidance to the liberal party retards, said so...


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