I am totally fed up with NEW product coming with long expired "offers"

Updated April 26th 2016 - Mars has come out Lying and fighting by lying...

So beware the uneducated consumer - Mars Corporation Lies.

Read through to the end.....

The opening rounds:

An open letter to Mars Confectionery - makers of M & M's.

First - the pics of the packet and the fucking fine print.

2 for 1... Big promo on the front of the packet - nothing about when the offer begins and expires.... That is sleazy.

Oh wait - yes there is - on the back of the packet in writing, ONE POINT FIVE millimeters high, and black font, on a dark gray back ground....

Ohhhhhh that is just sooooooooo fucking tiny - like a bullshit Chinese manual on a postage stamp sized bit of paper, sized font.

You mean there is easily enough room on the back of the pack to double the FONT SIZE and still tell people bullshit like the average serving size is 25 grams....  and it's sugar content is 104 grams for every 200 gram packet......

Which to the average sugar addicted consumer, is like only being able to eat a level spoon of food from an all you can eat buffet......

And this, "25 grams serving size" kind of standing on your own head and pissing in your own face, dieticians advice (their dieticians advice), is supposed to make it all OK as part of a healthy life style... when eating the brightly packaged nutritional dog shit from the Mars Confectionary Co.

I mean unless your suffering impending liver failure from eating the shit that Mars markets, who in their sugar addicted mind, eats only 25 grams per day?

It's kind of like having 5 or 6 pokes out of an hour long fuck and saying, "Ohhhh that's enough for now... - we will pick up where we left off tomorrow.."

More sleazy mind fuck game playing marketing department bullshit.

And the "BEST BEFORE SEE BASE" - written on the back of the packet - what is this, a game of fucking Tetris?

Why is it not ON THE FRONT of the packet - and in ONE place?

You know it's no harder to print "Best Before Jan 2017" on the front of the packet - where there is plenty of fucking room to write it, than it is to print "BEST BEFORE SEE BASE" on the back of the packet and "BEST BEFORE 18 04 16" on the bottom of the packet.

The managers and retarded share holders mind game playing fucking arseholes.

My Letter to the managers of the Mars Co in Australia.


I bought a pack of peanut M&Ms today - the 28th of February, in my local store, based solely on the promotion of a 2 for 1 movie ticket offer.

And while the advertising loomed large on the front of the FRESHLY stocked lardfectionary section, it was not readily discernible upon any quick examination of the packet, any particular details of the offer it's self.

It was only when I got home and was able to find my reading glasses, and examine the fine print, on the back of the packet, in a FONT size of about 1.5mm high, that the offer had expired some 4 months ago, on the 31/10/2015.

I am rather pissed off that you don't have the integrity to state very clearly, on the front of the packet, in a suitably large font, when the beginning and end of the offer actually begins and ends, but resort to hiding the offer details in microscopic fine print on the back.

In fact I think this practise of over supply of the market, with product that is still arriving freshly on the shelves 4 months plus after the expiry of the offer, is a shifty marketing ploy.

That being said, I was planning to use the voucher to invite a friend to go and see Star Wars: The Force Awakens.

Since your marketing campaign is blatantly deceptive, and misleading, in lieu of the lack of up front information when the offer ends, on the front of the packet, I want you to arrange for a copy of the movie to be made available to me on DVD from JB Hi-Fi instead.



Well they did get back to me, and made me a free movie ticket type offer, only it came in the form of a $10 Coles shopping voucher, and a typical theatre ticket price is $17.....

I nailed them on that point too..... "You short changed me - so pay up the rest - thanks."

And they didn't......

Every scummy trick under the sun.....

So Fuck Mars, and they can stick their M&M's up their arses.


You see where these jokers fuck up, is that they can predict based upon seasonal variation, blah, blah, blah etc., over a long period of time, that they can gear their production to within about 5% of the consumption rate, for any particular month.

So if during the time of the offer, they would know that with variations etc., that typically consumers would be say purchasing 100,000 packs a month of this crap..... so they would be producing say 105,000 packs a month, just to keep a fairly small inventory on hand, and the availability through the entire supply chain.....

So given that they match their production and consumption rates fairly closely - and the "offer" of 2 tickets for the price of one, ran from 06 / 07 / 15 to the 31 / 10 / 2015 - and yet for "fresh product" to be hitting the shelves, 4 months or about 1/4 of a year AFTER the offer expires is a malignant marketing campaign.

So people see the BIG promo on the front of the pack, and figure that to be an inducement to buy the pack to get the "offer" and then get it home and then READ the microscopic FINE PRINT on the back of the packet and then go, "Awww - it's already finished, oh well too bad I guess..." and then just dismiss it.

But you have to think, with that promotion on the front of the packet saying "If you buy this product , you can get a 2 movie tickets for the price of 1, that would probably be sufficient leverage to gain a further 15 - 30% in sales, compared to similar items, without the offer.

So by over supplying the market, with the packages with the offer listed on it, so much so that they still have "FRESH PRODUCT" hitting the shelves 4 months AFTER the offer expires - OR - since the offer started 3 months before this, meaning that you would have to do market saturation, well in advance of the commencement of the offer, so in effect the "fresh product" - which should have been hitting the shelves for about a month or so BEFORE it actually started, AND then it still arriving on the shelves now, means that they have geared up to produce in volume, enough product with the promotional enhancement - beginning some 8 months prior to it arriving on the shelves as of yesterday.


As a side thought - the pack has it's ingredients list.

Rounding a 25 gram serving size up to 100 grams ( x 4 ) - because 100 is a nice figure to calculate with.

M&M peanuted junk food has

53 grams of sugar....

About 25 grams of fat......

Or 78% shit.

And they say on their site:


"Everybody has a voice...anybody can question the quality of any order. And the standard is very simple: put yourself in the position of the consumer, and if you wouldn’t be happy with what you’re going to give them, don’t give it to them"

OK - in deciphering the corporate bullshit speak, from retards who make Mars Bars - blocks of something like 70% sugar - if these arseholes were making Coca Cola to the same formula as the M & M's - each 2 litre bottle (about 2.2 Kg)  would have a over 1 KG of sugar in it....

If you eat one pack of this crap a week, for 10 weeks, your eating a Kilo of sugar. If you eat one pack of this crap a day, for 10 weeks, your eating 7 Kg of sugar.


So these lying fucks will feed you poison (sugar) by the ton and swindle you on the offers, by over supplying the market so the "apparent offer is still hitting the super market shelves for MONTHS after the offers expiry and then playing games in the fine print - by using THE fine print, as a caveat out of upholding their offer or their deceptive marketing techniques that drive up sales.

"Well it did say it on the (the back of the) pack (in the fine print) that the offer had expired.." which is as disingenious as smashing the flies on their faces with a cricket bat, because flies carry diseases, and then saying, "Well I only did it because I was concerned about your health and well being."

Do Youtube - toxic sugar - there is tons of quality medical evidence and food industry deceit / political corruption, that sugar is toxic.

Here is a quick historical overview.

In the following video:

The candida issues are not the problem,they are the symptom of the problem. Then need for probiotics -that could probably be quite helpful at least initially - but getting the sugar and the processed foods out of the diet, and going organic and lots of mostly green raw vegetables and freshly made vegetable juices - is a lot better, than eating sugar.

Did you know, that if the management of Mars, were stuck on a desert island, eating nothing but Mars bars and water, they would all be dead within a month - yet they chirped their sales strategy, "A Mars a day, helps you work, rest and play." to the public - which is total crap. The shit heads are lying to you, to make profit, while you die.

The lying and the bullshit - of them and their advertisers, and the TV stations, all making a buck from making people sick, by feeding them poison.

So let these fuckers eat all the Mars bars they want then, and nothing but their own toxic product.


As a foot note...

A historical and spelling lesson for yews.

REAL chocolate - the facts - RAW cacao (beans and ground up beans) is called that,  because it is raw. AFTER roasting the beans, it is then called COCO.

REAL chocolate - as in RAW organic cacao powder or beans, is a REALLY good healthy food - in it's own right. No gimmicky bullshit. It's a good nutritional product. It's FOOD.

Like I am totally against this "Miracle food of the month" bullshit.... because it has MORE to do with the marketing and vested self interests, that any genuine benefit - more like slick snake oil sales men...

Dangling their carrots of salvation and eternal life, in front of the eyes of a gullible public....

But there is a definite scale of REALLY good living, nutritional FOOD and a reasonably diverse range of foods, and at the other end, there is total crap - like Mars Bars and McDonalds etc...

The AMERICAN fast food industry is a criminal enterprise in it's own right.

"Cutting costs and maximising productivity and profit..."

 - so you get toxic growth hormone injected, antibiotic fed animals, raised in feed lots, fed GE corn grown with synthetic (oil derived) pesticides, fungicides, herbicides, fetilisers; on minerally deficient soils, subsidised by tax payers, funding raised by petroleum and chemical industry (Monsanto) industry lobbiests, to crooked politicians and judges (ex monsanto lawyers)

All running on oil, mostly stolen from other people in other countries, by declaring war on the the less "compliant" of them...

And when the oil supplies dry up, so does the American NON ORGANIC food supply..

But there is a really GOOD sweetener. 

Stevia extract - a white flour like powder.

The STEVIA powder, if bought in 100 gram lots or more, from Bio-Dynamics in Tasmania, is about the same as buying 30Kg of sugar - in terms of sweetness, without fucking your internal organs and teeth in the process.

It is REALLY good shit - in your food and drinks like coffee, and you don't get that biofilm of shit growing in your mouth, like  you do when you use sugar in your tea or coffee...

I have been buying and using it for 10 years.....

It's GOOD.

You have my personal recommendation and endorsement to go and buy this.


Stevia Powder - Pure White Extract (China)


40mg = about 1 teaspoon of sugar - so use something like a flat tooth pick to spoon it in... for an average 250ml cup...

REAL cacao powder spooned into a banana smoothie or whatever, with a bit of Stevia powder to sweeten it....

IS really good.....

A spoon of ground ginger powder in hot water - with a dab of stevia extract = really nice and cold - just like ginger ale...

REAL organic chocolate (cacao beans and powder) - is a GOOD food in it's own right....

It's nutritional and it's full of good stuff - 

Like lima beans, advocado and sushi etc....

The shit that Mars makes like M&M's and Mars Bars - ARE pure sugar and fat filled shit. I'd bet my bottom dollar that even the peanuts in them are not organic..... NO fucking way.

So that is the difference.


I have thrown in a mix of really good documentaries from scientific to awareness - as a consumer and a final coupe de grace` - people who refuse to get sicker and essentially reboot their whole systems - they all cross reference and validate each other... in a very complementary way.

They are ALL very good.

This is really good, scientific research into the global pandemic of sugar addiction and ALL of the diseases that come from eating it.

Uploaded on Jul 30, 2009
Watch "The Skinny on Obesity" with Dr. Lustig: http://www.uctv.tv/skinny-on-obesity
Robert H. Lustig, MD, UCSF Professor of Pediatrics in the Division of Endocrinology, explores the damage caused by sugary foods. He argues that fructose (too much) and fiber (not enough) appear to be cornerstones of the obesity epidemic through their effects on insulin. Series: UCSF Mini Medical School for the Public [7/2009] [Health and Medicine] [Show ID: 16717]

More UCTV videos about sugar: http://www.uctv.tv/sugar
Dr. Lustig's book (comes out Dec 27, 2012), "Fat Chance: Beating the Odds Against Sugar, Processed Food, Obesity, and Disease": http://www.amazon.com/Fat-Chance-Beat...

Published on Oct 18, 2013
(Visit: http://www.uctv.tv/) Dr. Robert Lustig, UCSF Division of Pediatric Endocrinology, updates his very popular video "Sugar: The Bitter Truth." He argues that sugar and processed foods are driving the obesity epidemic, which in turn affects our endocrine system. Series: "UCSF Osher Center for Integrative Medicine presents Mini Medical School for the Public" [10/2013] [Health and Medicine] [Show ID: 25641]

And these two are REALLY good....

The Truth about sugar.. BBC.

Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead is a 2010 American documentary film which follows the 60-day journey of Australian Joe Cross across the United States as he follows a juice fast to regain his health under the care of Dr. Joel Fuhrman, Nutrition Research Foundation's Director of Research.

Cross and Robert Mac, co-creators of the film, both serve on the Nutrition Research Foundation's Advisory Board. Following his fast and the adoption of a plant-based diet, Cross states in a press release that he lost 100 pounds and discontinued all medications.

During his road-trip Cross meets Phil Staples, a morbidly obese truck driver from Sheldon, Iowa, in a truck stop in Arizona and inspires him to try juice fasting.

A sequel to the first film, Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead 2, was released in 2014

Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead - Official Film

Embedding not allowed - gotta jump the links folks - trust me, it's worth it.



As a result of my sticking it to them, the sleazy shits at Mars (punch heads in for being sleazy stupid arseholes) have created a "food revolution" (lies) by playing word games (lying) and in essence, changing nothing at fucking all, about their products, that are FILLED with sugar.

A few citations and a few counter points.


Clear, Meaningful Product Information

We believe in helping people make the right choices for themselves, their families and their pets by providing clear and meaningful information about the ingredients we use in our products. All our retail products bear ingredient statements so consumers know what is in them.

Yes but it's in tiny microscopic writing on the far side of the pack, down at the very bottom.....


Mars Food Labeling of Meals for “Occasional” Consumption

Some of Mars Food products contain higher levels of added sugar, salt or fat content to ensure an authentic taste. As such, these products are not meant for everyday consumption. We are proud to be one of the first global food companies to commit to provide guidance to consumers on-pack and on our brand websites, regarding how often these “occasional” meal offerings should be consumed within a balanced diet. Over the next five years, you will see new labeling on our “occasional” food products. The new labeling will indicate how often it is recommended you consume these products, based on how long it takes the body to restore balance after eating these meals. For many of these products, it is recommended that you only consume them in your family meals once per week.

Providing Healthy Meal Options

The Mars Food Nutrition Criteria — based on nutrition guidance from the World Health Organization and other leading public health authorities — guide us in making our products healthier. Using these criteria, over the next five years, we are reducing sodium, added sugar and fat in many of our products and are adding more vegetables, fruits and whole grains.

Including Nutrition Labeling on Our Products

99 percent of our products globally include front-of-pack nutrition labeling to help consumers easily find information about the amount of calories, sodium, sugar, total fat, and saturated fat in a serving. In our portfolio we offer “occasional meals” that are formulated in line with authentic recipes and may have higher levels of added sugar, sodium, or fat. Over the next five years, we will provide guidance on-pack and on our website regarding how often these products should be consumed within a balanced diet.

Yeah so the shit heads at the Mars Corp. mean by making food that is so toxic, that you can't eat it, so there for, it's NOT food, it's a toxin, so by playing word games, by saying that it's OK if you only eat it occasionally, that makes it OK....

And by "stating" that leading authorities guide us in our nutritional issues, is both saying that the management of Mars Corp, are a lying, bunch of imbecillic cunts, that despite having legions of food scientists on hand, they can't pick the difference between dog shit and salad sandwiches, so they have to get guidance from outside sources - and mind you, that is not mandated, healthy food, it's only "guidance"...

So they fuck up on that score too.

And taking FIVE FUCKING YEARS, to get around to modifying the packaging.....

Get fucked you lying arseholes.....

So dear consumers, you must take the same mean spirited approach to these life stealers, these murderers for quick profit at Mar's Corp, and their money grubbing terds at the advertising agencies and media services, with their poisoned food and toxic confectionary, as these people in the store, do to the thieves. 

And a good beating, can be physical, financial, complaints to the TV stations, tribunals, suing them, etc., etc., etc....

Thinking of the people in the Mars Corp, as Nazies, as their food is poison in your body, as is their Zyklon B is poison in your air, will help.

Let the beatings commence.


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