Picking on the Toaster Oven brigade - for fundamentally SHIT design.

I have had a bug up my arse for the Mistral brand for a long time....

Cheap, Cheap, Cheap and NASTY....

The retards in their marketing dept bought up a whole heap of shit cheap vacuum cleaners, that were as LOUD as all fuck - like a big 2000W screamer circular saw - had to wear ear plugs to use it...

(is that a hint?)

The wand was a plastic 2 piece tube, that flexed like a drinking straw, and was so short, that you had to be under 1.5 meters or 5' tall to use it, otherwise you were stooping almost to waist level.

And you could only suck dry rice off a concrete floor with it, as trying to drive it across carpet - the "wand" or the two piece plastic drinking straw, would bend and could bend to the point of buckling - quite easily....

Because it was such a piece of shit, they dumped it wholesale on the market, via Kmart, for a bottom dollar price....

And when I contacted them about this - to get a proper wand - made of metal and of an adequate length - like what Hoover supply, the retarded fat bitch in the Mistral office - instead of fixing the fucking issue of them dumping totally unsuitable product on the market, told me to take it back where I purchased it from.... all of 140Km away - for a refund.

So I stuck to my guns over that... 

Add on a HUGE fuck you to the management of Kmart for their part in dumping this crap on the market for a buck too......

What you mean you dumb fucks who run Kmart NEVER tested one of these "Oh me fucking ears are ringing - Ohhhhhhhh that is sooo loud! - and the wand? LOL - what a joke - this is bullshit - you can't vaccum up anything with that". 

Or they did and said, "Fuck it - the reject price of $25 each and selling them at $80 each? PROFIT! = sell them anyway..."

So a few raids on an opp shop or two later....

I got my alumium wand, and made that fit, and I just used ear plugs when I used it.

Despite it's principle faults, it did suck really well - and it was all plastic, making it rot and rust proof....

But it was designed by fuckwits.....  who knew nothing about nice shapely aerodynamic ports, etc...

And what got up my arse was that it was so fucking obvious that it was a BADLY designed unit for consumer use - noisy as fuck, short wand, etc., that it should never have been purchased from China in the first place.....

So to the issue of TOASTER OVENS

And picking on the idiots in Mistral some more.

(and pretty much ALL of them, because they are designed by fuckwits too).

I came across a toaster oven for $5 at a garage sale, even though they had no garages for sale..... AND I figured, well for cooking SMALL amounts of food - it makes a LOT more sense to cook inside this, than the full sized "Domestic Electric Cooking Range sized oven".

And proportionally - the electricity consumption should be so much less.

** Like the 250W bottom electric element should heat up, bring the internal temperature to say 110*C, hold for a minute, and then switch off for the next four minutes... and then back on for a minute...

Just like an electric urn when set to heating the water just under boiling point....

Not so...


Why "Not So"?

You see there is an issue called "Electricity + LOW efficiency = LOTS OF MONEY to run the fucking thing."

And here we go into the issue of thermodynamics and insulation and why - proportionally speaking, these are so badly made, which leads to astronomical running costs.

You see what we more or less have, is an electrical heating element, surrounded by a thin sheet steel box, which then has wires and timers and switches etc., added to it, and this is all wrapped up in another thin sheet steel box, and it has a single layer glass door on the front.

It's cheap, it's light, it costs fuck all to make, and it's a piece of shit.

And although they heat the food, the space inside, essentially passes all the heat inside, straight through the walls, to the outside.

It's exactly the same as sitting in a fan heater, in a cold house, in a cold breeze, with all the windows and doors open.

What ever heat is created, isn't concentrated and contained in the building - it just goes straight out to atmosphere.

And not one of these lazy fucking fuckers - through the entire chain, from designer, manufacturer, distributor, wholesaler, retailer, and even the typical half witted consumer, ever thinks, "Oh fuck - IF am cooking the food on the inside, why is the casing on the outside, so fucking hot?"


"Why does only 10c in the dollar of all the electricity used, actually go to heating up the food, and the other 90c in the dollar, go to heating up the atmosphere - as it escapes from the cooking compartment?"


"Why is the element ALWAYS on?"


"If say a food product takes 100 units of energy to heat it, why has the toaster oven used 1800 units of energy just to heat it?"

While an air layer between the casing, is in a sense, an insulating layer, that kind of thermodynamics and insulation issues, only really count in metal melting furnaces, between layers of refractory bricks at 1500*C, and they have an air gap between the layers of bricks...

The thin layer of air between the casings of a toaster oven, really doesn't do fuck all in terms of keeping the heat inside the toaster oven - it's more of a path for convective heat losses by transfer than anything; and

Given that a DECENT small toaster oven REALLY FUCKING SHOULD, be thickly lined, with a suitable insulator, and a double fronted glass door;

Doesn't excuse anyone from not doing it, given how wasteful of power it really is; and

a) It's a point where consumers ought to be educated and

b) Designers, manufacturers and retailers ought to be beaten up, and

c) Legislators, enforce compliance for only allowing toaster ovens onto the market that have very effective insulation.

As it stands - ALL the fuckwits in succession, all buy a cheap shit toaster oven for say $25. If that is using 500W on average, for 3 hours a day, at 40c a Kwh, that comes to 60c a day in power consumption.

Multiply that by say 300 days per year - and that is $180 worth of power.

But then multiply that over 10 years, that is $1800 of power consumed. 

Well a properly built toaster oven  - because of it's size, and with really good insulation and a double fronted glass door, should use only about 1/4 of the power - if that.

Insulating mineral wool boards and panels are comparatively cheap...

Vermiculite and Pearlite filling is cheap.......

Aerated powdered clays are cheap.

Foamed gypsum plasters are cheap.

Foamed and aerated silicones are cheap.

Aerogels are cheap.... 

Inserting moulded blocks or cut sheets of thermal insulator into the current designs is relatively easy...

Simple redesigns that incorporate insulation are cheap and easy.......

So the properly insulated toaster oven that ought to cost no more than $10 to $15 more, would use about $45 worth of power in a year, and $450 in 10 years.

Then multiply this by 100 million homes, houses, workshops, units and globally - you have incredibly small amounts of power being used, and used in the most efficient way possible.

But as it NOW stands, shit loads of incredibly wasteful crap gets created, it uses up staggering amounts of power, and then gets thrown out to land fill.... and for fucking what?

But that is what this WHOLE entire chain - the bottom dollar, cut corners, cheap skate bullshit trip creates.

When you aim for the lowest possible purchase price, instead of a universally agreed minimum quality standard, this is what you get.

So when you get the fuck hole retailers, advertising "Buy, buy, buy, incredible discounts on Blah, blah, blah - and Wank Dick Toaster Ovens for only $19.99" and you you get fucking STUPID consumers running down there to buy it because it's 30% cheaper than ScumSuckers, the low cost bargain store, then your buying something that costs 900 times to run it, than what it was worth to buy, over ten years, than the $40 unit with all the really good insulation, that will cost $450 to run over the next 10 years....

I mean this is why designers should be punched in the face - for being such fucking retards, and everyone in the entire supply chain, should be beaten for being such retards.

Generally speaking, you the consumer, are both the cause and creator of this crap, and the entire industry is created upon catering to idiots.

Stop being fuckwit consumers and START being assertive purchasers - and aim higher for higher standards, and better products and make the effort to drive the crap products, the crap retailers, the crap distributors, the crap wholesalers, and the crap importers and the crap manufacturers off the market place.

Start telling them, "If you don't start selling 10 star rated products, instead of this 1 star garbage - I am never going to buy any of your CRAP products again."

Ring them, contact them, speak with sales people, the  store managers, the area managers and keep shoving it up the line to the designers and manufacturers.

Hassle the fuck out of the brand name suppliers.....

High Cost, bottom dollar garbage is no longer good enough!

So I am going to gut my idiot MISTRAL brand toaster oven - throw in different switches, including thermal ones, rewire the heating elements in series to reduce their temperature - and giving the an almost infinite service life, formulate some highly insulating low-ish temperature refractory insulation, and add a double glass front to it - that has a 6mm air gap between the panes....

And given the limitations of the current case design, I think I can drop it's power consumption to about 30% of what it currently is, to cook the food, instead of dumping heat to the atmosphere.

So the upper temperature is say 130*C, and it has a thermal switch, just like an electric urn... and it will run for 1 minute out of every 5...

And nearly ALL the heat from the element goes into heating the food..

If I was to design and build from scratch I could get it to about 15% of the power consumption, that the retarded scum sucking shit at Mistral put on the market.

And I reckon I could design and build a unit, that retails for about no more than 30% of what they retail theirs for.


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