CALTEX - American Criminalo
Yesterday I was toodling around Melbourne Australia, after not having "been there" for some 10 or so years - and it's all changed.
One of the most significant "cultural branding changes" was that there was an almost complete absence of fuel distributors, aside from CALTEX - over most of the state of Victoria.... and a few BP's sprinkled amongst them.
And one of the really fucking interesting things is that being an American oil company - they don't sell ethanol blended fuels like E10 and E85.
Out of perhaps 20 or so CALTEX fuel stations - most of them looking reasonably new etc., not one of them even sold E10 - up to 10% Ethanol Fuel.
Nope just crude oil based fuel, stolen from all the dead people they murdered by the millions around the planet - with the arse licking Australian government supplying tax payer funded weaponry to help kill a shit load more people - the locked in fuel supply system.
In fact out of ALL the American Based fuel suppliers / retailers like Safeway, BP, Shell, etc., etc., - The ONLY fuel supplier I have come across that supplies E10 is United.
The rest of them are "Oh yeah, yeah, yeah - Oh Bio-Fuels, Oh awesome, Great Idea... Save the environment, yeah, yeah, yeah.." -
But the lying arse fuckers are not putting it on tap at their servo's....
This is the team of bozos that are the current bored of directors of Caltex in Australia...
Board of Directors
Greig Gailey Chairman and Independent, Non-executive Director
Appointed: 11 December 2007
Appointed Chairman: 10 December 2015
Board Committees:
Human Resources Committee (Chairman), Audit Committee, Nomination Committee, and OHS & Environmental Risk Committee
Appointed Chairman: 10 December 2015
Human Resources Committee (Chairman), Audit Committee, Nomination Committee, and OHS & Environmental Risk Committee
Julian Segal Managing Director & CEO
Appointed: 1 July 2009
Julian joined Caltex from Incitec Pivot Limited, a leading global chemicals company, where he served as the Managing Director & CEO from June 2005 to May 2009.
Trevor Bourne Independent, Non-executive Director
Appointed: 2 March 2006
Board Committees:
OHS & Environmental Risk Committee (Chairman), Audit Committee, Human Resources Committee and Nomination Committee.
Steven GreggIndependent, Non-executive Director
Appointed: 9 October 2015
Board Committees:
Nomination Committee
Nomination Committee
Bruce Morgan Independent, Non-executive Director
Appointed: 29 June 2013
Board Committees:
Audit Committee (Chairman), Human Resources Committee, Nomination Committee and OHS & Environmental Risk Committee
Audit Committee (Chairman), Human Resources Committee, Nomination Committee and OHS & Environmental Risk Committee
Barbara Ward Independent, Non-executive Director
Appointed: 1 April 2015
Board Committees:
Audit Committee, Human Resources Committee, Nomination Committee and OHS & Environmental Risk Committee
Audit Committee, Human Resources Committee, Nomination Committee and OHS & Environmental Risk Committee
Penny WinnIndependent, Non-executive Director
Appointed: 1 November 2015
Board Committees:
Nomination Committee
These are the losers composing it's Executive Leadership Team
Julian SegalManaging Director & CEO
Appointed: 1 July 2009
Julian joined Caltex from Incitec Pivot Limited, a leading global chemicals company, where he served as the Managing Director & CEO from June 2005 to May 2009.
Simon Hepworth Chief Financial Officer
Simon was appointed to this position in 1999. He joined Ampol in 1996, after 10 years with Arthur Andersen. He is responsible for Finance, Accounting and Decision Support, Treasury, Taxation, Investor Relations, Information Technology and Procurement.
Bruce RosengartenExecutive General Manager, Commercial
Bruce joined Caltex in December 2013 with over 30 years of executive experience.
Bruce spent 10 years at Shell, holding senior executive roles in Australia, regionally across Asia Pacific and the Middle East and on a global basis.
Andrew BrewerExecutive General Manager, Supply Chain Operations
Andrew was appointed to this position in April 2014. He is an experienced senior executive in the energy and resources sector. Commencing his career as a professional electrical engineer, Andrew has held leadership roles in engineering, project management, maintenance, reliability, operations, business strategy, planning and general management.
Adam RitchieExecutive General Manager, Supply
Adam was appointed to this position in April 2015 and is responsible for ensuring competitive and reliable product supply for Caltex.
Adam is an Australian executive with a distinguished international career, having more than 20 years of experience in the oil industry.
Peter LimExecutive General Manager, Legal and Corporate Affairs
Peter joined Caltex in June 2006.
Peter is head of the Caltex Legal, Secretariat, Internal Audit, Government Affairs, Corporate Communications and Media teams.
Simon WillshireExecutive General Manager, Human Resources
Simon joined Caltex in 2006.
He has more than 30 years of experience in Human Resources management with Shell, BHP, Levi Strauss and United Technologies Corporation. These roles
have been in Australia, Asia and Europe.
And all these fucking bullshit speaking arseholes - well this is what they say about supplying bio-fuels and bio-fuel blends.
Caltex (Who the fuck is Caltex?) believes biofuels can play a significant role in reducing greenhouse gas emissions and providing long- term solutions to climate change.That's why we are a leading supplier of biofuels to Australian motorists today and why we support policies made by Australian governments to increase the use of biofuels. (Except it's never supplied)
Over 400 Caltex branded service stations currently supply biofuels blends to customers across eastern Australia (In Ommpa Loompa Land). This includes Bio E10 Unleaded, Bio E-Flex and B2 biodiesel blends. We also sell B5 and B20 to commercial customers in selected states.
Caltex Bio E10 Unleaded is a unique blend of Caltex unleaded petrol with up to 10% ethanol, while Bio E-Flex is a blend of up to 85% ethanol specifically designed for flex-fuel vehicles. Our biodiesel blends, B2, B5 and B20 consist of diesel blended with biodiesel, which is made from used cooking oil, canola oil and tallow.
Ethanol is a renewable fuel made from molasses, wheat starch or sorghum, not crude oil. Ethanol helps reduce greenhouse gas emissions compared with petrol as it generates fewer emissions over its full lifecycle including the growing of crops, manufacturing the ethanol, transporting it to the pumps and using it in your vehicle. Pure ethanol is estimated by CSIRO to result in 18 to 46 percent less greenhouse gas emissions than petrol on a full lifecycle basis.
Caltex is committed to sourcing biofuels produced sustainably. Current biofuels production in Australia does not create any significant conflicts between food and fuel uses of crops, unlike some countries overseas.
Caltex prefers to support Australian farmers and industry; favouring biofuels produced from locally grown feedstocks. Australian biofuels producers use waste and by-products, or have developed co-production processes that generate both food and fuel.
Caltex sources its ethanol from producers in NSW and Queensland. This ethanol is made from renewable sources such as waste starch from the processing of wheat, molasses from sugar production and sorghum, which is grown for ethanol manufacture and stock feed.
Caltex sources its biodiesel from producers in NSW, South Australia and Victoria. Australian biodiesel is made from used cooking oil, tallow and some crops such as canola and mustard seed. Caltex does not use biodiesel produced from palm oil feedstocks.
Most new and many older model vehicles can run on E10 without compromising the manufacturer's warranty or affecting vehicle durability or operation. Motorists can check their car's compatibility with E10 fuel at
Caltex is taking steps to meet the New South Wales Government's ethanol mandate, which currently requires the equivalent of 60% of the volume of unleaded petrol sold in the state to be E10 (a 6% ethanol mandate).
A 2% biodiesel mandate, rising to 5% as supply becomes available, has also been legislated.
But the suppliers of Unicorn Shit from Mount Olympus being the likes of Texaco - are all selling dead body and corporate war supplied fuel....
"One dead Iraqi for every tank full... Awesome - and it's so cheap too."
Liars, cheats and murderers....
Remember "The war on Iraq" - George W. Bush and Condaleeza Rice - Dick Head Cheney..
Well Caltex is the same company, as Texaco, Chevron; and Exxon Mobile - well they are such a bunch of outright shit - it's really hard to even tell them apart.
How these fuckers work:
"Given the close political relations between the oil companies and their governments, it should be no surprise to find close ties at the personal level binding companies and governments together. The career of Allen Dulles serves as a case in point. He began as a US diplomat in the Middle East and rose to be chief of the Near East section of the State Department. In the early 1920s, he led the campaign to win US oil firms' participation in Iraq. Later he served as a corporate lawyer at Sullivan and Cromwell, New York's leading counsel for the oil industry. After wartime intelligence service, he was named head of the CIA by President Eisenhower. As CIA chief, he arranged for the overthrow of Mossadegh, winning a place in Iran's rich oil fields for US firms. In every assignment he consistently served company interests.21
Max Thornberg came to the US State Department as senior petroleum advisor in 1941, directly from Bahrein Petroleum, a joint venture of Standard Oil of California. Thornberg operated nearly independently of his government superiors. He continued to receive his company salary, informed company executives of private government meetings and actively promoted company proposals. He apparently could not conceive of a conflict of interest. Having worked in the industry his whole life, he thought of industry goals and those of the US government as being identical.22
The administration of President George W. Bush represents an especially close set of personal ties between the oil companies and the government – at the very highest level. The president and his father were both longtime industry insiders from Texas and chief executives of their own oil companies. Other oil figures at the top of the administration include Vice President Dick Cheney, former CEO of Halliburton, the nation's largest oil-services company, and National Security Advisor Condolezza Rice, a former director of Chevron Texaco, after whom the company named one of its supertankers. These very visible figures give the administration its peculiarly strong oil flavor.
In the earliest days of the administration, they promoted a number of striking industry-favorable policy decisions, such as the rejection of the Kyoto Treaty on global warming, the ouster of the head of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, and the elaboration of a strongly pro-oil national energy plan."
In the earliest days of the administration, they promoted a number of striking industry-favorable policy decisions, such as the rejection of the Kyoto Treaty on global warming, the ouster of the head of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, and the elaboration of a strongly pro-oil national energy plan."
So read on.
By James A. Paul
Global Policy ForumNovember 2003
Iraq: the Struggle for Oil (August 2002)
Oil in Iraq: the Heart of the Crisis (December 2002)
The Iraq Oil Bonanza: Estimating Future Profits (January 28, 2004)
Oil in Iraq: the Heart of the Crisis (December 2002)
The Iraq Oil Bonanza: Estimating Future Profits (January 28, 2004)
The United States and the United Kingdom did not wage war on Iraq for the officially stated reasons. That much is obvious. The world's superpower and its key ally were not acting because they feared the Iraqi government's weapons of mass destruction or its ties with the terrorist group al-Qaeda. Nor were they fighting to bring democracy to the Middle East, a region where the two governments had long supported reactionary monarchs and odious dictators, including Iraqi president Saddam Hussein himself.
It is time, then, to set aside the sterile discussions about "intelligence failures" and to consider a deeper reason for the conflict. This paper will argue that the war was primarily a "war for oil" in which large, multinational oil companies and their host governments acted in secret concert to gain control of Iraq's fabulous oil reserves and to gain leverage over other national oil producers.
In arguing for the primacy of oil, we do not imply that other factors were not at play. The imperial dreams of the neo-con advisors in Washington contributed to the final outcome, as did the re-election strategies of the political operatives in the White House. But the Iraq war did not emerge solely from the Bush administration. As we shall see, it involved both London and Washington, through the course of many governments. And it emerged from a decades-long effort by the world's largest companies to appropriate the planet's most lucrative natural resource deposits.
Several elements contribute to make the case for an oil war: the enormous, long-term political influence of the oil companies, the close personal ties between the companies and their host governments, the long history of prior conflicts and wars over Iraqi oil, and the enormous potential profitability of the Iraqi fields. To consider the evidence, and answer the questions of skeptics, we must begin by reviewing the companies' power and influence over a period of many decades. Later, we will turn to the immediate events leading up to the 2003 war itself.
Companies' Great Size & Global Presence
By the early 20th Century, when most business firms were relatively small by modern standards and purely national in scope, Standard Oil and Royal Dutch Shell were already global companies that controlled a worldwide network of production and distribution. By 1911, they held rich production fields in the Dutch East Indies (today's Indonesia), Romania, Russia, the United States, Venezuela and Mexico, as well as refineries, pipelines, rail cars, tankers, storage depots and other facilities in dozens of countries. Standard Oil alone had a fleet of nearly 100 ships.1
Large as they were a century ago, the oil companies have since grown mightily, due to worldwide collusion in production and pricing and to fierce backing by their host governments. For decades, the so-called "Seven Sisters," all of them firms based in the US or the UK, dominated the industry and ruled the global oil market through a tightly-knit cartel. Though nationalizations by producer countries in the 1970s dealt a serious blow to these firms, they continued to dominate the oil industry through control over the"downstream" end of the business -- transport, refining, petrochemicals, and marketing -- while building new production facilities in more friendly locations.2
Today, a wave of mergers has given the successor companies a new and unprecedented scale, reducing the major firms to just five. In 2003, annual revenues of the leader, ExxonMobil, were an astonishing $247 billion.3 By way of comparison, Exxon's revenue is vastly greater than such well-known international companies as Walt Disney ($25 billion) and Coca Cola ($19 billion) and it is larger than the revenues of 185 national governments, including Brazil, Canada, Spain, Sweden and the Netherlands. Only the world's six richest countries – the US, Japan, Germany, France, Italy and the UK – had revenues above this level. 4
Among the world's fifteen largest corporations listed in the 2002 "Fortune Global 500," five were oil companies. After US-based Exxon came the UK giants Shell and British Petroleum (BP), the mammoth French firm Total, and the huge US-based Chevron. Compared to the large automakers, with their anemic profits, the oil companies stand out among the world's biggest corporations for their high profitability. In 2001 (and again in 2003), Exxon earned the world's highest profits. In 2003, its earnings reached a record $22 billion, more than General Motors, Ford, DaimlerChrysler and Toyota taken together.5
Oil, Economy & Warfare
To understand the special "national security" status enjoyed by the oil companies, we must first consider oil's economic importance and then its central role in war. Oil provides nearly all the energy for transportation (cars, trucks, buses airplanes, and many railroad engines). Oil also has an important share of other energy inputs – it heats many buildings and fuels industrial and farm equipment, for example. Overall, oil has a 40% share in the US national energy budget. Beyond energy, oil provides lubrication and it is an essential feedstock for plastics, paint, fertilizers and pharmaceuticals. Sometime in the future, the world may switch to renewable energy and other non-oil inputs, but oil now reigns as the indispensable ingredient of the modern economy. For this reason, governments are nervous about their national oil supply.6
Modern warfare particularly depends on oil, because virtually all weapons systems rely on oil-based fuel – tanks, trucks, armored vehicles, self-propelled artillery pieces, airplanes, and naval ships. For this reason, the governments and general staffs of powerful nations seek to ensure a steady supply of oil during wartime, to fuel oil-hungry military forces in far-flung operational theaters.
Such governments view their companies' global interests as synonymous with the national interest and they readily support their companies' efforts to control new production sources, to overwhelm foreign rivals, and to gain the most favorable pipeline routes and other transportation and distribution channels. "One of our greatest helpers has been the State Department," mused John D. Rockefeller, founder of Standard Oil in his 1909 book, Random Reminiscences of Men and Events. "Our ambassadors and ministers and consuls have aided to push our way into new markets in the utmost corners of the world."7
The oil industry gained its crucial role in military affairs during World War I. In the run-up to the war, the world's navies converted from coal to oil-fired ships, because of significant advantages in speed and range of operation. The war also marked the first military uses of the automobile, truck, tank and airplane. Belligerents on both sides faced severe oil shortages, but the Allies eventually gained the upper hand with vastly greater supplies. Lord Curzon, a member of the British War Cabinet, concluded that "the Allied cause has floated to victory upon a wave of oil."8
Government policy makers give the highest priority to oil matters during wartime, as many historical studies show. Japanese and German officials made desperate efforts to gain oil sources during World War II while US and British leaders did their utmost to deny them this resource. But even allies could be bitter oil rivals. In many wartime meetings and cables, President Franklin Roosevelt and Prime Minister Winston Churchill wrangled over their countries' respective post-war shares of Middle East oil reserves.9
After the war, George Kennan, Director of the US State Department's Policy Planning Division, reacted with unbridled enthusiasm at US oil companies' primacy (to the exclusion of Britain) in the newly-discovered Saudi Arabia fields. The United States, he wrote, had just acquired "the greatest material prize in world history."10
Oil Rents, Corruption & Conflict
Just as governments like the US and the UK need oil companies to secure fuel for their global war-making capacity, so the oil companies need their governments' military power to secure control over global oilfields and transportation routes. It is no accident, then, that the world's largest oil companies are located in the world's most powerful countries.
Power has primacy in the oil business, because of the incomparable value of key fields. Production costs vary widely from one place to another, leading to intense competition for the lowest-cost locations. The difference between cost and sales price is so large that economists sometimes refer to the gap as a "rent" – an extraordinary profit enjoyed by a producer with a unique market advantage.11
All producer companies want to gain control of such lucrative profits, by fair means or foul. Company rivalry typically leads beyond ordinary market-based competition. As many studies show, companies and their sponsor governments do not shrink from backing dictatorial governments, using bribery and corruption, promoting civil violence and even resorting to war, to meet their commercial goals and best their competitors.12 The modern history of the Middle East bears witness to this process.
In one notorious example, US intelligence services recruited in 1959 a young Iraqi thug named Saddam Hussein to take part in the assassination of Iraqi Prime Minister Abd el-Karim Qasim. Washington feared that the nationalist Qasim might act independently and alter the favorable terms under which their oil companies operated.13
A few years earlier, in 1953, the CIA engineered a coup in Iran, overthrowing the democratic government of Mohammed Mossadegh and installing the autocratic Shah, in order to gain control over Iranian oil and redistribute British production shares to US companies.14
A recent court case in France, involving high officials of the national oil company Elf Aquitaine, provides a glimpse of more recent operations in this world of oil intrigue and covert competition between the giant companies. The case revealed bribes, espionage, sexual favors, arms smuggling, civil strife and plots to overthrow governments, all with the complicity of French military and intelligence services as well as politicians at the highest levels.
These actions had a terrible effect on a number of oil-producing countries, mostly in Africa. They spread malfeasance, corruption and anti-democratic practices in France as well. 15
Special Government Favors and "National Security"
Those who deny oil company complicity in the Iraq War always insist that the companies have little political influence, that they are "out of the loop" in Washington, that they are just one industry group among many others. These arguments are utterly false. The oil companies have always enjoyed "insider" privileges with the US and UK governments, resulting in many unique favors in the name of "national security."
The United States government offers the companies extremely favorable tax treatment, including the "oil depletion allowance" and "intangible drilling costs" – far more than the ordinary capital depreciation available to other companies. In 1960, at the behest of the National Security Council, the international companies obtained the lucrative "foreign tax credit," enabling deductions for taxes or royalties paid to foreign governments. In 1974, while the US corporate tax rate was 48%, the nineteen largest oil companies paid a tax rate of only 7.6%.16
The companies have also enjoyed unofficial immunity from anti-trust or anti-monopoly laws. Though the US government knew for decades about the international oil cartel, federal authorities took no enforcement action until 1952, when President Harry Truman ordered a criminal anti-trust suit.
The companies mobilized all their legal and political muscle to quash the case. General Omar Bradley, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, reportedly approached the President and successfully urged that the "national security" required a softening of the government's legal stance. Shortly afterwards, the National Security Council decided on various limitations to the suit that further weakened the government's case.
Though the judicial process lumbered on for fifteen years, the oil companies had nothing to fear and remained safely protected by the national security umbrella. Today, after a decade of mega-mergers, the companies still escape anti-trust scrutiny.17
US military/security policy has served the oil companies as comprehensively as have the tax and legal rulings. Virtually every US presidential security doctrine since World War II has aimed at protecting company interests in the oil-rich Persian Gulf. The Truman Doctrine, the Eisenhower Doctrine, and the Nixon, Carter, and Reagan Doctrines all asserted Washington's special concerns in the Gulf and arrogated to the United States special rights to "protect" or "defend" the area. Recently-released secret papers show that during the oil crisis and Arab oil embargo of 1973, Washington seriously considered sending a military strike force to seize some of the region's richest fields – in Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and Abu Dhabi.18
In 1979, President Jimmy Carter set up the US Central Command, a permanent military force designed to intervene in the Middle East on short notice. Presidents have expanded and strengthened this force several times since. Headquartered in Florida, but with a number of bases in the Middle East, the command maintains pre-positioned supplies and heavy weapons at Diego Garcia in the Indian Ocean and it can call on strike aircraft units, global satellite intelligence, cruise missiles, rapidly deployable ground troops and carrier-based naval fleets.19
In testimony to Congress in 1999, General Anthony C. Zinni, commanding officer of the Central Command, affirmed the importance of the Persian Gulf region, with its huge oil reserves. It is a "vital interest" of "long standing," he said, and the United States "must have free access to the region's resources."20
Close Personal Ties between Companies and Governments
Given the close political relations between the oil companies and their governments, it should be no surprise to find close ties at the personal level binding companies and governments together. The career of Allen Dulles serves as a case in point. He began as a US diplomat in the Middle East and rose to be chief of the Near East section of the State Department. In the early 1920s, he led the campaign to win US oil firms' participation in Iraq. Later he served as a corporate lawyer at Sullivan and Cromwell, New York's leading counsel for the oil industry. After wartime intelligence service, he was named head of the CIA by President Eisenhower. As CIA chief, he arranged for the overthrow of Mossadegh, winning a place in Iran's rich oil fields for US firms. In every assignment he consistently served company interests.21
Max Thornberg came to the US State Department as senior petroleum advisor in 1941, directly from Bahrein Petroleum, a joint venture of Standard Oil of California. Thornberg operated nearly independently of his government superiors. He continued to receive his company salary, informed company executives of private government meetings and actively promoted company proposals. He apparently could not conceive of a conflict of interest. Having worked in the industry his whole life, he thought of industry goals and those of the US government as being identical.22
The administration of President George W. Bush represents an especially close set of personal ties between the oil companies and the government – at the very highest level. The president and his father were both longtime industry insiders from Texas and chief executives of their own oil companies. Other oil figures at the top of the administration include Vice President Dick Cheney, former CEO of Halliburton, the nation's largest oil-services company, and National Security Advisor Condolezza Rice, a former director of Chevron Texaco, after whom the company named one of its supertankers. These very visible figures give the administration its peculiarly strong oil flavor. In the earliest days of the administration, they promoted a number of striking industry-favorable policy decisions, such as the rejection of the Kyoto Treaty on global warming, the ouster of the head of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, and the elaboration of a strongly pro-oil national energy plan.
In the UK, close ties likewise bind companies and successive governments together, The government even held a majority stake in BP, with seats on the board, until 1987. By contrast to the United States, where the oil companies are first among such peers as General Motors, Walmart and Citigroup, in the UK, oil giants Shell and BP tower far above the next tier firms like British Telecom, Unilever and ICI.23
From such heights, UK oil executives speak almost as unofficial members of government. In recent years, a number of personal ties stand out, especially the close friendship between Prime Minister Tony Blair and BP CEO John Browne (Lord Browne of Maddingley). The Blair-Browne relationship was so close that wags in the press called the company "Blair Petroleum," though it would have been more accurate to say that Blair was the BP Prime Minister.
At least a dozen BP executives held government posts or sat on official advisory committees, including Browne's immediate predecessor David Simon (Lord Simon of Highbury). Simon had stepped down as BP CEO to serve as Blair's unelected Minister for European Trade and Competitiveness from May 1997 to July 1999.24 Later on, Tony Blair's longtime friend and personal assistant Anjl Hunter, director of government relations and known as "the gatekeeper" in Downing Street, joined BP as head of public relations in the summer of 2002, just as the war was actively brewing.25
After a century of closely-combined action on the global stage, company chieftans and government leaders see their relationship as cooperative and thoroughly complementary. In April, 2003, shortly after the war in Iraq, Lord Browne responded tartly to critics by saying: "It is quite ethical and appropriate for a global company, based in the UK, to be supported by the British government."26 He did not, of course, go into the details.
Seven Oil Wars to Control Iraq
Before coming to the Iraq war of 2003, we will review the modern history of conflicts over Iraq. There have been a total of seven wars in the past ninety years, all closely related to oil. What follows is a thumbnail sketch of those conflicts, to suggest the constant military struggle over this oil-rich territory.
1. Colonial Conquest (1914-18). The first conflict took place during World War I, when the British captured the area from the Ottoman Empire during a bloody four-year campaign. Lord Curzon, a member of the War cabinet who became Foreign Minister immediately after the war, famously stated that the influence of oil over British policy in Iraq was "nil." "Oil," said Curzon, "had not the remotest connection with my attitude over Mosul," the major city in Iraq's northern oil-bearing region.27 Studies by a number of historians have shown that Curzon was lying and that oil was indeed the major factor shaping British policy towards Iraq.28 Sir Maurice Hankey, Secretary of the War Cabinet, even insisted enthusiastically in a private cabinet letter that oil was a "first class war aim."29 London had ordered its forces to continue fighting after the Mudros Armistice was signed, so as to gain control of Iraq's main oil-producing region. Fifteen days later, the British army seized Mosul, capital of the oil region, blocking the aspirations of the French, to whom the area had been promised earlier in the secret Sykes-Picot agreement.30
2. War of Pacification (1918-1930). To defend its oil interests, Britain fought a long war of pacification in Iraq, lasting from 1918 throughout the next decade. The British crushed a country-wide insurrection in 1920 and continued to strike at insurgents with poison gas, airplanes, incendiary bombs, and mobile armored cars, using an occupation force drawn largely from the Indian Army. This carnage killed or wounded thousands of Iraqis, burning villages and extracting colonial taxes by brutal means. Winston Churchill, as Colonial Secretary, saw the defense of Iraq's lucrative oil deposits as a test of modern weaponry and military-colonial use of force, enabling Britain to hold the oil fields at the lowest possible cost.31
3. Re-Occupation (1941). Though Britain granted nominal independence to Iraq in 1932, it maintained a sizeable military force and a large air base in the country and continued to rule "indirectly." In 1941, fearful that Iraq might fall into the hands of the Axis, London again decided to seize direct control of the country through military force. Broad geo-strategic wartime goals drove this campaign, but not least was British concern to protect the Iraqi oil fields and keep them in British hands, free not only from German but also from US challenge.32
4. Iran-Iraq War (1980-88). In 1980, Iraq attacked its neighbor, Iran. A long war ensued through 1988, a savage conflict causing hundreds of thousands of casualties on both sides, costing tens of billions of dollars and destroying much of both countries' oilfields and vital infrastructure. Foreign governments, interested in gaining geo-strategic advantage over both nations' oil resources, promoted, encouraged and sustained the war, some arming both sides. The US and the UK supplied Iraq with arms, chemical and biological weapon precursors, military training, satellite targeting and naval support. Other powers participated as well, notably France, Germany and Russia.33 The big oil companies profited mightily, as war conditions kept Iraqi and Iranian oil off the market, driving worldwide prices substantially higher. By bankrupting the two governments and ruining their oil infrastructure, the war also potentially opened the way for the return of the companies through privatization in the not-too-distant future. But after the war, when Iraq and Iran turned to Japanese oil companies for new private investments, including a Japanese role in Iraq's super-giant Majnoun field, the stage was set for yet another conflict.
5. Gulf War (1991). Following the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait in August 1990, the US decided to intervene militarily and Washington assembled a number of secondary military partners, including the UK and France. As US President George Bush summed up the oil-centered threat posed by Saddam Hussein at the time: "Our jobs, our way of life, our own freedom and the freedom of friendly countries around the world would all suffer if control of the world's great oil reserves fell into the hands of Saddam Hussein."34 US forces heavily bombed Iraqi cities and military installations and then launched a short and decisive ground war, ending the Iraqi occupation of its neighbor. The war badly battered Iraq, destroying much of its electricity and water purification systems and claiming 50-100,000 casualties.
6. Low Intensity Conflict During the Sanction Period (1991-2003). After the armistice, the UN's pre-war embargo continued, because the US-UK used their Security Council vetoes to block its lifting. The sanctions imposed a choke-hold on Iraq's economy, restricted oil sales and kept the country's oil industry in a shambles. By blocking foreign investment and preventing reconstruction, the sanctions further ruined the country's economic base. At the same time, with Iraqi supplies largely off the market, international oil prices were supported and company profits benefited. The US and the UK declared their goal to oust Saddam and their intelligence services made many efforts to assassinate him or to overthrow his government by military coup. The US-UK also established "no-fly" zones in much of Iraqi airspace, using air patrols to launch periodic attacks on Iraqi military targets. Four times, the US-UK launched major attacks, using scores of strike aircraft and cruise missiles – in January 1993, January 1996, June 1996 and December 1998. Though oil companies from a number of other countries negotiated with the Iraqi government for production deals, none dared to challenge the sanctions (and the Anglo-American companies) by beginning production under such risky circumstances.
7. Iraq War (2003). This war, launched by the US in spite of strong opposition at the UN, overthrew the government of Saddam Hussein and brought the US-UK coalition into direct rule over Iraq and in direct control of the oil fields. The war caused further deterioration of Iraq's infrastructure, many casualties, and a chaotic and dysfunctional economy. Though the coalition rules Iraq, it has faced a tough armed resistance during many months following the main conflict. War number eight, the coalition's war of pacification, has already begun.
The Exceptional Lure of Iraqi Oil
Constant wars hint at the exceptional lure of Iraq's oil fields. Iraq's oil is of good quality, it exists in great quantity, and it is very cheap to produce, offering the world's most extraordinary and profitable oil rents.
Officially, Iraq's reserves are stated as 112 billion barrels, the world's second largest after Saudi Arabia. According to the US Department of Energy, Iraq's real reserves may be far greater – as much as 3-400 billion barrels after further prospecting.35 Iraq's Senior Deputy Oil Minister confirmed high estimates on May 22, 2002, in an interview with Platts, a leading industry information source. He said: "we will exceed 300 billion barrels when all Iraq's regions are explored," and he went on to affirm that "Iraq will [then] be the number one holder of oil reserves in the world."36
Iraq's oil is the world's cheapest to produce, at a cost of only about $1 per barrel. The gigantic "rent" on Iraq's oil, during decades of production, could yield company profits in the range of $4-5 trillion dollars – that is, $4-5 million, millions. Assuming fifty years of production and 40% royalties, Iraq could yield annual profits of $80-90 billion per year – more than the total annual profits of the top five companies, even in the banner year of 2003.37
As the world's other oilfields seriously deplete during the next two decades, global production will increasingly depend on the enormous reserves of the Persian Gulf region. Iraq will then represent a large and increasing percentage of the world's supplies – perhaps over thirty percent. An international company must hold a serious stake in Iraq if it is to retain its status as a major player in the world's oil industry. The Anglo-American giants know they must gain the lion's share in Iraq or decline irrevocably.
Shortly before the war, industry experts described Iraq as a future "gold rush," where the companies would battle to gain control of key reserves.38 At that time, a well-informed diplomat at the UN commented bluntly: "Exxon wants Majnoun and they are determined to get it."39 And a longtime industry observer said: "There is not an oil company in the world that doesn‘t have its eye on Iraq."40
Control of Reserves
Oil companies' future profits – and their current share prices and market capitalization – depend to a large degree on their control of reserves. The 1972 oil nationalizations in Iraq pushed the US and UK companies completely out of the country. Before that date, they held a three-quarter share of the Iraq Petroleum Company, including Iraq's entire national reserves. After 1972, all that oil disappeared from their balance sheets.
In the 1980s and 90s, their rivals in France, Russia and even Japan and China began to make deals that led towards lucrative production sharing agreements, allowing those competitors to gain a large potential share of Iraq's oil reserves. The sanctions regime, enforced under the United Nations and maintained at the insistence of the US and UK from 1990 to 2003, prevented these deals from coming to fruition, thus protecting the future stake of the US-UK companies.
In recent years, as older fields worldwide have dwindled, the companies have faced rising replacement costs for their reserves. According to a 2002 report by energy consultants John S. Herold, "finding costs" for new reserves rose 61% in 2001, pushing replacement costs to $5.31 a barrel.41 "Finding new sources of oil has become the industry's main challenge, as old fields in North America and Europe are being tapped out," commented the Wall Street Journal in early 2003.42 Imagine, then, the lure of the vast Iraqi fields, offering nearly free acquisition and a huge addition to total reserves. As Fadel Gheit of Fahnstock & Co. in New York concluded, Iraq "would be a logical place in the future for oil companies to replace their reserves."43
New Iraq Contracts and Moves toward War
The big US-UK companies made no secret of their strong desire for Iraqi oil. BP and Shell conducted secret negotiations with Saddam Hussein, while Exxon and Chevron took a harder line and waited for Washington to eliminate Saddam covertly. In 1997, as the sanctions lost international support, Russia's Lukoil, France's Total, China National and other companies struck deals with the government of Iraq for production sharing in some of Iraq's biggest and most lucrative fields. Lukoil reached an agreement for West Qurna, Total got Majnoun, while China National signed on for North Rumaila, near the Kuwaiti border.44
Paris, Moscow and Beijing, as Permanent Members in the UN Security Council pressed for an easing of the sanctions, with support from a growing number of other countries. Grassroots movements, concerned about Iraq's humanitarian crisis, called on the UN Security Council to end the sanctions forthwith.
In 1997-98, the US companies saw the writing on the wall. With Iranian fields already slipping into the hands of competitors, such losses in Iraq threatened to reduce them to second rank and confront them with fierce international competition and downward profit pressure. The companies stepped up their lobbying in Washington and made their wishes for Iraq oil crystal clear. "Iraq possesses huge reserves of oil and gas – reserves I'd love Chevron to have access to," enthused Chevron CEO Kenneth T. Derr in a speech at the Commonwealth Club of San Francisco.45
Almost as soon as Iraq signed the new oil agreements, Washington began to deploy military forces near the country's borders in a very threatening forward posture. Operation Phoenix Scorpion and Operation Desert Thunder in various phases lasted almost continuously from November 1997 through December 1998. In Washington, the rhetoric grew increasingly hard-line and threatening.
On January 26, 1998 members of the right-wing Project for a New American Century sent a letter to President Bill Clinton warning that the containment policy "has been steadily eroding over the past several month" and calling for "removing Saddam Hussein from power."46 CIA sources told journalists and members of Congress that Saddam was hiding large stocks of deadly weapons. Congress held hearings and began drafting legislation. The President asked the Pentagon to plan a variety of military options, ranging from limited strikes (later designated Operation Desert Fox) to full-scale war (Operation Desert Lion).
On May 1, President Clinton signed a law that provided $5 million in funding for the Iraqi opposition and set up "Radio Free Iraq." That was only the beginning. On May 29, the Project for a New American Century sent an open letter to Congress on Iraq, insisting that the US government was not sufficiently firm with Saddam, attacking what it called the President's "capitulation" and warning of severe "consequence" to US interests.
Among the signatories of this high-profile letter were Donald Rumsfeld, Paul Wolfowitz, Richard Perle, Elliot Abrams, John Bolton and others who would later take high posts in the Bush administration.47
The Clinton White House was ready to oblige. On August 14, the President signed another law (PL 105-235) that accused Iraq of building weapons of mass destruction and failing to cooperate with UN inspectors, declaring ominously: "Iraq is in material and unacceptable breach of its international obligations." Finally, on October 31, the President signed the "Iraq Liberation Act of 1998" (PL 105-338), a text still more bellicose. "It should be the policy of the United States to support efforts to remove the regime headed by Saddam Hussein from power in Iraq," read the key sentence. In London, government leaders made similar expressions of determination and a UK Strategic Defence Review of July 1998 affirmed readiness to use force. "Outside Europe," the Review concluded, "the greatest risks to our national economic and political interests . . . will remain in the Gulf."48
On December 16-19, 1998, the US-UK launched Operation Desert Fox. Hundreds of strike aircraft and cruise missiles hit Baghdad and other major Iraqi targets, including an oil refinery. The attacks ended the UN arms inspection program, pre-empting any declaration that Iraq was nearly free of mass destruction weapons. Following Desert Fox, US-UK air forces patrolled the "no-fly" zones with new, more aggressive rules of engagement and regular attacks on Iraqi targets.
This increasingly aggressive policy towards Iraq expressed a hardening conviction among leaders in the US and the UK that Saddam Hussein could not be ousted by covert means, and that invasion and direct control over Iraq's oil would now be required.
The Bush Administration Heads for War
The new Bush administration came into office in January 2001 at this critical juncture. Revelations by former Secretary of the Treasury Paul O'Neill inform us that the new administration started planning for an invasion of Iraq almost immediately. According to O'Neill, Iraq was "Topic A" at the very first meeting of the Bush National Security Council, just ten days after the inauguration. "It was about finding a way to do it," reports O'Neill, "That was the tone of the President, saying ‘Go find me a way to do this.'"49
Meanwhile, the President ordered stepped-up overflights and provocative attacks on Iraqi targets under a plan, evidently known as Operation Desert Badger. On February 16, US aircraft bombed Iraqi radar installations north of the no-fly zone and very close to southern limits of Baghdad. Readily audible from the Iraqi capital, this attack drew wide media comment.
Just a few weeks later, the hastily-organized National Energy Policy Development Group, chaired by Vice President Cheney, studied the challenge posed by French, Russian and other companies. One of the documents produced by the Cheney group, made public after a long court case, is a map of Iraq showing its major oil fields and a two-page list of "Foreign Suitors for Iraqi Oilfield Contracts." The list showed more than 40 companies from 30 countries with projects agreed or under discussion, but not a single US or UK deal.50 The list included agreements or discussions with companies from Germany, India, Italy, Canada, Indonesia, Japan and other nations, along with the well-known French, Russian and Chinese deals. The Cheney Group's report, released in May, warned ominously of US oil shortfalls that might "undermine our economy, our standard of living, our national security."
The Bush administration seems to have reached a near-decision on war with Iraq in the late spring of 2001. The events of September 11, 2001 and the US war on Afghanistan, postponed the timetable of operations, but may have helped solidify the support of the UK ally. According to Sir Christoper Meyer, the British ambassador in Washington at the time, President Bush raised the issue of Iraq with UK Prime Minister Tony Blair at a private dinner at the White House just nine days after September 11. Bush asked for British support for removal of Saddam Hussein from power, a clear reference to a military operation. According to Meyer's account, Blair gave his silent assent to the proposal. 52
As the wheels of policy began to turn in the Pentagon and the While House, oil industry publications like Platts and Oil and Gas Journal reflected the growing sense of urgency within the industry that the time for action had arrived. Early in 2002, more than a year before the conflict, Bush and Blair affirmed their plans for war and (while keeping their decision secret) stepped up efforts to prepare their governments and their publics for the use of force.
As war talk increased in Washington and at the UN, oil issues came into the open. The influential Heritage Foundation published in September a report on "The Future of a Post-Saddam Iraq" which called for the privatization of Iraq's national company and warned that competitor companies would lose their Saddam-era contracts. The companies, the Bush administration and the Iraqi opposition held many meetings over post-war oil.
The Washington Post reported in September that the big companies were "maneuvering for a stake" in postwar Iraq and that the war could cause major "reshuffling" of world petroleum markets. Former CIA Director James Woolsey told the Post that the US would use access to post-war oil as a bargaining chip to win French and Russian support for the war.51 Also at this time, Iraqi exile leaders said publicly that a post-Saddam government would "review" all the foreign oil agreements. Ahmad Chalabi, leader of the Iraqi National Congress, US favorite as heir to the Iraqi leadership, was quoted as saying: "American companies will have a big shot at Iraqi oil."53
Russian officials told the London-based Observer newspaper that they feared a post-war nullification of the large Russian contracts, with the most lucrative deals given over to US companies. The Observer quoted one official in Moscow as saying that the impending conflict could be called "an oil grab by Washington." In France, it was reported that Total was actually in negotiations with the US government "about redistribution of the oil regions between the world's major companies."54
On October 21, Deutsche Bank added to the war-for-oil speculation by publishing a major investor-research study entitled: "Baghdad Bazaar: Big Oil in Iraq?" The report, which noted that "war drums are beating in Washington" and "Big Oil is positioning for post-sanctions Iraq," analyzed the upward stock market potential of the oil industry in light of declining world reserves and Iraq's post-war potential. On November 1, Youssef Ibrahim of the Council on Foreign Relations, warned in the International Herald Tribune that the coming war was "bound to backfire," calling it a "a misguided temptation to get more oil out of the Middle East by turning a ‘friendly' Iraq into a private American oil pumping station."55
Meetings continued all fall and into the new year in Washington, London, Houston and elsewhere, between government officials, oil executives and Iraqi opposition leaders in various combinations. US envoys held private talks on oil in Moscow, Paris, Beijing and other capitals. In December, there was a meeting of oil company figures at a resort near Sandringham in Scotland, featuring a talk by the former head of Iraq's Military Intelligence Agency. Topics on the agenda included Iraq's future oil potential and whether post-Saddam Iraq might pull out of OPEC.56 In the Pentagon, war planners were considering how to seize Iraq's oil fields in the first hours and days of the impending conflict.
The War and After
US-UK forces invaded Iraq on March 20, 2003, seizing the major oilfields and refineries almost immediately. When coalition forces later entered Baghdad, they set a protective cordon around the Oil Ministry, while leaving all other institutions unguarded, allowing looting and burning of other government ministries, hospitals and cultural institutions. Looters sacked the National Museum and burned a wing of the National Library, but the Oil Ministry stood relatively unscathed, with its thousands of valuable seismic maps safe for future oil exploration.
President Bush quickly appointed Phil Carroll, a former high-ranking US oil executive, to assume control of Iraq's oil industry and on May 22, Bush issued Executive Order 13303 giving immunity to oil companies for all activities in Iraq and deals involving Iraqi oil. On the same day, under pressure from the US and the UK, the UN Security Council passed Resolution 1483 which lifted the former sanctions and allowed the occupation authorities to sell Iraqi oil and put the proceeds in an account they controlled. Every step in the early post-war period confirmed the centrality of oil, not as an Iraqi national resource to be protected, but as a spoil of war to be controlled. Now, many months after the war, the picture remains the same.
Company Bonanza or Greedy Overreach?
Was the war a bold and successful calculation or a major error, resulting from official hubris and company greed? The war's authors hoped to affirm a New American Century and company pre-eminence, but the conflict instead could limit US global ambitions and set back oil company aspirations. It is too early to be certain of the outcome, but we can make a few preliminary conclusions.
The companies hoped that the Iraq war would allow them to take over Iraq's oil reserves with only a minimum of difficulty. Self-confident assurances by pro-war ideologues in Washington reinforced the widely-held conviction that the sole superpower could easily mobilize international support and that the people of Iraq would welcome the invaders and applaud the "liberation" offered by a US occupation government. The hawks expected that they could rapidly set up a pliant government and privatize the Iraqi industry or distribute production agreements speedily to US firms. But these ideas proved illusory. Instead, Bush and Blair faced enormous worldwide opposition to the war. And in spite of US forces' rapid seizure of the country, they now grapple with economic chaos and an intense and lethal resistance movement.
The companies, it should be said, are not in a great hurry. They plan and act on decades-long time horizons. They can wait out the insecurity of the present if the precious Iraqi oil fields fall dependably into their hands sometime in the next few years. But it is by no means certain that the Anglo-American giants will get their way as easily in Iraq as they did in Washington. As they wait, the violence of pacification and resistance engulfs the country. War number eight gets under way.
Iraq: the Struggle for Oil (August 2002)
Oil in Iraq: the Heart of the Crisis (December 2002)
The Iraq Oil Bonanza: Estimating Future Profits (January 28, 2004)
Oil in Iraq: the Heart of the Crisis (December 2002)
The Iraq Oil Bonanza: Estimating Future Profits (January 28, 2004)
2The Seven Sister companies arose after the federal anti-monopoly breakup of the Standard Oil Trust in 1911. They included three Standard Oil spinoffs, Standard Oil Company of New Jersey, Standard Oil Company of New York , and Standard Oil Company of California, as well as Texaco, Gulf, and the UK giants Royal Dutch Shell and British Petroleum. See Anthony Sampson, The Seven Sisters: the great oil companies and the world they made (London: Hodder & Staughton, 1988)
3Data from ExxonMobil web site, announcement of 2003 earnings, January 29, 2004,
4Data from CIA World Factbook web site ( and Fortune Global 500 ( Note that we are comparing company revenue with government revenue, not with national GNP. The seventh richest government, the Netherlands, had a revenue in 2001 of $134 billion, far below Exxon's figure.
5See tables posted on the Global Policy Forum web site, based on information from Fortune and the CIA Factbook – - -
6Ordinary citizens worry about having a plentiful supply of gas for their automobiles, too. On this basis, the US government has often mobilized its people around aggressive Middle East military policies.
7John D. Rockefeller, Random Reminiscences of Men and Events (New York: Doubleday, 1909)
9Michael B. Stoff, Oil, War and American Security: the search for a national policy on foreign oil 1941-1947 (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1980), 147-50.
10Wilson D. Muscamble, George F. Kennan and the Making of American Foreign Policy (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1992)
11Rents sometimes result from technical advances, patents, copyrights, and the like, advantages that normally disappear after a period of time. Oil rents are long-lasting and can yield far higher spreads between the normal profit rate and the rate expressed by the rent.
12Virtually all historical studies of the industry provide evidence of this kind. See Yergin (1991) and Sampson (1988) See also: Joe Stork, Middle East Oil and the Energy Crisis (New York: Monthly Review, 1976) and Fiona Benn, Oil Diplomacy in the Twentieth Century (New York: St. Martin's Press, 1986).
13Richard Sale, "Saddam Key in Early CIA Plot," United Press International, April 10, 2003. Sale quotes a US operative who knew Saddam at that time saying: "He was a thug – a cutthroat." Saddam was 22 years old at the time of the botched assassination.
14See Kermit Roosevelt, Countercoup, the struggle for the contol of Iran (New York: McGraw-Hill, 1979), a book written by the CIA's coup-maker in Tehran, and Ervand Abrahamian, Iran Between Two Revolutions (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1982).
15See, for example, Joseph Fitchett and David Ignatius, "Lengthy Elf Inquiry Nears Explosive Finish," International Herald Tribune," February 1, 2002 and Nicholas Shaxon, "The Elf Trial: political corruption and the oil industry," in Transparency International, Global Corruption Report 2004 (London: Pluto Press, 2004), pp. 67-71. Almost all the world's oil-producing countries have suffered from abusive, corrupt and undemocratic governments and an absence of durable development. Indonesia, Saudi Arabia, Libya, Iraq, Iran, Angola, Colombia, Venezuela, Kuwait, Mexico, Algeria – these and many other oil producers have a sad record, which includes dictatorships installed from abroad, bloody coups engineered by foreign intelligence services, militarization of government and intolerant right-wing nationalism. On poverty and war in oil-producing countries see Christian Aid, Fueling Poverty: Oil, War and Corruption (London, 2003) and Michael Ross, Extractive Sectors and the Poor (Oxfam America, 2001).
16For a lengthy discussion of the special tax treatment of the companies see John M. Blair, The Control of Oil (New York: Random House, 1976), 187-203.
17Blair (1976), 71-76.
18New York Times, January 2, 2004.
19For a discussion of the Central Command as a force designed for oil-related intervention, see Michael T.Klare, Resource Wars: the new landscape of global conflict (New York: publisher, 2001)
20Testimony of the senate Armed Services Committee, April 13, 1999.
21See Peter Grose, Gentleman Spy: the life of Allen Dulles (Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1994)
22Stoff (1980), 64-68.
23In 2003, for example, while BP had revenues of $233 billion, British Telecom had revenues of $29 billion, Barclays $26 billion, Lloyds $22 billion, Unilever $20 billion, BAT $18 billion and ICI only $10 billion.
24In recent decades in the UK, government ministers have nearly always been drawn from elected members of parliament, sitting in the House of Commons. Simon had just been named to the unelected House of Lords and had no parliamentary experience or popular constituency.
25On Hunter, see New York Times, August 30, 2003.
26As quoted in Guardian, April 6, 2003.
27Curzon was responding to fierce criticism in parliament and the press. T. Johnson, MP, had said, for example, that "The trail of oil was all over the question of Mosul and Iraq." Curzon wrote three articles in The Times (London) on August 2, 9 and 16, 1924 in which he set forth his denials.
28See Helmut Mejcher, Imperial Quest for Oil: Iraq 1910-1928 (London: Ithaca Press, 1976) and Peter Sluglett, Britain in Iraq 1914-1932 (London: Ithaca Press, 1976)
29A note the Foreign Secretary Arthur Balfour, as quoted in Yergin, 188.
30On the seizure of Mosul, see Mechjer (1976), 42. Merchjer notes that the British also postponed the signing of the armistice to enable their forces to make more progress towards Mosul. See also Sluglett (1976).
31See, for example, David E. Omissi, British Air Power and Colonial Control in Iraq: 1920-1925 (Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1990), Sluglett, V.G. Kiernan, Colonial Empires and Armies: 1815-1960 (Stroud: Sutton, 1998).
32Raghid Solh, Britain's 2 Wars with Iraq, 1941-1991 (Reading: Ithaca Press, 1996)
33Dilip Hiro, The Longest War: the Iran-Iraq military conflict (New York: Routledge, 1991)
34As quoted by the New York Times, August 16, 1990
35See US Department of Energy, Energy Information Administration website at
36Platts website.
37I have arrived at this figure based on assumptions about four variables. I assume 350 billion barrels of reserves, $30 oil rent average in real terms, 75% recovery rate and 60% company share of the rent (the remainder going to the government). Different assumptions would yield different final estimates. For example, assumptions based on worldwide oil scarcity would drive the number up, while assumptions based on rapid conversion to sustainable energy sources would drive the number down. World Energy Outlook of 2001, published by the International Energy Agency, estimated that the total value of foreign contracts signed by the Iraqi government of Saddam Hussein might reach $1.1 trillion, a. number consistent with mine, since the contracts covered only a fraction of Iraq's total oil potential. See "Scramble to care up Iraqi oil reserves lies behind US diplomacy," Observer, October 6, 2002.
38Author's Interview with an expert, November, 2002.
39Author's Interview with a UN diplomat, November, 2002.
40Interview with a US-based industry observer, November, 2002
41Platts website –
42Susan Warren, "Exxon's Profit Surged in 4th Quarter," Wall Street Journal, February 12, 2004.
43Platt's website, A recent example, not dealing with Iraq, shows the great importance of company reserves. On January 9, 2004, Shell announced that it had revaluated its worldwide reserves downward by 20%. The firm's stock immediately declined by 7%. Shell had reduced its estimated reserves by 3.9 billion barrels, bringing the company's total to 15.4 billion barrels (Exxon's reserves were 22 billion barrels at that time). By contrast, Iraq's single super-giant Majnoun field (promised pre-war to Total) has estimated reserves of 10- 30 billion barrels, while the super-giant West Qurna field (promised to Lukoil) has estimated reserves of 15-18 billion barrels. If Shell could get control of such a field in Iraq, it could more than double its total company reserves and enjoy an enormous lift in its share prices. This demonstrates clearly what is at stake in Iraq, since share valuation brings fifty years or more of future production immediately into the market capitalization of the firm.
44China had become a major player in the Middle East oil game because of its rapid economic growth and huge future oil needs, with Persian Gulf imports estimated to rise from 0.5 million barrels per day in 1997 to 5.5 million barrels per day in 2020.
45As posted on the company web site at
46Project for a New American Century web site –
48UK Ministry of Defence website, White Paper, July 18, 2002 –
49Ron Suskind, The Price of Loyalty: George W. Bush, the White House and the Education of Paul O'Neill (New York, Simon & Schuster, 2004) 174-75
50The Cheney documents were curiously made public in response to a law suit by a conservative organization called Judicial Watch. The administration fought the Judicial Watch case in court, but eventually lost. The "Foreign Suitors" list includes Shell, but lists no contract results with the company. Exxon, Chevron and BP are not on the list at all. Two small UK firms, Branch Energy and Pacific Resources are also to be found on the list.
51Dan Morgan and David B. Ottaway, "In Iraqi War Scenario, Oil is Key Issue as U.S. Drillers Eye Huge Petroleum Pool," Washington Post, September 15, 2002.
52David Rose, "Bush and Blair Made Secret Pact for Iraq War," The Observer, April 4, 2004 53Morgan and Ottaway (2002)
54Ed Vulliamy, Paul Webster and Nick Paton Walsh, "Scramble to Carve up Iraqi oil reserves lies behind US diplomacy," The Observer, October 6, 2002.
55Youssef Ibrahim, "Bush's Iraq adventure is bound to backfire," International Herald Tribune, November 1, 2002.
56Peter Beaumont and Faisal Islam, "Carve-Up of Oil Riches Begins," Observer, November 3, 2002.
More Information on Oil in Iraq
More Information on History of Oil in Iraq
by Karl W. B. Schwarz
December 2004 - February 2005
Online Journal Contributing Writer
Online Journal Contributing Writer
from OnLineJournal Website
recovered through ISIS-WayBackMachine Website
Karl W. B. Schwarz lives in Little Rock, AR and is the author of "One-Way Ticket to Crawford, Texas, a Conservative Republican Speaks Out." He is the President and Chief Executive Officer of Patmos Nanotechnologies, LLC and I-nets Security Systems, a designer of intelligence and communications UAV systems. You can email him here. Please sign the petition if you too demand the truth and justice regarding September 11, 2001. There is much truth to be found and we have a National Capitol that is full of people that have an aversion to the truth. It is time that we as American Citizens get to the bottom of what they fear so much and why they fear the truth. It is time for all Americans to wake up. |
Part: The 9-11 Commission
What follows is information contained in a letter to New York Attorney General Eliot Spitzer, and William Casey, chief investigator for the Attorney General's Office. In fact, the letter was hand delivered to Mr. Spitzer's office before this article was published as the first of a six-part series of articles.
The best way to expose mythology as an operative lie is to start at the most recent instances (most easily remembered) and work backwards in time to the source of that lie. As lies often do, they change complexion much like a chameleon does when facts expose the liars and they have to shift gears and spin the lies in different directions. Bush, Cheney, Rice, Rumsfeld, et al have had to shift gears many times in case you have not noticed.
This is where I have a real bone to pick with our witless major media people who are either part of the mythology by design or because they are just flat out too stupid to see it for what it is [lies] or too gutless to stand up for America and tell the truth. The purpose of a Free Press is to keep America informed and in that role they have failed miserably, either through fait accompli as if the lies are now irreversible facts, or just too lazy, cowardly or blind to do their job.
The most recent Great Lie was the 9-11 Commission.
The best way to expose mythology as an operative lie is to start at the most recent instances (most easily remembered) and work backwards in time to the source of that lie. As lies often do, they change complexion much like a chameleon does when facts expose the liars and they have to shift gears and spin the lies in different directions. Bush, Cheney, Rice, Rumsfeld, et al have had to shift gears many times in case you have not noticed.
This is where I have a real bone to pick with our witless major media people who are either part of the mythology by design or because they are just flat out too stupid to see it for what it is [lies] or too gutless to stand up for America and tell the truth. The purpose of a Free Press is to keep America informed and in that role they have failed miserably, either through fait accompli as if the lies are now irreversible facts, or just too lazy, cowardly or blind to do their job.
The most recent Great Lie was the 9-11 Commission.
That the commission was appointed to find the truth out about 9-11 and bring those parties to justice. No, they decided instead to use the public forum as a means of lying to us all and then attempting to further the fascist, neocon agenda of changing the Constitution and lessening the freedoms of the American people.
Heads up and pay attention: the Department of Homeland Security was created to defend this government from the citizens of the United States because they fear we will find out and we will rise up and cast them from power. It does not defend this nation, you, your family, friends, or loved ones. It defends only the government not from Al Qaeda but from us. They know when Americans figure this out, Americans are going to be way past livid and heads in Washington, DC, are going to roll and butts are going to prison.
In writing my book One-Way Ticket to Crawford, Texas, I not only analyzed 9-11, Afghanistan, Iraq, defense spending, Homeland Security spending, flaws in national security, the intentional weakening of the U.S. dollar and use of terrorism to drive up the price of oil and gasoline, the absence of "rule of law" if Bush buddies or Clinton buddies were being bad actors, but I also investigated the talking heads they put before us to spin their web of lies.
In that effort we found a considerable number of serious conflicts of interest that should have barred eight of the 10 commissioners from ever being appointed to the 9-11 Omission Commission, but then had they been looking for the truth, each of them would have been directly undermining their own bottom lines and those of major corporations and firms they represent, or their precious little jobs.
Without further delay, let us take a look at those eight conflicted parties and you come to your own conclusions.
Heads up and pay attention: the Department of Homeland Security was created to defend this government from the citizens of the United States because they fear we will find out and we will rise up and cast them from power. It does not defend this nation, you, your family, friends, or loved ones. It defends only the government not from Al Qaeda but from us. They know when Americans figure this out, Americans are going to be way past livid and heads in Washington, DC, are going to roll and butts are going to prison.
In writing my book One-Way Ticket to Crawford, Texas, I not only analyzed 9-11, Afghanistan, Iraq, defense spending, Homeland Security spending, flaws in national security, the intentional weakening of the U.S. dollar and use of terrorism to drive up the price of oil and gasoline, the absence of "rule of law" if Bush buddies or Clinton buddies were being bad actors, but I also investigated the talking heads they put before us to spin their web of lies.
In that effort we found a considerable number of serious conflicts of interest that should have barred eight of the 10 commissioners from ever being appointed to the 9-11 Omission Commission, but then had they been looking for the truth, each of them would have been directly undermining their own bottom lines and those of major corporations and firms they represent, or their precious little jobs.
Without further delay, let us take a look at those eight conflicted parties and you come to your own conclusions.
Commission Chairman Thomas H. Kean (R)
Many do not remember that Henry Kissinger was originally slated to be the 9-11 Commission chairman until the public uproar gave cause to head a different way.
One of the matters we have turned over to Eliot Spitzer's office is an evidence trail indicating that the insurance on the World Trade Center (WTC) was increased by 300 percent in June and July 2001 and one of the three U.S. named beneficiaries of that windfall is one Henry Kissinger according to the document trail uncovered by an attorney. That may or may not prove out in court, but it is odd that the name surfaces in a possible insurance scam on WTC and he also was the first choice to head the 9-11 Commission supposedly looking into the matter to find the truth.
Kean was appointed instead and he sits on the board of directors of Amerada Hess Oil, and that company is directly involved in the Caspian Basin and is directly benefiting by the Taliban and Bridas Corporation being removed as the last remaining obstacle to the TAP [Trans-Afghanistan Pipeline].
Also on that board are Nicholas F. Brady and Edith E. Holiday.
Kean was appointed instead and he sits on the board of directors of Amerada Hess Oil, and that company is directly involved in the Caspian Basin and is directly benefiting by the Taliban and Bridas Corporation being removed as the last remaining obstacle to the TAP [Trans-Afghanistan Pipeline].
Also on that board are Nicholas F. Brady and Edith E. Holiday.
Nicholas Brady is of course the former Secretary of the United States Treasury and chief architect of the Brady Bonds program, which has exposed itself over the years of being just a huge scam and blunt instrument to take assets and natural resources from smaller nations and put them into the hands of guess who the proponents of the Brady Bonds: the U.S. wealthy elite robber barons.
"The President today announced his intention to nominate Edith E. Holiday to be General Counsel for the Department of the Treasury. She would succeed Mark Sullivan III. February 2, 1989"
"Since 1988 Ms. Holiday has been an Assistant Secretary (Public Affairs and Public Liaison) of the Department of the Treasury and Counselor to the Secretary. Prior to this she was chief counsel and national financial and operations director for the Bush-Quayle '88 Presidential campaign and served as director of operations for George Bush for President.She was also special counsel for the Fund for America's Future and Executive Director for the Quadrennial Commission on Executive, Legislative, and Judicial Salaries, 1984 - 1985. Ms. Holiday practiced law with the firm of Dow, Lohnes & Albertson, 1983 - 1984 and with the firm of Reed, Smith, Shaw & McClay, 1977 - 1983. She also served as legislative director for then-U.S. Senator Nicholas F. Brady."
Edith Holiday was later elevated to Secretary of the Cabinet in the George H. W. Bush administration. She also sits on the boards of White Mountains Insurance, and Heinz (which I found interesting). On the White Mountains board is another Amerada Hess board member, Frank A. Olson, and another from Citigroup, Arthur Zankel.
It only took one 'Google' to find a gaggle that included WTC Larry Silverstein and Mr. Zankel.
We might even have a Walker Bush relative buried on that board too: F. Borden Walker, former Mobil Oil, Fairfax County, Va., board and now with Amerada Hess. That nasty matter of bribes in Kazakhstan involving Mr. James H. Giffen did involve Mobil, as well as Texaco, Amoco and Phillips Petroleum.
Yes, Mr. Kean, Nicholas Brady, Ms. Holiday and F. Border Walker will all benefit by the removal of the Taliban and Bridas Corporation. Part II Pop Goes the Bush Mythology Bubble in part addresses the pipeline all of these people conspired to take over. They could not make billions from oil investments in Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan and not have a way to get the landlocked oil and gas out.
We might even have a Walker Bush relative buried on that board too: F. Borden Walker, former Mobil Oil, Fairfax County, Va., board and now with Amerada Hess. That nasty matter of bribes in Kazakhstan involving Mr. James H. Giffen did involve Mobil, as well as Texaco, Amoco and Phillips Petroleum.
Yes, Mr. Kean, Nicholas Brady, Ms. Holiday and F. Border Walker will all benefit by the removal of the Taliban and Bridas Corporation. Part II Pop Goes the Bush Mythology Bubble in part addresses the pipeline all of these people conspired to take over. They could not make billions from oil investments in Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan and not have a way to get the landlocked oil and gas out.
They had to have that pipeline across Afghanistan and the Taliban / Bridas Corporation were blocking the way. Chevron and Condoleezza Rice had to have been sitting in that boardroom down there, too, trying to figure out ways to get control of that pipeline so the oil and gas could get out.
Now they want a pipeline through Georgia and the Ukraine to the Black Sea too, so that is in part what the hubbub is over in Ukraine in regard to the U.S., Republican International, National Democratic Institute ["NDI"] and George Soros' efforts to control that election.
What Caspian "doers" does Baker & Botts represent?
Now they want a pipeline through Georgia and the Ukraine to the Black Sea too, so that is in part what the hubbub is over in Ukraine in regard to the U.S., Republican International, National Democratic Institute ["NDI"] and George Soros' efforts to control that election.
What Caspian "doers" does Baker & Botts represent?
BP Amoco, Unocal (Delta/Saudi), Amerada Hess (Delta/Saudi), PennzEnergy (now Devon Energy), Remington Holdings, Ltd / Western Acquisitions, Inc, LLC and LP that were lucky enough to get $130.75 million in financing from OPIC to acquire oil and gas reserves in Pakistan.
This one smells "pay off" and all Americans have the right to know who Remington Holdings and Western Acquisitions, Inc, et al, are, since both are reported to be Washington, DC-based Baker & Botts clients.
7/1/2002The Overseas Private Investment Corporation and Western Acquisitions, Inc. entered into a finance agreement on April 9, 2002 whereby OPIC agreed to finance Western Acquisitions' purchase of nine oil and gas concessions being privatized by the Government of Pakistan. Collectively, these concessions contain nearly 50 oil and gas fields producing approximately 26,000 barrels of oil equivalent per day and 168 million cubic feet of gas per day.[Author's note: Western Acquisitions, LLC and LP in Washington, DC come up, no information as to who the owners are of the "Inc.," think "nesting doll arrangement." Might be another "9-11 suspect."]"
(Western Acquisitions, Inc.)
"Citibank, N.A. On-lending facility $75,000,000 Finance
(Citibank, N.A. (Pakistan On Lending Facility)"
Baker, Kean, Amerada Hess, Caspian Basin, bribes in Kazakhstan, Nicholas Brady, Edith Holiday, had to have a pipeline and got really big deals cooking in Pakistan, too, that conveniently have not been disclosed publicly on a wide basis and that wayward pipeline that can get natural gas to Pakistan's electrical plants, too.
Come to your own conclusion.
Commission Vice Chairman Lee Hamilton (D)
Lee Hamilton was already on the Homeland Security Advisory Council and that alone made him suspect to me once one better understands that Homeland Security is all about protecting the DC government, not the United States of America, or you, or me.
Lee Hamilton's weak link is he is the Director of the Wilson Center; that center is closely tied to Kissinger and that center is dependent on major contributors and Hamilton did not want to be removed from his job for daring to not play along. What is truth when resumes, or a job, or prestige are at stake?
A previous article I wrote addressed Mr. Jock Covey, formerly of Kosovo UN mission and now with Bechtel. Mr. Covey formerly worked with Kissinger and, of course, Bechtel is the type of company that entities like the Wilson Center rely upon. The money flow stops, the think-tank dies.
A previous article I wrote addressed Mr. Jock Covey, formerly of Kosovo UN mission and now with Bechtel. Mr. Covey formerly worked with Kissinger and, of course, Bechtel is the type of company that entities like the Wilson Center rely upon. The money flow stops, the think-tank dies.
Part VI (far below) will expose something about UNMIK (United Nations Mission in Kosovo) that has not been disclosed to Americans, and it happened on 9-11-2001.
"However, behind the scenes we have Phillip Zelikow, who co-authored a book with Condoleezza Rice but we also have as "Deputy Executive Director' a former Lee Hamilton staffer while he was in Congress, Christopher Kojm. We can all sit back and breathe a deep sigh of relief that we will not get anything but Where's Waldo? from these two Bushmen, since the Executive Director Zelikow and his "deputy" are controlling what and who comes before the 9-11 Commission. They might be the real problem the information that is seen and heard. Lee Hamilton does appear to me to be a man who wants the truth, but if I am right maybe he does not as bad as he thinks he does."
"[9-11 Commission biography] Christopher Kojm, Deputy Executive Director: Christopher Kojm served from 1998 until February, 2003 as Deputy Assistant Secretary for Intelligence Policy and Coordination in the State Department's Bureau of Intelligence and Research. He served previously in the Congress on the staff of the House International Relations Committee, under Ranking Member Lee Hamilton as Deputy Director of the Democratic staff (1997-98), as Coordinator for Regional Issues (1993-1997) and under Chairman Hamilton on the Europe and Middle East subcommittee staff (1984-92)."
"[White House biography of Condoleeza Rice] Her books include Germany Unified and Europe Transformed (1995) with Philip Zelikow [Author's note: Executive Director of the 9-11 Commission and controlling what is and is not looked into.] She was a member of the board of directors for the Chevron Corporation."
"His name is Philip D. Zelikow, the executive director of the commission. Though he has no vote, the former Texas lawyer arguably has more sway than any member, including the chairman. Zelikow picks the areas of investigation, the briefing materials, the topics for hearings, the witnesses, and the lines of questioning for witnesses. He also picks which fights are worth fighting, legally, with the White House, and was involved in the latest round of capitulations er, negotiations over Rice's testimony. And the commissioners for the most part follow his recommendations. In effect, he sets the agenda and runs the investigation."
"The 9-11 Executive Director, acting as counsel and limiting what the Commission sees and hears to a great extent, is Philip D. Zelikow, a member of the Council for Foreign Relations, an attorney from Texas, co-author with Condoleezza Rice of the book Germany Unified and Europe Transformed: A Study in Statecraft, Rice hired him, they worked together, he was in the Bush I administration, he was on the Bush II transition team, yada, yada, yada. Shortly after 9-11 Bush appointed Zelikow to the President's Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board, yada, yada, yada."
Fred Fielding (R)
"Fred Fielding is a board member of Committee for Justice along with M. Diane Allbaugh, an energy lobbyist (Texas) and wife of former Bush Cheney 2000 Campaign Manager Joe Allbaugh; also part of the Bush 2000 Transition Team. Just before the Iraq invasion Mr. Allbaugh left as head of FEMA to set up Newbridge Strategies to represent those that wanted to 'get in' on the multi-billion rebuilding of Iraq. Supposedly FEMA had a team arrive in NYC on September 10, 2001 and were "first on scene." Neil Bush is a 4 hour per week, $60,000 a year advisor to Newbridge via Crest Investments, Houston, Texas."
"Also tightly tied to Newbridge Strategies is brother Neil Bush of Houston based Crest Investments who testified recently in his divorce proceedings that he gets paid $60,000 a year for doing about 4 hours a week of 'hard labor' for Newbridge Strategies, LLC. Of course, that is the same Neil Bush that managed to get out of going to prison over the Silverado S&L scam that did send its chairman to the federal penitentiary and a special Republican fund raiser was held to raise money to pay his way out of the fines levied upon him."
"[footnote] Mr. Bush said he was co-chairman of Crest Investment Corporation, a company based in Houston, Texas, that invests in energy and other ventures. For this he received $15,000 every three months for working an average three or four hours a week.
[footnote] In 1990, Bush paid a $50,000 fine and was banned from banking activities for his role in taking down Silverado, which actually cost taxpayers $1.3 billion. A Resolution Trust Corporation Suit against Bush and other officers of Silverado was settled in 1991 for $26.5 million. And the fine wasn't exactly paid by Neil Bush. A Republican fund-raiser set up a fund to help defer costs Neil incurred in his S&L dealings."
James R. Thompson (R)
James R. Thompson, chairman of Winston Strawn, lobbyist has direct ties to Van Scoyoc Associates and that firm represents many of the possible suspects and "highly motivated parties."
James R. Thompson, chairman of Winston Strawn, lobbyist has direct ties to Van Scoyoc Associates and that firm represents many of the possible suspects and "highly motivated parties."
James R. Thompson also sits on board of FMC, a firm directly benefiting from removal of Taliban / Bridas.
Winston Strawn has possible legal problems in Nevada involving DOE deal according to several media reports and Senator Reid of that state.
"After Mayer Brown's Richard Ben Veniste and Tim Roemer, there is former Illinois governor James R. Thompson, Commissioner. 'Illinois' longest-serving governor (1977-1991), is chairman of the law firm of Winston & Strawn, headquartered in Chicago."The Mayer Brown lobbyist also represents Bechtel, Parsons Brinkerhoff and James R. Thompsonメs law firm Winston Strawn does too and Van Scoyoc represents Bechtel. The overlaps are conflicts of interest when it comes to seeking the truth on 9-11.
FMC Corporation:Jacques Cosmao, Director; Involved in carrying out the proposed TDA funded feasibility study of the Turkmenbashi oil terminal. FMC Coordination Center SA/NV, Avenue Louise 480 B 91050 Brussels, Belgium. (James R. Thompson sits on parent company board, has an oil and gas products subsidiary.)Halliburton International, Inc.:Oil field service contractor involved in Lamarg (Netherlands), Monument (Great Britain), and Petronas (Malaysia) operating in Turkmenistan; Mr. Roger Rion, CEO, P.O. Box 819052, Dallas, TX 75381-9052; Cecil Davidson, Country Manager, Mizan Business Center, Berzengi, Ashgabat 744000Mayer, Brown & Platt:Consulting with the Oil & Gas Ministry, Ashir Abdullayev, Attorney, Oil and Gas Ministry, 27 Bitarap Turkmenistan St., Ashgabat, Turkmenistan, 744000; Sergey A. Lomako, Attorney, 700 Louisiana St., Suite 3600, Houston, TX 77002-2730Unocal Corporation (Unocal/Delta Alliance):"Wade Lundstrom, General Manager; J.R. Williams, Financial Comptroller; Tsalik Nayberg, Government Relations; Contract to explore, produce and export hydrocarbon reserves, Ashgabat Business Center, Ashgabat,"
"Thompson also sits on the board of Hollinger International, that recently disclosed 'House of Corruption'" led by Conrad Black, and also on that board was Richard Perle and Henry Kissinger.
"Hollinger International (publisher of the Chicago Sun-Times)"[footnote] Globe and Mail, Report on Business, November 22, 2003 - Black involved in U.S. defense firm, Investor, director of controversial fund; By Paul Waldie: Conrad Black is personally involved in a controversial defense company headed by Richard Perle, a U.S. Department of Defense adviser and director of Hollinger International Inc., Hollinger disclosed yesterday in a securities filing.
Mr. Perle, who has been a strong advocate for war in Iraq, ran into controversy earlier this year over his role on the influential Defense Policy Board, which advises the Pentagon. News reports alleged he misused his position on the board to drum up business for New York-based Trireme and other ventures. Mr. Perle was also briefly retained by insolvent telecom giant Global Crossing Ltd. when it was trying to overcome resistance from the Defense Department for its planned sale to Asian interests. [Authorメs note: more on this 'pimping of influence' in Chapters 12, 13, 14.]"
"Seems Winston & Strawn was having problems out in Nevada and at least one US Senator is mentioning the 'C' word, as in crime. Seems their lobbyist work in DC is directly for some major names that are directly profiting from the Bush-Cheney belligerent War Policy. Is the Bush quid pro quo to overlook Nevada and let us all go muck up the 9-11 investigations? What is the connection?" "[footnote] December 03, 2001, Winston & Strawn still in Nevada's cross hairs; State's delegation may push for criminal charges: Nevada's congressional delegation may push for criminal charges against the law firm that last week quit work on the Energy Department's Yucca Mountain project. Conflict-of-interest allegations prompted Winston & Strawn last week to end the firm's relationship with the department, the firm said. It withdrew from its $16.5 million contract, but admitted no wrongdoing. The threat of criminal charges came from a separate federal investigation into whether someone at the Nuclear Regulatory Commission leaked a confidential document to Winston & Strawn, which may have leaked it to the DOE. 'I believe what they've done is illegal,' Sen. Harry Reid, D-Nev., said Saturday. 'I believe they may have committed crimes.'"
John F. Lehman (R)
John F. Lehman is head of a firm [J. F. Lehman & Company] that benefits from Bush-Cheney War Policy and involvement in private equity investments into defense and Homeland Security companies.
John F. Lehman is head of a firm [J. F. Lehman & Company] that benefits from Bush-Cheney War Policy and involvement in private equity investments into defense and Homeland Security companies.
His partners are all former Boeing, Martin Marietta and United Technologies.
"John F. Lehman , Commissioner was Secretary of the Navy under the Reagan Administration when George H.W. Bush was vice president. Big defense spending was the name of the game back then and is again under Bush Cheney."
"John Lehman is chairman of J.F. Lehman & Company, a private equity investment firm. Lehman was appointed Secretary of the Navy by President Reagan in 1981 and served until 1987. During his tenure as Secretary of the Navy, Lehman was responsible for building a 600 ship Navy, establishing a strategy of maritime supremacy, and reforming ship and aircraft procurement. He is also chairman of OAO Technology Solutions, director of Ball Corporation, Insurance Services Office, SDI Inc., Elgar Inc., and Racal Instruments, Inc.,"
"Racal Instruments also manufactures fiber optic telecom equipment and that colossal fraud named Global Crossing acquired Racal Communications during its "Fleece America" program - more on that matter in Chapters 12-14."
If I were the chairman of a 9-11 Truth Commission, Mr. Lehman would be answering questions for a long time regarding a takeover bid in Canada he was involved in.
Tim Roemer (D)
"Tim Roemer accepted campaign funds from Van Scoyoc Associates, a firm that represents SAIC, Advanced Power Systems Intl, Citigroup, Bechtel, Fluor, and Unocal. He also accepted funds from Carlyle Group, Chevron, Texaco and Citigroup, a bank that is leading many loan deals with OPIC guarantees. His former contributors, relationships, are benefiting by the removal of the Taliban and Bridas."
"We had Condoleezza Rice come before the 9-11 Commission on April 8, 2004 and I submit due to her prior relationships with Chevron and Texaco, a Chevron Supertanker named for her, and Chevron Texaco involved in the Caspian Oil & Gas escapade, Mr. Roemer would not be seeking the truth from Ms. Rice too aggressively. I hoped that I would be wrong, but I am drafting this on April 4, 2004 and that is the way I see what is coming. I will watch on April 8 and I fully expect to see a 'song and dance' routine that is more vaudeville and less 'truth centered' than America deserves. Even after watching on April 8, 2004, no change to this part of the chapter.
"We cannot have Mr. Roemer looking too close and see all of these Van Scoyoc Associates to be the 'Big War Pigs' and 'Big Oil Pigs' that they truly are, or start making inquiries as to who benefited from Bridas and the Taliban being beat to Hell and back on a 'business deal,' with B-52s, B-2 Stealth Bombers, armored forces, aircraft carriers, Special Forces, etc all over there to make way for that pipeline and that Colossal Caspian Oil & Gas Deal under Bush Buddy control, not Bridas Corporation and the Taliban.
"We cannot have Mr. Roemer cross-examining Mr. Richard Ben Veniste on who his firm represents in the Caspian Basin Excellent Adventure. Or his firm's role in jerking Bridas Corporation around for years while the 'military policy' was put into play or that his firm represents Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan or that Pakistan electric power plant that was at one time owned by a US energy company. Or focus on that natural gas fired plant in Pakistan, since so many were focused only on Enron and the Enron end of that pipeline at Dabhol, India."
With Mr. Roemer being the new president of a venerable Washington, DC, think-tank, Center for National Policy, funding could dry up and turn that into a dinosaur if he solved 9-11 with incisive questions and fact finding, no one should have expected much from Mr. Roemer once a person accepts that "both sides of the aisle" are in on this 9-11 cover-up. ("In October 2003, Timothy J. Roemer was named president of CNP.")
John Kerry just proved that in rolling over for the elections with proof of voter fraud surfacing in many states.
Richard Ben Veniste (D)
Richard Ben Veniste, Senior Partner Mayer Brown, Rowe & Maw should have never been appointed to the 9-11 Commission except to cover up Bridas and Caspian related matters. The fingerprints of his law firm are all over Pakistan and the Caspian deals, and even a blunt instrument to keep Bridas tied up while they were going to be breached with military force. He was just waiting on 9-11 and hoping no one figures out the role his firm is playing on all sides of the deal.
What Caspian 'doers' does Mayer Brown represent?
Enron, Uzbekistan natural gas deals, Uzbekistan government, Shurtan II and when the deal was announced there was a sudden surge in "terrorism" that might have been "outrage," Kazakhstan government, BP (Amoco), Pakistan, Turkmenneft (in the matter of Bridas Corporation v. Turkmenneft, 5th Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals and the U.S. Supreme Court, Case 03-1018, denied the Turkmenneft writ of certiorari to overturn 5th Circuit, and all while Mr. Ben Veniste was sitting on the 9-11 Commission playing Where's Waldo?)
"Shurtan II/Uzbekistan: Represented ABNAMRO Bank, as arranger, in a project financing of the Shurtan II compressor station for Uzbekneftagaz, supported by Export-Import Bank of the United States and IFTRIC of Israel" (and Bank Hapaolim of Israel too).
Who represented Turkmenistan / Turkmenneft to keep Bridas tied up in court? Correct answer is: Mayer Brown, Rowe & Maw, during same time they are lining up deals in the Caspian and clients. Of course, if one did not know to look for SAPIC down at 5th Circuit, they would not know to look for Bridas Corporation. We all need to keep our eyes on Prisma Energy International (the post-bankruptcy Enron, now Cayman Islands domiciled) and the Caspian Basin and those pipelines.
No, we couldn't have Mr. Ben Veniste looking too close at Pakistan or bringing up Bridas Corporation and tipping his hand on how much in future fees his law firm has lined up in the Caspian Basin. Might be in the tens or hundreds of billions over the next 30 years or so.
No, we couldn't have Mr. Ben Veniste looking too close at Pakistan or bringing up Bridas Corporation and tipping his hand on how much in future fees his law firm has lined up in the Caspian Basin. Might be in the tens or hundreds of billions over the next 30 years or so.
Got all of those senior partners at the hog trough so let us all make sure they stay there.
Jamie Gorelick (D)
Jamie Gorelick sits on the boards of two companies directly benefiting from Bush-Cheney policy, one oil related (Schlumberger), one defense related (United Technologies), not to mention her prior position as general counsel of the Department of Defense while the Bridas "mugging" was in progress in two countries Pakistan and Turkmenistan. Christine Todd Whitman, former Bush EPA head, sits on the United Technologies board too. What environmental policy?
After being [s]elected president, Bush found モfriendヤ Victor Ashe a cushy job at Fannie Mae, and that agency is now under investigation by the SEC for some serious wrongdoing. Of course, 9-11 Commission member Jamie Gorelick was also on that board during the period of time that the SEC was investigating.
When news got out that people were digging into a 1984 Chattanooga matter and seeking Victor Ashe, Bush appointed him ambassador to Poland so he would be too busy with our GWOT buddies over in Poland to talk to the media.
"I thought maybe Jamie S. Gorelick, Commissioner was a go-getter until I saw the Big War Pig and Big Oil Pig boards she sits on and her former role as general counsel for the Department of Defense, and they are certainly 100 percent behind the Bush-Cheney Ball Busting Foreign Policy.
"From May 1993 until she joined the Justice Department, Gorelick served as general counsel of the Department of Defense."
"She also serves on several boards, including the Fannie Mae Foundation, United Technologies Corporation, Schlumberger, Limited, The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation, the Harvard College Board of Overseers, America's Promise, the Washington Legal Clinic for the Homeless, the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, the Local Initiatives Support Corporation, and The National Park Foundation, and currently serves on the Central Intelligence Agency's National Security Advisory Panel as well as the President's Review of Intelligence.
"Since it is this particular CIA committee and Richard Clarke that everyone wants to point the finger of blame towards, I am not sure how this person got on the 9-11 Commission to "investigate itself" as it pertains to the CIA. Hmmm, Gorelick was General Counsel of DoD while the Bridas mugging in Texas (and Turkmenistan and Pakistan) was in progress. How interesting. Maybe we should look for her legal opinion on 'breach of contract with military force' since Bridas won in the US Courts its interference of contract claims against Unocal and Turkmenneft. Took years, but the truth prevailed.
"Schlumberger just started reporting in the third quarter of 2004, about the same time the 9-11 Commission was signing off and making its recommendations to Congress, that it is in fact doing work in Kazakhstan and doing quite well with a 'significant surge in revenues due to Caspian Basin related work.' Now, why did they apparently keep that quiet during the entire time of the 9-11 Commission hearings? Also note that Chevron (with Condoleezza ties) stayed mum about their efforts in the Caspian for the most part. We cannot have Big Oil Pigs thumping their chests too much while the investigations are in progress and American soldiers are dying for lies and being told they are going to be over there a long time protecting this Bush Oil Legacy.
"It also came up during John Ashcroft's testimony before the 9-11 Commission that Ms. Gorelick was involved in a memorandum or opinion regarding 'domestic wire taps' and 'foreign intelligence wire taps' under FISA [Foreign Intelligence Security Act] that blocked FBI agents from even sharing information together, or something to that effect. Just sounds like another reason she should be on the other side of the table rather than sitting on the 9-11 Commission."
Of course, Fannie Mae is now disclosing that their 3rd quarter losses could run as high as $9 billion. The way Old Wastrel George blasts through our taxpayer money and keeps piling up the debt at record levels, what's a mere 9 billion bucks to our president that has not a clue what "stewardship" means?
Have you heard about FBI Translator Sibel D. Edmonds and efforts to silence her?
Have you heard about FBI Translator Sibel D. Edmonds and efforts to silence her?
The White House and Ashcroft have been working overtime to shut her up. Her translations did not expose 9-11 and use of planes. It exposed drug trafficking and money laundering, foreign names and American names pre-9-11 funding.
Stop and THINK! What does "How they paid for 9-11" have to do with National Security, other than WHO DID IT?
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Part 2: 9/11 Commission and Bridas
December 10, 2004
Stop and THINK! What does "How they paid for 9-11" have to do with National Security, other than WHO DID IT?
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Part 2: 9/11 Commission and Bridas
December 10, 2004
The best way to expose mythology as an "operative lie" is to start at the most recent instances (most easily remembered) and work backwards in time to the source of that lie. As lies often do, they change position when the truth confronts the lie and the Bush administration has proven it can change positions as fast as Clinton when confronted with The Truth.
This commentary is the second in that step of tracing backwards to the source of the Bush Mythology and exposing it as the blatant lie that it is.
The most recent Great Lie was The 9-11 Commission and that the commission was appointed to find the truth out about 9-11 and bring those parties to justice. But what were they covering up? That 9-11 happened? No, they were covering up why it happened and who was behind it and that most of the 9-11 Commissioners are directly benefiting from 9-11 and the idiotic policies that have been derived from or developed as a direct result of that event.
It is not in what the 9-11 Commission looked into it was what they willfully did not look into and there were multiple people on that commission that knew exactly what was going on in the Caspian Basin, Pakistan and most importantly, Afghanistan where something was blocking a pipeline project that they all had to have to make a lot of money.
In writing my book One-Way Ticket to Crawford, Texas, I not only analyzed 9-11, Afghanistan, Iraq, defense spending, Homeland Security spending, the intentional weakening of the U.S. dollar and use of terrorism to drive up the price of oil and gasoline, the absence of "rule of law" if Bush Buddies or Clinton Buddies were being bad actors, but I also investigated the "talking heads" they put before us to spin their web of lies.
In that effort we found a considerable number of serious conflicts of interests that should have barred eight of the 10 commissioners from ever being appointed to the 9-11 Omission Commission.
Not a word out of the 9-11 Commission about Bridas Corporation and all of the players conspiring to get them out of the way and get control of the $7.34-plus trillion in oil and even more in natural gas.
This commentary is the second in that step of tracing backwards to the source of the Bush Mythology and exposing it as the blatant lie that it is.
The most recent Great Lie was The 9-11 Commission and that the commission was appointed to find the truth out about 9-11 and bring those parties to justice. But what were they covering up? That 9-11 happened? No, they were covering up why it happened and who was behind it and that most of the 9-11 Commissioners are directly benefiting from 9-11 and the idiotic policies that have been derived from or developed as a direct result of that event.
It is not in what the 9-11 Commission looked into it was what they willfully did not look into and there were multiple people on that commission that knew exactly what was going on in the Caspian Basin, Pakistan and most importantly, Afghanistan where something was blocking a pipeline project that they all had to have to make a lot of money.
In writing my book One-Way Ticket to Crawford, Texas, I not only analyzed 9-11, Afghanistan, Iraq, defense spending, Homeland Security spending, the intentional weakening of the U.S. dollar and use of terrorism to drive up the price of oil and gasoline, the absence of "rule of law" if Bush Buddies or Clinton Buddies were being bad actors, but I also investigated the "talking heads" they put before us to spin their web of lies.
In that effort we found a considerable number of serious conflicts of interests that should have barred eight of the 10 commissioners from ever being appointed to the 9-11 Omission Commission.
Not a word out of the 9-11 Commission about Bridas Corporation and all of the players conspiring to get them out of the way and get control of the $7.34-plus trillion in oil and even more in natural gas.
Major Kazakhstan Players (Including Bribes)
Dick Cheney, State Kazakhstan Oil Advisory Board, Halliburton was all over the Caspian, still is. Amerada Hess (Baker & Botts) (Delta, Saudi), Board member Kean is Chairman of 9-11 Commission = conflict of interest. BP Amoco (Baker & Botts), Amoco implicated in bribery scandal. Phillips Petroleum, implicated in bribery scandal. ChevronTexaco, Texaco implicated in bribery scandal; Baker & Botts represents ChevronTexaco and Mayer Brown represents Kazakhstan. James H. Giffen indicted for bribery 2003. That nasty matter of bribes in Kazakhstan involving Mr. James H. Giffen did involve Mobil, as well as Texaco, Amoco and Phillips Petroleum. ExxonMobil, Mobil implicated in bribery scandal. Schlumberger Oil Services, Jamie Gorelick on board, 9-11 Commission member, conflict of interest. Schlumberger stayed pretty quiet about their Caspian Basin adventures until the 9-11 Commission was wrapping up and handing things over to Congress to slam shut more of our American freedoms instead of addressing 9-11 and who did it, and bring them to justice. (Continued growth in Russia and the Caspian, and strong performance across Asia and the Middle East, were both very encouraging. North America pricing moved up satisfactorily in the quarter.) Mayer Brown, Rowe & Maw, represents Kazakhstan. Slightly conflicted out on 9-11 Commission.Major Uzbekistan Players
Mayer Brown, Rowe & Maw, including joint office with ENRON. Directly represented ENRON, Enron executive has pled guilty to California criminal charges, El Paso too, charges against Dynegy trader pending ENRON everyone keep an eye out for Prisma Energy International, Cayman Islands, the post-bankruptcy ENRON and this cushy, profitable, colossal oil and gas deal in the Caspian Basin that had to have the pipeline across Afghanistan. Represented by Mayer Brown ChevronTexaco, Represented by Baker & Botts, Mayer Brown representing Uzbekistan too, (and everybody thought Richard Ben Veniste was going to rip into Condoleezza Rice? Yeah, right!) Dabhol Enron, Dabhol, India fiasco that cost U.S. taxpayers over $1 billion in an electrical gas-fired generator that was not feasible without cheap Turkmenistan or Uzbekistan natural gas and not a pipeline one to get that gas to Dabhol to make the project feasible. Represented by Mayer Brown and slightly conflicted out on 9-11 Commission matters. Halliburton, Schlumberger, Dick gets around! J. Gorelick too! Uzbekistan Government, Represented by Mayer Brown. General Dostum is Uzbek, controls North part of Afghanistan. Mayer, Brown, & Platt, Involves US and Israeli interests in Islamic nation and almost immediate surge in "terrorism" or "outrage"; Uzbekneftegaz; See book 'Shurtan II,' Israeli Foreign Trade Risk Insurance Group (IFTRIC), Bank Hapaolim of IsraelMajor Turkmenistan Players
ChevonTexaco (Baker Botts client), Condoleezza Rice "supertanker" named for her. BP Amoco (Baker & Botts client); BP involved in California energy pricing scam, fined lightly. UNOCAL, Delta Petroleum, their Saudi partners (same ones Taliban turned down) Who is OPIC funding the Trans-Afghan pipeline for? What US oil company stepped forward? FMC O&G products. See James R. Thompson, 9-11 Commission conflict Halliburton (Cheney), Schlumberger (Gorelick), heavily motivated to see Bridas, Taliban gone. Mayer Brown & Platt, does work for Turkmen government. Note Turkmen government signed with Bridas, reneged and Mayer Brown represented Turkmenneft in lawsuit against Bridas Corporation all the way to the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals in New Orleans and U.S. Supreme Court, case 03-1018, Turkmenneft v. Bridas S.A.P.I.C., et al, writ of certiorari denied March 22, 2004.Major Pakistan Players
PennzEnergy and Ocean Energy, now Devon Energy. Robert Mosbacher, Jr. and other Bush Pioneers on this energy company board of directors. Devon board, Duke Ligon, former Mayer Brown partner and Robert Mosbacher, Jr. son of GHWB Commerce Secretary Mosbacher. Illinova (Dynegy sub); Dynegy involved in CA two-way trip accounting scam that fleeced California electrical customers along with 20 other energy companies including Enron, El Paso, BP. UNOCAL, Delta Petroleum, their Saudi partners (same ones Taliban turned down). Pakistan talks are matter of record to get the pipeline under Unocal / Delta control. Mayer Brown, Represented Illinova on this deal, Pakistan natural gas fired electrical generator. Baker & Botts, Pakistan Energy, Caspian players. Remington Holdings / Western Acquisition - This might be payoff. The WHOLE WORLD should find out who this is. Baker & Botts client - OPIC funded acquisition. Arnold & Porter, represent Unocal and financial consortium on Pakistan electrical plant deal. 9-11 Commission never bothered to inquire into the Pakistan natural gas fired electrical plants and who those parties were talking to as to supply of natural gas across Afghanistan to those plants.
The pipeline is back in play and not a word of it reported by our major media outlets or if reported buried the story instead of following the obvious leads and the conclusions those leads arrive at.
If you dig deep enough, you will find that the Bush administration's displeasure with "vote fraud" in the Ukraine, while gloating about their own vote fraud in the United States, is because Puppet President Bush and his Oil Kingdom Puppeteers were counting on having total control of the Ukraine so they could take oil out of the Caspian that way, too.
Dig even deeper and there is George Soros trying to affect the outcome of that election in the same direction as George Bush and Colin Powell are.
If you dig deep enough, you will find that the Bush administration's displeasure with "vote fraud" in the Ukraine, while gloating about their own vote fraud in the United States, is because Puppet President Bush and his Oil Kingdom Puppeteers were counting on having total control of the Ukraine so they could take oil out of the Caspian that way, too.
Dig even deeper and there is George Soros trying to affect the outcome of that election in the same direction as George Bush and Colin Powell are.
Hmm, seems George is two-faced when it comes to money and oil.
"The Democratic party's National Democratic Institute, the Republican party's International Republican Institute, the US state department and USAid are the main agencies involved in these grassroots campaigns as well as the Freedom House NGO and billionaire George Soros's open society institute."
It is all about the oil, control and people lining their pockets with a lot of our money. That is why they lie to us and create the "mythology" they want you to believe.
February 2002: Afghanistan's interim leader Hamid Karzai said he and Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf had agreed to revive a plan for a trans-Caspian gas pipeline from Turkmenistan to Pakistan.
December 2002: Central Asia pipeline deal signed; An agreement has been signed in the Turkmen capital, Ashgabat, paving the way for construction of a gas pipeline from the Central Asian republic through Afghanistan to Pakistan.
February 2003: OPIC agrees to fund the pipeline and Bush has guaranteed to protect it with U.S. troops (without telling the United States citizens). "23-02-03 Turkmenistan, Afghanistan and Pakistan (TAP) have signed a protocol for trans-Afghanistan Gas Pipeline Project . . . However, some recent reports had indicated that the United States was willing to police the pipeline infrastructure through permanent stationing of its troops in the region. The US ExIm Bank, the Trade and Development Agency (TDA) and the Overseas Private Insurance Corporation (OPIC) had also shown readiness to finance such a project, if leading American energy giants come forward.
September 2003: Bridas prevails at 5th Circuit, U.S. Court of Appeals after years of being jerked around in Texas courts. $485+ million arbitration award upheld.
March 2004:U.S. Supreme Court denies Writ of Certiorari, upholding 5th Circuit. State Concern Turkmenneft v. Bridas, 03-1018
Have you heard about FBI Translator Sibel D. Edmonds and efforts to silence her?
The White House and Ashcroft have been working overtime to shut her up. Her translations did not expose 9-11 and use of planes. It exposed drug trafficking and money laundering, foreign names and American names pre-9-11 funding.
Stop and think! What does "How they paid for 9-11" have to do with National Security, other than WHO DID IT?
They had to "get policy" to fit the "desired objective," i.e, $7.34 trillion oil + natural gas and controlled by major Bush Backers and select Liberal Left.
The White House and Ashcroft have been working overtime to shut her up. Her translations did not expose 9-11 and use of planes. It exposed drug trafficking and money laundering, foreign names and American names pre-9-11 funding.
Stop and think! What does "How they paid for 9-11" have to do with National Security, other than WHO DID IT?
They had to "get policy" to fit the "desired objective," i.e, $7.34 trillion oil + natural gas and controlled by major Bush Backers and select Liberal Left.
How? September 11, 2001...
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In part 2 (above) it was disclosed that there are some serious deficiencies in the Official Bush Story regarding 9-11 and that Canadian firms might be the source of certain types of training and software that made 9-11 possible. Furthermore, it was disclosed by a source that came to me that there was a $120 billion "due bill" that matured on Sept. 11, 2001, and was due on that day or the next.
The Chinese have an interesting saying that fits what is going on today in America: "When the whales battle, the shrimps suffer."
The source for such information that has been brought to me (because of my writings) used to work for the federal government and is a specialist in detecting "Trojan Horses" that are financial scams designed, placed and intended to defraud either investors or large banks, or, in some instances, entire nations. They are used as a form of Financial Terrorism that I write about in my book, One-Way Ticket to Crawford, Texas.
Not only have I come forward with some people that provided me with intelligence and hard facts, but there is also a Mr. John Perkins, a former NSA (National Security Agency) recruit that was placed in a private company to wreak financial damage and the equivalent of financial terrorism on smaller nations to take over their assets for American empire-building, much like Bush is doing in Iraq at this time. Mr. Perkins has written a book about his past sins, titled Confessions of an Economic Hit Man, and what he discloses in that book is entirely consistent with what I am disclosing in this Pop Goes the Bush Mythology Bubble series.
Even Mr. Perkins confirmed to me in a telephone call that Brady Bonds are part of a bigger strategy to defraud smaller nations. When Washington, DC, speaks of "rule of law" do not hold your head up high, instead bend over and puke because of the despicable liars we have in our nation's capital. They are out plundering other nations on behalf of their wealthy contributors and in the end, shaming all of us and drawing contempt and hatred towards all of us.
They are plundering and ruining the lives of hundreds of millions worldwide, so they can thump their chests and boast of their deeds that are mere thievery and willful intent to defraud at best.
According to my Trojan Horse expert, there were actually two illegal, bogus, and fraudulent schemes in play at the same time on 9-11-2001. The first being a $120 billion transaction based on Brady Bonds and bogus gold collateral certificates that involves, according to our sources, George H. W. Bush, Lloyd Bentsen, James A. Baker, III, and other insider players.
The Chinese have an interesting saying that fits what is going on today in America: "When the whales battle, the shrimps suffer."
The source for such information that has been brought to me (because of my writings) used to work for the federal government and is a specialist in detecting "Trojan Horses" that are financial scams designed, placed and intended to defraud either investors or large banks, or, in some instances, entire nations. They are used as a form of Financial Terrorism that I write about in my book, One-Way Ticket to Crawford, Texas.
Not only have I come forward with some people that provided me with intelligence and hard facts, but there is also a Mr. John Perkins, a former NSA (National Security Agency) recruit that was placed in a private company to wreak financial damage and the equivalent of financial terrorism on smaller nations to take over their assets for American empire-building, much like Bush is doing in Iraq at this time. Mr. Perkins has written a book about his past sins, titled Confessions of an Economic Hit Man, and what he discloses in that book is entirely consistent with what I am disclosing in this Pop Goes the Bush Mythology Bubble series.
Even Mr. Perkins confirmed to me in a telephone call that Brady Bonds are part of a bigger strategy to defraud smaller nations. When Washington, DC, speaks of "rule of law" do not hold your head up high, instead bend over and puke because of the despicable liars we have in our nation's capital. They are out plundering other nations on behalf of their wealthy contributors and in the end, shaming all of us and drawing contempt and hatred towards all of us.
They are plundering and ruining the lives of hundreds of millions worldwide, so they can thump their chests and boast of their deeds that are mere thievery and willful intent to defraud at best.
According to my Trojan Horse expert, there were actually two illegal, bogus, and fraudulent schemes in play at the same time on 9-11-2001. The first being a $120 billion transaction based on Brady Bonds and bogus gold collateral certificates that involves, according to our sources, George H. W. Bush, Lloyd Bentsen, James A. Baker, III, and other insider players.
For clarification's sake, just refer to them as Faction 1 and note that they are all insiders, influence pimps and Republicans except for Bentsen, but he is from Texas where oil and politics is about as screwed up as this world gets. Then on the other side of the aisle we have Faction 2 that are insiders, influence pimps and Democrats by the name of William J. Clinton, George Soros, CFR, the GAIA / Ekker folks that were disclosed in the part 1 of this series, and add in Marc Rich and Israel to Faction 2.
Gosh, what a tangled web they weave with their deceit, greed and power games in DC. I can smell the blackmail all the way down in Little Rock, the DC stench is so strong.
The first of these bogus $120 billion deals originated out of Israel, so now maybe you can better understand why Congress is attempting to change U.S. law to where criticism of Israel is against the law and there is currently a purge in the State Department and CIA of anyone who dared to question the "Attack Iraq to Defend Israel" policy. Yes, let's criminalize it to call a thief a thief.
In parts 1 and 2 (above), I exposed that the 9-11 Commission had so many conflicts of interest that the only possible end result was conflicted, as in cover up.
Evidently the Inter-American Investment Corporation is such a sweetheart scam for the Bushoids that the Clintonoids wanted in on it too and when Clinton was in office, they took full advantage of the opportunity. Evidently somewhere along the way the Ekkers changed sides from the Bush "Scam America" Team and went with the Clinton "Scam America" Team. Evidently since GHWB ran Iran-Contra through Arkansas, Clinton had enough information to either weasel his way in or set up a parallel operation, bogus and illegal of course.
It is this Ekkers-GAIA group that has been placing bogus gold certificates and doing so in very large numbers. Over $10 trillion according to our source and an independent gold trading source verifies that as well. This is all made possible by using the moniker of Inter-American Investment Corporation ["IIC"] and Global Alliance Investment Association ["GAIA"]. What they are doing is using the Peru Bonus 3392-181 that does not belong to either IIC or GAIA to achieve this bogus and illegal end, and it certainly does not belong to either Bush or Clinton.
We Americans have higher standards than these scumbags and it is time to clean house and flush the toilet in DC. What they are doing is using the Peru Bonus 3392-181 mentioned below that does not belong to either IIC or GAIA to achieve this bogus and illegal end.
Gosh, what a tangled web they weave with their deceit, greed and power games in DC. I can smell the blackmail all the way down in Little Rock, the DC stench is so strong.
The first of these bogus $120 billion deals originated out of Israel, so now maybe you can better understand why Congress is attempting to change U.S. law to where criticism of Israel is against the law and there is currently a purge in the State Department and CIA of anyone who dared to question the "Attack Iraq to Defend Israel" policy. Yes, let's criminalize it to call a thief a thief.
In parts 1 and 2 (above), I exposed that the 9-11 Commission had so many conflicts of interest that the only possible end result was conflicted, as in cover up.
Evidently the Inter-American Investment Corporation is such a sweetheart scam for the Bushoids that the Clintonoids wanted in on it too and when Clinton was in office, they took full advantage of the opportunity. Evidently somewhere along the way the Ekkers changed sides from the Bush "Scam America" Team and went with the Clinton "Scam America" Team. Evidently since GHWB ran Iran-Contra through Arkansas, Clinton had enough information to either weasel his way in or set up a parallel operation, bogus and illegal of course.
It is this Ekkers-GAIA group that has been placing bogus gold certificates and doing so in very large numbers. Over $10 trillion according to our source and an independent gold trading source verifies that as well. This is all made possible by using the moniker of Inter-American Investment Corporation ["IIC"] and Global Alliance Investment Association ["GAIA"]. What they are doing is using the Peru Bonus 3392-181 that does not belong to either IIC or GAIA to achieve this bogus and illegal end, and it certainly does not belong to either Bush or Clinton.
We Americans have higher standards than these scumbags and it is time to clean house and flush the toilet in DC. What they are doing is using the Peru Bonus 3392-181 mentioned below that does not belong to either IIC or GAIA to achieve this bogus and illegal end.
"The amount involved in this transaction was 'non-authorized use of the Gold Collateral Interest (U.S. Debt) on BONUS 3392-181.'"
Simply put, someone, some group, owed $120 billion on 9-11-2001 and the deal up and vanished, the debtors walked away scot-free and the creditors offshore banks, took major hits.
This all makes perfect sense as to why George W. Bush would want to slap "TOP SECRET" on all matters including back to the days his father was CIA director and later vice president in the Reagan administration. One of my recent articles disclosed that the plot to take over Iraqi oil did not start when Bush came to office, it actually started way back in 1982 or 1983 at least, so we have some baggage in the Bush White House due to past and present misdeeds.
I keep reminding folks to back up and pay attention to what FBI Translator Sibel D. Edmonds made public and Bush, Cheney and Ashcroft slapped a gag order on her immediately.
This all makes perfect sense as to why George W. Bush would want to slap "TOP SECRET" on all matters including back to the days his father was CIA director and later vice president in the Reagan administration. One of my recent articles disclosed that the plot to take over Iraqi oil did not start when Bush came to office, it actually started way back in 1982 or 1983 at least, so we have some baggage in the Bush White House due to past and present misdeeds.
I keep reminding folks to back up and pay attention to what FBI Translator Sibel D. Edmonds made public and Bush, Cheney and Ashcroft slapped a gag order on her immediately.
She found and pay close attention this time if you did not last time or this is the first time you have heard this,
"drug trafficking, money laundering, foreign names and AMERICAN NAMES involved in the financing of 9-11."
Additionally, what she found did not come from "counter-terrorism" (Richard Clarke's group), it came from ongoing FBI investigations that have been in progress since 1998, during the Clinton administration.
Then out of Germany an attorney named Stefan Grossman hit on yet another "foreknowledge" evidence trail that suggests that many were in the know about 9-11 happening. Mr. Grossman uncovered that the insurance riders on the World Trade Center (WTC) towers 1 and 2 had apparently been increased in June or July 2001 from somewhere around $1.05 billion to the neighborhood of $4 billion.
Then out of Germany an attorney named Stefan Grossman hit on yet another "foreknowledge" evidence trail that suggests that many were in the know about 9-11 happening. Mr. Grossman uncovered that the insurance riders on the World Trade Center (WTC) towers 1 and 2 had apparently been increased in June or July 2001 from somewhere around $1.05 billion to the neighborhood of $4 billion.
Reportedly the beneficiaries of these serendipitous "three times the payout" insurance riders" are Henry Kissinger of Kissinger McLarty Associates, Peter G. Peterson of Blackstone Group and Maurice Greenberg of AIG. Wouldn't that be a hoot but of course, they knew nothing about the 9-11 "attacks" being on the day's agenda.
Some of you may remember a 1991 quote attributed to Kissinger at the 1991 Bilderberger meeting in Evians, France, that went something like this:
Some of you may remember a 1991 quote attributed to Kissinger at the 1991 Bilderberger meeting in Evians, France, that went something like this:
"Today, America would be outraged if U.N. troops entered Los Angeles to restore order. Tomorrow they will be grateful! This is especially true if they were told that there were an outside threat from beyond, whether real or promulgated, that threatened our very existence. It is then that all peoples of the world will plead to deliver them from this evil. The one thing every man fears is the unknown. When presented with this scenario, individual rights will be willingly relinquished for the guarantee of their well-being granted to them by the World Government."
You know what, Henry, I frankly don't give an iota what you think or your New World Order vision of Fascism and let's all march to your goose-step. How about: NO WAY, Henry! Do you understand both of those words used together?
But of course, McLarty of Kissinger McLarty Associates is none other than Thomas F. 'Mack the Knife' McLarty of the Clinton administration infamy and formerly of Little Rock, Ark.
The documents for that bogus $120 billion closing were reportedly housed in WTC 1, and gosh, that company took a 767 right in the face. Consider that, and consider that no one is that lucky to get off scot-free because a 767 showed up to bust up the deal.
My sources inform that Cantor Fitzgerald was the underwriter/bond trustee on the $120 billion payment that was due. It may have been another firm, but my sources say Cantor Fitzgerald, WTC 1, floors 101-105.
Out of the blue, a new source came forward with information that in 1989 there was a plan being designed and priced to put up scaffolding, take the WTC towers down and rebuild them. The reason stated was not only asbestos related, but also because of a considerable design flaw in the WTC towers involving galvanic corrosion resulting from direct contact of dissimilar metals. In this instance, the heavy exterior aluminum panels were reportedly directly connected to the steel superstructure of the WTC towers.
But of course, McLarty of Kissinger McLarty Associates is none other than Thomas F. 'Mack the Knife' McLarty of the Clinton administration infamy and formerly of Little Rock, Ark.
The documents for that bogus $120 billion closing were reportedly housed in WTC 1, and gosh, that company took a 767 right in the face. Consider that, and consider that no one is that lucky to get off scot-free because a 767 showed up to bust up the deal.
My sources inform that Cantor Fitzgerald was the underwriter/bond trustee on the $120 billion payment that was due. It may have been another firm, but my sources say Cantor Fitzgerald, WTC 1, floors 101-105.
Out of the blue, a new source came forward with information that in 1989 there was a plan being designed and priced to put up scaffolding, take the WTC towers down and rebuild them. The reason stated was not only asbestos related, but also because of a considerable design flaw in the WTC towers involving galvanic corrosion resulting from direct contact of dissimilar metals. In this instance, the heavy exterior aluminum panels were reportedly directly connected to the steel superstructure of the WTC towers.
The price in 1989 was reportedly $5.6 billion to do this demolition and rebuilding to correct what would be a serious design flaw.
If that is the case, there would have been rapid and very damaging corrosion to the steel superstructure due to a process that is called galvanic corrosion. The Statute of Liberty had to be repaired for that same reason where the copper exterior had over time come into contact with the iron skeleton structure inside that makes the shape of the monument, so the process can occur in structures standing in air.
Evidently someone did not want to spend $5.6 billion (1989 dollars) to tear the WTC towers down and rebuild them properly, without the asbestos and without the defect that would rapidly deteriorate the superstructure of the building.
I do not have subpoena powers, but Eliot Spitzer does and some, if not all of the above facts and sets of circumstances warrant being looked into. He is welcome to everything we have on 9-11 matters and the RICO investigations that led to the facts that are presented in my book.
The US government has put their mythology on the table and apparently many (89 percent in the CNN poll) are not buying it. The foregoing may or may not be true, who knows?
If that is the case, there would have been rapid and very damaging corrosion to the steel superstructure due to a process that is called galvanic corrosion. The Statute of Liberty had to be repaired for that same reason where the copper exterior had over time come into contact with the iron skeleton structure inside that makes the shape of the monument, so the process can occur in structures standing in air.
Evidently someone did not want to spend $5.6 billion (1989 dollars) to tear the WTC towers down and rebuild them properly, without the asbestos and without the defect that would rapidly deteriorate the superstructure of the building.
I do not have subpoena powers, but Eliot Spitzer does and some, if not all of the above facts and sets of circumstances warrant being looked into. He is welcome to everything we have on 9-11 matters and the RICO investigations that led to the facts that are presented in my book.
The US government has put their mythology on the table and apparently many (89 percent in the CNN poll) are not buying it. The foregoing may or may not be true, who knows?
It has yet to be investigated and how the trails all started converging on 9-11 and New York City without having to guide them that way might be very telling.
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Part 4: More reasons to not investigate 9-11
January 14, 2005
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Part 4: More reasons to not investigate 9-11
January 14, 2005
The dreaded "BMB" (Bush Mythology Bubble) surely ranks right up there with the dreaded WMD, as in W's Mass Deception.
An interesting comment from a former CIA employee, Michael Hasty, years ago sums up why we have people digging for the truth and some of them being eliminated such as recently happened to Gary Webb:
"Whenever I hear the words "conspiracy theory" it usually means someone is getting too close to the truth."
The article is about a fourth open letter to Eliot Spitzer, Attorney General for the State of New York and William Casey, Chief Investigator for the Attorney General's Office. In fact, the letter has been hand-delivered to Mr. Spitzer's office. In addition to that, on December 28, an associate and myself delivered an intelligence file that was delivered to a friend and then delivered to me. That file has now been delivered to Spitzer and Robert Morganthau, Manhattan District Attorney.
It is hoped that the "checks and balances" between the New York State attorney general and the Manhattan district attorney might assure that someone in New York does their job. We have been advised that Spitzer's office does not have jurisdiction over the nearly 3,000 murders that occurred at the World Trade Center (WTC) on September 11, 2001, however, Mr. Morganthau's office definitely has jurisdiction over that matter. If one looks at 9-11 as part financial scam and part mass murder to effect political objectives, we might just need both offices working on this one.
As far as our group is concerned, they can sort that out amongst themselves (jurisdiction that is) and someone do their job in America for a change when it comes to justice.
The intelligence agency file is the primary reason for this Part IV and why there has been a slight delay in its release following the Part III of Pop goes the Bush Mythology Bubble (above). We wanted Spitzer and Morganthau to have it before this article appeared as additional information to support what facts are being disclosed in Parts I through VII of this series.
This intelligence file, one that has been suppressed by our government as they have suppressed all other matters relating to 9-11-2001, has names, banks, account numbers, wire transfer instructions, security codes, and more information to clearly show who was involved in a $120 billion debt due and that debt was definitely due in September of 2001. It did not get paid, and had it been paid, our information shows that a ring of robber barons would have been exposed to be misusing fake gold collateral certificates to borrow money under false pretenses (very large sums of money at that) and then never repay it. In short, had it been paid, they were caught red-handed.
That the "legitimacy" of such bogus instruments directly involves some in our government is something that we citizens of the Untied States need to address and purge them from the government once and for all, and even purge them from the markets that drive such greed based on deception and false documentation that has the appearance of legitimacy and color of law.
They are on the public payroll to serve the public, not break any law they please at a whim and line their pockets with monies that are not rightfully or legally theirs to lay claim to.
One read through the file we delivered to Spitzer and Morganthau's offices makes it clear that some folks are using "color of law" and elaborate international "nesting doll arrangements" to frustrate being discovered, and if discovered, frustrate jurisdiction, venue and forced disgorgement of their ill-gotten gains through litigation remedies. Such are white-collar criminal cabals they just hate to have to surrender what they have stolen, once they have managed to steal it.
If you do not know what "nesting doll arrangements" are, you might want to read my book One-Way Ticket to Crawford, Texas and get an education in that area and who is doing it to this nation and you. Both Enron and Global Crossing were nesting doll arrangements just to give you a brief example of what to expect and what the end results are.
It is what those funds are being used for that are rather problematic, for it appears to be a means to take over the assets of others, like gold, mineral resources, banks and central banks of multiple nations, and, of course, oil and lots of it. In fact, it appears that such bogus gold certificates are being used in some interesting ways by certain Wall Street and Washington types to artificially prop up the U.S. economy to cover up the fraudulent numbers.
It is hoped that the "checks and balances" between the New York State attorney general and the Manhattan district attorney might assure that someone in New York does their job. We have been advised that Spitzer's office does not have jurisdiction over the nearly 3,000 murders that occurred at the World Trade Center (WTC) on September 11, 2001, however, Mr. Morganthau's office definitely has jurisdiction over that matter. If one looks at 9-11 as part financial scam and part mass murder to effect political objectives, we might just need both offices working on this one.
As far as our group is concerned, they can sort that out amongst themselves (jurisdiction that is) and someone do their job in America for a change when it comes to justice.
The intelligence agency file is the primary reason for this Part IV and why there has been a slight delay in its release following the Part III of Pop goes the Bush Mythology Bubble (above). We wanted Spitzer and Morganthau to have it before this article appeared as additional information to support what facts are being disclosed in Parts I through VII of this series.
This intelligence file, one that has been suppressed by our government as they have suppressed all other matters relating to 9-11-2001, has names, banks, account numbers, wire transfer instructions, security codes, and more information to clearly show who was involved in a $120 billion debt due and that debt was definitely due in September of 2001. It did not get paid, and had it been paid, our information shows that a ring of robber barons would have been exposed to be misusing fake gold collateral certificates to borrow money under false pretenses (very large sums of money at that) and then never repay it. In short, had it been paid, they were caught red-handed.
That the "legitimacy" of such bogus instruments directly involves some in our government is something that we citizens of the Untied States need to address and purge them from the government once and for all, and even purge them from the markets that drive such greed based on deception and false documentation that has the appearance of legitimacy and color of law.
They are on the public payroll to serve the public, not break any law they please at a whim and line their pockets with monies that are not rightfully or legally theirs to lay claim to.
One read through the file we delivered to Spitzer and Morganthau's offices makes it clear that some folks are using "color of law" and elaborate international "nesting doll arrangements" to frustrate being discovered, and if discovered, frustrate jurisdiction, venue and forced disgorgement of their ill-gotten gains through litigation remedies. Such are white-collar criminal cabals they just hate to have to surrender what they have stolen, once they have managed to steal it.
If you do not know what "nesting doll arrangements" are, you might want to read my book One-Way Ticket to Crawford, Texas and get an education in that area and who is doing it to this nation and you. Both Enron and Global Crossing were nesting doll arrangements just to give you a brief example of what to expect and what the end results are.
It is what those funds are being used for that are rather problematic, for it appears to be a means to take over the assets of others, like gold, mineral resources, banks and central banks of multiple nations, and, of course, oil and lots of it. In fact, it appears that such bogus gold certificates are being used in some interesting ways by certain Wall Street and Washington types to artificially prop up the U.S. economy to cover up the fraudulent numbers.
Said another way, our true economic condition might be much worse than any of them are admitting and a full investigation into what is written about in this Part IV is way overdue as to exposing this gang of financial terrorists.
There has not been enough in our major media about these illegal gold certificates, of which there are reportedly over $10 trillion in circulation at this time. By any definition, $10 trillion in fraud is a massive amount of fraud. It was comforting to know that Spitzer's office is aware of such and a special team is in fact focusing on that fraud. How that fraud ties into 9-11 is something that we have followed since before 9-11.
One of the things the Fourth Estate (i.e., the major news media) has become very adept in is aiding and abetting our government in creating, promoting and maintaining the mythology that they want all of us to believe. Interpol (Philippines) and the Central Bank issued warnings as early as 1988 that such fake certificates were flooding into certain market sectors and skewing both real numbers and economic performance.
There has not been enough in our major media about these illegal gold certificates, of which there are reportedly over $10 trillion in circulation at this time. By any definition, $10 trillion in fraud is a massive amount of fraud. It was comforting to know that Spitzer's office is aware of such and a special team is in fact focusing on that fraud. How that fraud ties into 9-11 is something that we have followed since before 9-11.
One of the things the Fourth Estate (i.e., the major news media) has become very adept in is aiding and abetting our government in creating, promoting and maintaining the mythology that they want all of us to believe. Interpol (Philippines) and the Central Bank issued warnings as early as 1988 that such fake certificates were flooding into certain market sectors and skewing both real numbers and economic performance.
Hmm, George H.W. Bush was president during that time and Master Bush wants to slap Top Secret on all matters regarding the past deeds and misdeeds of his family. A 10-year deal is done in 1991 based on bogus gold certificate collateral and is due in 2001. You do the math.
This article is another point-by-point "their government mythology" versus "our citizens alternate facts" that they do not want you to read, or hear, or even think about. If you want the "distraction du jour" rather than the truth, this is a free country and you have the right to be uninformed.
We have some folks actively working right now to try to take over the world and our beloved United States and turn it into the Fourth Reich, so wake up and heads up.
For example, we have all been told that "19 dastardly Arabs, mostly Saudis" trained at multiple places around the U.S. to fly the jets into WTC I and WTC II and the Pentagon. That may well be a myth and part of an intentional attempt to create obfuscation, hide trails, motives, create justifications for "new government policies," etc.
You will learn in Part VI that the "9-11 doers" probably trained in Canada (not Florida) and took advantage of technology developed in that nation that was in place in New York and in planes used in war games between the U.S. and Canada. The name of 9-11 Commission member John F. Lehman surfaces in Part VI and it also apparently surfaced in the documents we just handed over to Spitzer and Morganthau and cited herein, so if you are not paying attention yet it is time you did start paying very close attention.
One of the documents out of Germany clearly cites "per instructions of Mr. Lehmann" and easy enough to misspell. As of the date of the document in question, none of the Lehman family were involved in Lehman Brothers so that trail is not timely and points to a different Lehman. This intelligence file also has copies of FedEx packages that were sent to Alan Greenspan and Nicholas Brady by John D'Aquisto back on August 19, 1991.
With subpoena powers, it would not take Spitzer or Morganthau long to get to the bottom of that matter. We will either get to that point with Mr. Spitzer or some other prosecutor who has jurisdiction over mass murders in New York City or Arlington County, Va.
This article is another point-by-point "their government mythology" versus "our citizens alternate facts" that they do not want you to read, or hear, or even think about. If you want the "distraction du jour" rather than the truth, this is a free country and you have the right to be uninformed.
We have some folks actively working right now to try to take over the world and our beloved United States and turn it into the Fourth Reich, so wake up and heads up.
For example, we have all been told that "19 dastardly Arabs, mostly Saudis" trained at multiple places around the U.S. to fly the jets into WTC I and WTC II and the Pentagon. That may well be a myth and part of an intentional attempt to create obfuscation, hide trails, motives, create justifications for "new government policies," etc.
You will learn in Part VI that the "9-11 doers" probably trained in Canada (not Florida) and took advantage of technology developed in that nation that was in place in New York and in planes used in war games between the U.S. and Canada. The name of 9-11 Commission member John F. Lehman surfaces in Part VI and it also apparently surfaced in the documents we just handed over to Spitzer and Morganthau and cited herein, so if you are not paying attention yet it is time you did start paying very close attention.
One of the documents out of Germany clearly cites "per instructions of Mr. Lehmann" and easy enough to misspell. As of the date of the document in question, none of the Lehman family were involved in Lehman Brothers so that trail is not timely and points to a different Lehman. This intelligence file also has copies of FedEx packages that were sent to Alan Greenspan and Nicholas Brady by John D'Aquisto back on August 19, 1991.
With subpoena powers, it would not take Spitzer or Morganthau long to get to the bottom of that matter. We will either get to that point with Mr. Spitzer or some other prosecutor who has jurisdiction over mass murders in New York City or Arlington County, Va.
We hope that Mr. Spitzer is paying attention since the information also disclosed a name that sits on the New York Pension Board and that is a matter that is directly under his jurisdiction and part of why he has been such a nemesis of the Wall Street gangs that plundered all of America and foreigners, too. However, Mr. Spitzer was only interested in what had been looted from the State of New York pension funds and we can all presume that the other 49 state attorneys general have yet to "get it" that what Spitzer nailed Wall Street for they could do so as well.
In Part I and Part II (above) you learned why I am least impressed with the vaudeville show put on by the 9-11 Commission members, eight of which were directly benefiting from Bush War and Bush Energy policy.
In Part I and Part II (above) you learned why I am least impressed with the vaudeville show put on by the 9-11 Commission members, eight of which were directly benefiting from Bush War and Bush Energy policy.
Just in case you are wondering why they were playing Where's Waldo? on that 9-11 Commission, it is because they are directly profiting from what happened.
They were not looking for the truth, for the truth could impair their bottom lines and the companies on whose boards they sit. The truth could lead to some of them being indicted themselves for misprision of treason, so looking for the truth at the 9-11 Commission was not exactly what they had in mind. Cover up and recommend stiff "anti-freedom" measures to keep American citizens in their place is more akin to what they had in mind.
For Christmas 2004, I did something quite different in that I traveled to Missouri to meet with a contact on the 9-11 matters and then proceeded to Iowa into the teeth of that nasty cold front that buried Indiana and Ohio under so much snow. We then headed to Connecticut to celebrate Christmas but also to check into some public records that fits the trails we have been following since well before 9-11.
In Iowa I had the chance to meet face to face with some people that have an interesting contract, one that clearly is theirs, is clearly not the property of Bush or Clinton or their minions and stooges, and saw plenty of evidence that other parties have engaged in some very questionable business matters, including some that may or may not have a direct bearing on why 9-11 happened.
I now have in my possession evidence, and sent it out overnight to 10 other secure sources to protect the information, that a 10-year Brady Bond deal was being worked on and closed toward in the end of 1991, or was to have matured and been due somewhere on or after September 11, 2001.
For Christmas 2004, I did something quite different in that I traveled to Missouri to meet with a contact on the 9-11 matters and then proceeded to Iowa into the teeth of that nasty cold front that buried Indiana and Ohio under so much snow. We then headed to Connecticut to celebrate Christmas but also to check into some public records that fits the trails we have been following since well before 9-11.
In Iowa I had the chance to meet face to face with some people that have an interesting contract, one that clearly is theirs, is clearly not the property of Bush or Clinton or their minions and stooges, and saw plenty of evidence that other parties have engaged in some very questionable business matters, including some that may or may not have a direct bearing on why 9-11 happened.
I now have in my possession evidence, and sent it out overnight to 10 other secure sources to protect the information, that a 10-year Brady Bond deal was being worked on and closed toward in the end of 1991, or was to have matured and been due somewhere on or after September 11, 2001.
If you missed it, Part III was just the prelude to what you are about to read and we now have documents to show that in all probability someone has a lot of very nasty questions to face as soon as we U.S. citizens raise enough stink to get a grand jury seated to begin investigating and handing down indictments for criminal prosecution against Americans and specifically relating to their involvement in 9-11.
Part of the story can be found by looking into Securities and Exchange Commission v. John D'Aquisto Securities.
Part of the story can be found by looking into Securities and Exchange Commission v. John D'Aquisto Securities.
The name of John D'Aquisto (convicted) also appears numerous times as do Merkav International and Marion Aiken (convicted), First Guilford Financial Limited, London, but domiciled in Isle of Man where "rule of business law" is somewhat laughable, along with three of its officers Steve Billand, Charles A.M. Duncan, Jeff Muller, and others related to other companies in Russia, Australia, Ireland, the Canadian provinces of British Columbia and Ontario, all patterns to look for in picking up the trails of such scams.
It is the "multi-jurisdiction" facet that makes these deals hard to detect, track and litigate for fraud. It is by design and intent so they can perpetrate fraud and get away with it.
One of the D'Aquisto documents was from a "Bay State Trust" based in Zurich, dated 10 September 1991, and just more of a trail that needs to be fully investigated due to the contents of that letter.
Also cited as one of the main players in this fiasco was Trans Tech International of Washington state and it apparently has ties to Israel. It was represented at that time by one Jonathan Tiede as a "dollar provider" and "account holder" for this $120 billion transaction done in four tranches of $30 billion each and apparently all backed by bogus gold certificates, and $30 billion of the transaction was done in US dollars with what is now suspected to be bogus collateral.
The names of Goldman Sachs, vice president of Goldman Sachs Bob Hammond, Security Pacific Bank, Chase Manhattan Bank, Marine Midland, BFZ Bank to Security Pacific Bank transfer instructions, represented by Barrelford Ltd out of Dublin, Ireland, and working in collaboration with a German bank, Hamilton & Huan of Toronto, all appear in the same sets of facts and patterns around a questionable transaction.
One of the D'Aquisto documents was from a "Bay State Trust" based in Zurich, dated 10 September 1991, and just more of a trail that needs to be fully investigated due to the contents of that letter.
Also cited as one of the main players in this fiasco was Trans Tech International of Washington state and it apparently has ties to Israel. It was represented at that time by one Jonathan Tiede as a "dollar provider" and "account holder" for this $120 billion transaction done in four tranches of $30 billion each and apparently all backed by bogus gold certificates, and $30 billion of the transaction was done in US dollars with what is now suspected to be bogus collateral.
The names of Goldman Sachs, vice president of Goldman Sachs Bob Hammond, Security Pacific Bank, Chase Manhattan Bank, Marine Midland, BFZ Bank to Security Pacific Bank transfer instructions, represented by Barrelford Ltd out of Dublin, Ireland, and working in collaboration with a German bank, Hamilton & Huan of Toronto, all appear in the same sets of facts and patterns around a questionable transaction.
One of the documents was even a verification letter from Goldman Sachs' Hammond to John D'Aquisto confirming his account number (027-02088-2) and instructions of what to do with 700 million Japanese Yen and conversion of that into $5 million US dollars, more or less. The Goldman Sachs account statement shows the money going in (credited) and the money going out (debited) and then subsequent correspondence from D'Aquisto demanding to know what Goldman Sachs did with his money.
The names of Robert Rubin (former Clinton Treasury secretary) and Stephen Friedman, Bush appointee as Economic Policy Advisor, also appear in the intelligence file and that same "demand letter" from D'Aquisto to Goldman Sachs.
Another leg of the transaction apparently involved Australia based Contec Development Party Ltd, a Mr. William Sommerville and the USSR province of Yakutsko, an area rich in gold ore deposits and mining. It was noteworthy that the middlemen and attorneys for this were in British Columbia and Toronto, both being very distant from the Russian province and Australia.
One of the letters and facsimiles even discloses that Ariel Life Systems, a NASA contract company, is the parent of DFG, Inc. (John D'Aquisto's company), and a City National Bank facsimile with wire transfer information for its Beverly Hills branch and San Diego branch dated September 13, 1991 about 10 years before 9-11-2001.
The following is from one of our sources, a person who spent many years working for the U.S. Treasury investigating and detecting "Trojan Horses," which are in effect very large financial transactions intended to defraud or do harm.
The names of Robert Rubin (former Clinton Treasury secretary) and Stephen Friedman, Bush appointee as Economic Policy Advisor, also appear in the intelligence file and that same "demand letter" from D'Aquisto to Goldman Sachs.
Another leg of the transaction apparently involved Australia based Contec Development Party Ltd, a Mr. William Sommerville and the USSR province of Yakutsko, an area rich in gold ore deposits and mining. It was noteworthy that the middlemen and attorneys for this were in British Columbia and Toronto, both being very distant from the Russian province and Australia.
One of the letters and facsimiles even discloses that Ariel Life Systems, a NASA contract company, is the parent of DFG, Inc. (John D'Aquisto's company), and a City National Bank facsimile with wire transfer information for its Beverly Hills branch and San Diego branch dated September 13, 1991 about 10 years before 9-11-2001.
The following is from one of our sources, a person who spent many years working for the U.S. Treasury investigating and detecting "Trojan Horses," which are in effect very large financial transactions intended to defraud or do harm.
The name of 9-11 Commission member John F. Lehman surfaced in Canada in a failed or aborted takeover bid of MDA (MacDonald, Detwiler & Associates), a defense contractor.
"I think WTC#7 was the command and control center for the New York end of the securities and life insurance scam triggered by 9/11.
"The WTC#7 tenants include IRS, SEC, CIA probably equipped with PROMIS and Salomon Smith Barney, the Citigroup broker in the WorldCom scam with a $2.65 billion class action suit paid out to lead plaintiff New York Common Retirement System with a trustee in the CIA group controlling MDA.
"Also surfacing in investigating Canadian companies were CAI special investor in MDA RICHARD S. BRADDOCK CAI NEW YORK: Former President of Citicorp (a "Tier 1" bank in CAI's sabotage of Enron shareholders). CAI's Citigroup, formed by the 1998 merger of Travelers and Citicorp, will pay a $2.65 billion settlement to investors in WorldCom (including the New York State Common Retirement Fund, the lead plaintiff advised by Braddock's CAI colleague, Graham Harrison) who had accused Citigroup of financial fraud in the largest bankruptcy in history.CAI's Citigroup financed the Chad-Cameroon pipeline and China's Three Gorges dam as part of CAI's plan to control global oil & gas and energy markets.
"Note: CAI special investor in MDA GRAHAM O. HARRISON - COTUIT, MASSACHUSETTS, Former President of the U.S. Steel and Carnegie Pension Fund and member of the Advisory Committees of the New York State Common Retirement Fund (CAI will control global public services by taking global custody of the superannuation, pension and insurance funds of a nation's public servants, including its politicians, judges, police and armed forces)."
It would not take Spitzer or Morganthau, who have subpoena powers, long to get to the bottom of that matter and in Part VI there is more on this specific matter.
We have suggested that Mr. Spitzer have a talk with Mr. Harrison regarding his name being tied to CAI and MDA. In Part VI you will better understand why.
Let's all go to Afghanistan post 9-11, kick the crap out of the Taliban and Bridas Corporation and take that pipeline away from them. For the record, neither the White House nor the 9-11 Commission nor any member of Congress have admitted that an Argentina based oil and gas company named Bridas Corporation had beaten US firms to the contracts with Turkmenistan, Pakistan and Afghanistan and our U.S. government and Big Oil influence pimps did everything in their power to take it away from them.
Stop and ask yourself, short of 9-11 happening, what could George W. Bush have said to you to justify attacking Afghanistan that you would believe? I cannot come up with one thing, so if you do please feel free to let me know what you think Bush could have said convincingly.
They want all of us to look at 9-11 as some Arabs using jets as "WMD bombs" to attack the United States and word has now leaked out that some of these terrorist could hardly drive a car with competence, much less fly a 767 jet airliner with precision. I submit that those two jets were not missiles, they were just as easily bullets fired by a "financial terrorist sniper" and someone was behind that gun that fired those bullets and the person or persons are not named Osama bin Laden.
Now, what Washington, DC, and the 9-11 Commission want you and me to think is that some dastardly Arabs working for Osama bin Laden planned all of this, financed it and executed it, but that is not necessarily the truth, that may be a myth. Remember, even Sun Tzu in his ancient work, The Art of War, taught that all warfare is deception and the first casualty of war is the truth.
Let's all go to Afghanistan post 9-11, kick the crap out of the Taliban and Bridas Corporation and take that pipeline away from them. For the record, neither the White House nor the 9-11 Commission nor any member of Congress have admitted that an Argentina based oil and gas company named Bridas Corporation had beaten US firms to the contracts with Turkmenistan, Pakistan and Afghanistan and our U.S. government and Big Oil influence pimps did everything in their power to take it away from them.
Stop and ask yourself, short of 9-11 happening, what could George W. Bush have said to you to justify attacking Afghanistan that you would believe? I cannot come up with one thing, so if you do please feel free to let me know what you think Bush could have said convincingly.
They want all of us to look at 9-11 as some Arabs using jets as "WMD bombs" to attack the United States and word has now leaked out that some of these terrorist could hardly drive a car with competence, much less fly a 767 jet airliner with precision. I submit that those two jets were not missiles, they were just as easily bullets fired by a "financial terrorist sniper" and someone was behind that gun that fired those bullets and the person or persons are not named Osama bin Laden.
Now, what Washington, DC, and the 9-11 Commission want you and me to think is that some dastardly Arabs working for Osama bin Laden planned all of this, financed it and executed it, but that is not necessarily the truth, that may be a myth. Remember, even Sun Tzu in his ancient work, The Art of War, taught that all warfare is deception and the first casualty of war is the truth.
Even George W. Bush knows that and you can bet Karl Rove and Karen Hughes know the axiom well.
I keep reminding folks to back up and pay attention to what FBI Translator Sibel D. Edmonds made public and that Bush, Cheney and Ashcroft slapped a gag order on her immediately.
I keep reminding folks to back up and pay attention to what FBI Translator Sibel D. Edmonds made public and that Bush, Cheney and Ashcroft slapped a gag order on her immediately.
She found and pay close attention this time if you did not last time or this is the first time you have heard this she found,
"drug trafficking, money laundering, foreign names and AMERICAN NAMES involved in the financing of 9-11."
Sibel Edmonds is not fluent in Arabic. She is fluent in Farsi (Iran), Turkish (her mother) and Azeri (her Azerbaijani father). What she found was not in Arabic notwithstanding the Bush and Ashcroft insistence that her "Arabic translations" regarding Osama bin Laden, attack on the U.S., and jet airplanes, which for the record are not even germane to the translations that Sibel Edmonds did find. What Sibel Edmonds found was not from "counter-terrorism" but rather from ongoing FBI investigations into drug trafficking and money laundering by certain foreign and American persons.
Then from another source we learned that there was a transaction due to close on 9-11 or 9-12-2001 involving payment of $120 billion. That payment it seems was problematic because the payment would have been prima facie evidence of a criminal fraud in progress relating to Brady Bonds and bogus gold instruments of which there are reportedly now over $10 trillion of such instruments floating around the world markets.
The documents for that closing were reportedly housed in WTC I, and, gosh, that company took a jet airplane right in the face. Consider that, and consider that no one is that lucky.
My sources inform that Cantor Fitzgerald was the underwriter / bond trustee on the $120 billion payment that was due. It may have been another firm, but my sources say Cantor Fitzgerald, WTC 1, 101-105 floors. Also, INTER AMERICAN INVESTMENT CORPORATION is the vehicle that has been used to float the bogus gold contracts and that entity is both a Reagan administration creation and still closely tied to George H.W. Bush.
Then from another source we learned that there was a transaction due to close on 9-11 or 9-12-2001 involving payment of $120 billion. That payment it seems was problematic because the payment would have been prima facie evidence of a criminal fraud in progress relating to Brady Bonds and bogus gold instruments of which there are reportedly now over $10 trillion of such instruments floating around the world markets.
The documents for that closing were reportedly housed in WTC I, and, gosh, that company took a jet airplane right in the face. Consider that, and consider that no one is that lucky.
My sources inform that Cantor Fitzgerald was the underwriter / bond trustee on the $120 billion payment that was due. It may have been another firm, but my sources say Cantor Fitzgerald, WTC 1, 101-105 floors. Also, INTER AMERICAN INVESTMENT CORPORATION is the vehicle that has been used to float the bogus gold contracts and that entity is both a Reagan administration creation and still closely tied to George H.W. Bush.
It was also noted that Global Crossing Holdings Ltd., that well known telecom fraud that fleeced global investors of billions, was on the 83rd Floor of WTC 1, but that and the fact that former CEO of Global Crossing Lodwrick Cook being on the board of the GHWB Presidential Library is a separate story.
With subpoenas, it would not take Spitzer or Morganthau long to get to the bottom of that matter.
There is a group that has been placing bogus gold certificates and doing so in very large numbers, over $10 trillion, according to our source, and an independent gold trading source verifies that as well. According to them, it is JP Morgan Chase that is sitting on those "not performing at this time" bogus gold certificates, contracts, leases, etc., that were issued under the moniker of Inter-American Investment Corporation ["IIC"] and Global Alliance Investment Association ["GAIA"].
With subpoenas, it would not take Spitzer or Morganthau long to get to the bottom of that matter.
There is a group that has been placing bogus gold certificates and doing so in very large numbers, over $10 trillion, according to our source, and an independent gold trading source verifies that as well. According to them, it is JP Morgan Chase that is sitting on those "not performing at this time" bogus gold certificates, contracts, leases, etc., that were issued under the moniker of Inter-American Investment Corporation ["IIC"] and Global Alliance Investment Association ["GAIA"].
What they are doing is using the Peru Bonus 3392-181 mentioned below that does not belong to either IIC or GAIA to achieve this bogus and illegal end.
This Case, makes no mention of GOLDMAN SACHS etc, and those involved in the 1991 transactions that were for a "10 year term" ending on or about 9/11/01.
The account numbers, names, banks, bank officers, transaction codes involved with Mr. D'Acquistos' group, further involving NICHOLAS BRADY, Alan Greenspan and later Sec. of the U.S. Treasury Robert Rubin of GOLDMAN SACHS the "Underwriters."
The amount involved in this transaction was "non authorized use of the Gold Collateral Interest (U.S. Debt) on BONUS 3392-181.
We were only provided who was on "one side of the transaction" but getting the information on the other side those that owed the $120 billion that blew up along with WTC 1 can be determined.
Just a matter of time and subpoena powers that Eliot Spitzer and Robert Morganthau have that we do not have.
If you are talking about the BRADY BONDS these are only 1/2 underwritten by Treasury. Neither Russell nor I authorized the usage of our Collateral. Bush used his EXECUTIVE POWERS in CONFLICT OF INTEREST and ABUSE OF POWERS to get this crap done.
I believe you should be talking to GERMANY'S SCHROEDER BANKING and FRANCE'S "CHIRAC" ABOUT CREDIT LYONAISE along with THE JAPANESE BANKERS who all, without exception went down over this mess. Credit Lyonaise took a major hit HAD A BIG FIRE, RECORDS WERE BURNED. They discovered a second set of books in their warehouse and I'll be dammed if that did not burn also.
You will find GEORGE SOROS heavily involved on the CLINTON-MARC RICH-ISRAELI side. George has always loved to brag about taking down the BANK OF ENGLAND over this mess.
The IAIC and IADB were allowed to be incorporated by RUBIN and GREENSPAN after THE CLINTON CFR entered into the agreement to bankrupt the U.S.
Treasury and U.S. Fed. R., use CHINA (reason for all those John Wang-Wong Coffee Klatches) for the movements of monies on the "counterfeit" Bonus "Certificate" 3392-181 operation.
This "oil" stuff is part of what the counterfeit instruments were allowed by CLINTON'S CFR for. I have been told by the QUEENS BANKER IN CANADA, THE KING OF JORDAN'S BANK REP. AND OTHERS INVOLVED "Many of the Counterfeit were used to purchase OIL CREDITS.
This is the little "jewel" used by THE BILLIONAIRE BOYS CLUB (Bush Cartel and Clinton Cartel), which intended to "TAKE OVER THE WORLD" ... which, believe it or not OPERATED OUT OF THE ONE WORLD TRADE CENTER and "members" were charged $5,000 per share. We bought $20K in shares, because "NO ONE COULD DO ANY BUSINESS INSIDE OR OUTSIDE THE UNITED STATES IF THEY WERE NOT A MEMBER"
Now you know why the WTC'S went down...
DISCERNING MINDS, can easily connect the "dots" between the 10 years between September 12, 1991 and the September 11, 2001 incidents.
The TRANSACTION was put down THROUGH ISRAEL. The transaction involved, Russia, China, Korea, Germany, France, Japan, and THE SAUDI'S. Ask yourself: WHICH OF THESE NATIONS ARE CURRENTLY INVOLVED "IN THIS CURRENT PENDING WAR?"
1991. Sept. 12. A transaction consisting of 120B$ GOLD was put down through TRANS TECH INTERNATIONAL at this address MOSHAV YISHI 68, ISRAEL. This Israel operation took this down through :001 & :002 (U.S. DEPT OF THE TREASURY & U.S. FEDERAL RESERVE BANK) in 30 BILLION DOLLAR USD INCREMENTS.
A. This involved the JAPANESE YEN and DUTCH MARK
TRANSACTION CODE: 091291/JY/USD/30B/001 and 091291/DM/30B/002 "four of these transactions went down."
Provisions of the Agreement(s) (not signed or authorized by the Signatories of Bonus 3392-181) "Transactions to continue until the U.S. DOLLAR WAS EXHAUSTED." (Interpol has the Agreement, and the PAYOUT ORDERS on these transactions) (as does the U.S. Security Exchange, Washington, DC Offices), and
TERM OF CONTRACT 10 YEARS scheduled to pay out on or about 9/11/01.** There was involvement, at that time with a HAMILTON & HYUN Investment Corp. (Korean) further involved with USSR GOVERNMENT LOAN FACILITY, TRANSACTION CODE - TBC: 11AM/WS/9102 further identifying;
Prime Minister of Yakutsko, Mr. K. Ivanov Deputy P.M. of Yakutsko, Mr. D. Popov Bank of Foreign & Economic Affairs, Moscow, Mr. E. Sadovsky Prodintor for Yakutsko (Buying Arm), Mr. ErmilinPAYORDER'S on THE DEUTCH MARK and JAPANESE YEN (EACH); PROVIDERS TRANSACTION CODE: 09/1291/DM/USD/30B/002;
09/1291/DM/USD/30B/001 and 09/1291/JPY/USD/30B/001 and 09/1291/JPY/USD/30B/001 and 09/1291/DM/USD/30B/002to which the pay order identifies the following accounts:THE SECOND PARTY (ref: pg. 1)
Name: Trans Tech International
Address: Moshav Yishi 68, Israel
Represented by: Jonathan Tiede
BONUS BANKING (ref. pg. 3):
Bank Name: Security Pacific Bank
Address: 26929 102 NW
Stanwood, WA 98292
Routing ABA: 125000037
Account No. 1530113241
Bank Officer: Don Swanson
Phone No. (206)629-2141JAPANESE YEN PROVIDER BANKING COORDINATES (ref: pg. 3):Bank Name: Chase Manhattan Bank, NYC, New York
Address: Main Office
Account Name: DFG, Inc-Palm Springs Stars Baseball Club, Inc.
(** DFG, Inc-Palm Springs Stars Baseball Club, Inc, associated through NEAL BUSH, NSA, NASA & HUD - JACK KEMP, NICHOLAS BRADY, ALAN GREENSPAN, ARIEL LIFE SYSTEMS affiliated with NASA.)
Routing ABA: 0210-0021 F/A GOLDMAN SACHS A/C 930-1-011-/183,
Account No. FCC TO DFT, INC. A/C 027-020882039
Federal Tax Id: 33-0457266
Transaction Code: 09/1291/DM/USD/30B/002
Address: 55 Water Street
New York, NY
c/o Shearson Lehman Brothers
Account No: 02100128 for the account number 066027209
Further credit to Daryl Pennington & Assoc.
Account No. 673155413201
Federal Tax ID:S 88-02443380
Corp. ID No. 1707-85
Bank Name: Boatman's National Bank of Belleville, IL
Address: 23 Public Square
Belleville, Illinois
Routing ABA: 081001413
Account No. 011503029697-0407 Russell Herman & V.K. Durham as individuals
***Note No. 1. All four transactions went down through the same Banks & Brokerage Houses facilitated by the U.S. Dept. of the Treasury (001) and the U.S. Federal Bank (002)."
It would not take long for Spitzer or Morganthau to get to the bottom of that matter.
As our facts came together, I made calls to Eliot Spitzer's office, the office of the Manhattan District Attorney and the Prosecuting Attorney of Arlington County, Virginia, to inquire as to who in each of those offices was investigating the crimes committed on September 11, 2001. The response of all three of those offices can be summed up thusly: "We are not investigating 9-11, the feds are."
Yeah, right! With feds not investigating themselves and their wealthy elite contributors, that means no one is investigating 9-11, except citizens of this nation that do not buy off on the lies of Washington, DC, any more, and DC has no one to blame for that but themselves and their demonstrated "difficulty with the truth" in our nation's capital.
The U.S. government has their mythology and I have just presented you facts that are on the table, they are undisputed and they are unanswered. They were not looked into by the 9-11 Commission, for that would have meant looking into the conduct of some of the 9-11 commissioners first and they have a lot riding on this New World Order and the Global War on Terrorism fable of George W. Bush.
As our facts came together, I made calls to Eliot Spitzer's office, the office of the Manhattan District Attorney and the Prosecuting Attorney of Arlington County, Virginia, to inquire as to who in each of those offices was investigating the crimes committed on September 11, 2001. The response of all three of those offices can be summed up thusly: "We are not investigating 9-11, the feds are."
Yeah, right! With feds not investigating themselves and their wealthy elite contributors, that means no one is investigating 9-11, except citizens of this nation that do not buy off on the lies of Washington, DC, any more, and DC has no one to blame for that but themselves and their demonstrated "difficulty with the truth" in our nation's capital.
The U.S. government has their mythology and I have just presented you facts that are on the table, they are undisputed and they are unanswered. They were not looked into by the 9-11 Commission, for that would have meant looking into the conduct of some of the 9-11 commissioners first and they have a lot riding on this New World Order and the Global War on Terrorism fable of George W. Bush.
See Part I above and Part II above of this series of Online Journal if you missed those. These matters have not been looked into because someone is in very deep trouble if the above technology out of Canada, the above $120 billion that was apparently due, were motives for all of that took "intent, aforethought, planning and premeditation to commit genocide, mass murder" and even treason against the United States meaning against each and every one of us.
I do not have subpoena powers, but Eliot Spitzer and Robert Morganthau do and some, if not all of the above facts and sets of circumstances warrant being looked into. Either Spitzer or Morganthau are welcome to everything we have on 9-11 matters and the RICO investigations that led to the facts that are presented in my book.
The US government has put their mythology on the table and apparently many (89 percent in a CNN poll) are not buying it. The foregoing may or may not be true, who knows?
I do not have subpoena powers, but Eliot Spitzer and Robert Morganthau do and some, if not all of the above facts and sets of circumstances warrant being looked into. Either Spitzer or Morganthau are welcome to everything we have on 9-11 matters and the RICO investigations that led to the facts that are presented in my book.
The US government has put their mythology on the table and apparently many (89 percent in a CNN poll) are not buying it. The foregoing may or may not be true, who knows?
It has yet to be investigated as to how the trails all started converging on 9-11 and New York City without having to guide them that way might be very telling.
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Part 5: Exploding the myth of the Bushes as an all-American family
February 2, 2005
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Part 5: Exploding the myth of the Bushes as an all-American family
February 2, 2005
The Bushes are many things, but an All-American family they are not. There is something fundamentally wrong with these people and it goes past elitism and just basic snobbery. They might have "Oil on the Brain" to the point they are not even very human any more and we already know they are not humane at all.
They like to market "points of light" while they are lying to us and out snuffing out points of light all over the globe, especially those that could expose the sleaze that the family has come to represent.
They like to market "points of light" while they are lying to us and out snuffing out points of light all over the globe, especially those that could expose the sleaze that the family has come to represent.
Now that Bush cannot find any WMD he likes to point to the "mass graves" without elaborating that about three of every five of those 500,000 dead Iraqis got into those mass graves when George H.W. Bush urged the Shiites and Kurds to rise up in 1991-1992 against Saddam and Bush 41 stood idly by while 300,000 or so of the 500,000 "excuse graves" were being filled, and now George W. points to them as a good reason for the invasion of Iraq.
Back during the Reagan Administration, Neocons Cheney, Rumsfeld, Bush, George Shultz, Bechtel and others dreamed up a scheme to take over the Iraqi oil and install the Aqaba Pipeline. That matter lay dormant until April 11, 2003, when New York Times columnist Bob Herbert contacted Jock Covey, director of external communications (a euphemism and high-sounding title for "spin doctor") at Bechtel. A recent piece written by me addressed that Aqaba Pipeline and the fax Covey sent to Shultz to spin the response to Bob Herbert and the article he was writing and that appeared in print on April 14, 2003.
Mr. Covey's name comes up again in the next Part VI article, as does 9-11 Commission member John F. Lehman so please pay attention.
We have been told by the Bush administration that American Airline Flight 77 was flown into the Pentagon by a "crack pilot" who was a marginal car driver. Hmm, I did not buy that story for even a second. That the Pentagon fire was so hot it vaporized most of a 60-ton airplane including cobalt jet engine parts that would not evaporate in the temperatures of a normal building fire, but they got enough human DNA to prove who was on the flight. Hmm, if it were hot enough to melt a plane including a cobalt heat resistant jet engine, human DNA recovery would have been impossible so I don't buy that fable either.
So, how do we prove that the "Official Bush Story" is actually the "Official Bush Lie?"
That has not been easy and we have had many working on this night and day for three years to get to the bottom of the matter.
After the Pentagon attack, the video cameras and tapes at a nearby CITGO, the Sheraton Hotel along I-395 and Virginia DOT cameras were all confiscated by the FBI and they have yet to disclose any of the contents that were recorded by those cameras. Those cameras would have recorded what came in to hit the Pentagon and if viewed by the public, all the world would know that it was not a Boeing 757, American Airlines Flight 77, as we were told. All the world would know that Bush's assertion is in fact a huge lie.
They cannot disclose those tapes without indicting themselves that it was the U.S. government and select "private sector outsourcing" that did the alleged terrorist attacks of 9-11. In short, our government would have to admit that it is al Qaeda and that this GWOT (Global War on Terror) is fabrication made up to provide excuses for a despicable U.S. energy and war policy.
The post-attack cleanup at the Pentagon shed some light on the fact that it was not a 757, but exactly what the part recovered was has not been easy to find or locate.
It is not a "turbofan" component, it is in fact a "turbojet" component from an US Air Force/Navy vintage type of jet engine technology that was used on just a limited number of fighters, bombers and reconnaissance planes.
There was one credible witness found that saw "a two-engine jet airplane, the engines were under the wings." That is a visual description of a 737, 757, or 767, but it is also a description of an A-3 Skywarrior.
It was very difficult to find the exact FAA certified company that is equipped, tooled or certified to work on the jet engines that were used in the A-3 Skywarrior. However, since the USAF and Raytheon still have some of the A-3s in flying order, we knew that there had to be a plant somewhere that was doing the repairs on what was otherwise a "decommissioned aircraft" such as the A-3.
Back during the Reagan Administration, Neocons Cheney, Rumsfeld, Bush, George Shultz, Bechtel and others dreamed up a scheme to take over the Iraqi oil and install the Aqaba Pipeline. That matter lay dormant until April 11, 2003, when New York Times columnist Bob Herbert contacted Jock Covey, director of external communications (a euphemism and high-sounding title for "spin doctor") at Bechtel. A recent piece written by me addressed that Aqaba Pipeline and the fax Covey sent to Shultz to spin the response to Bob Herbert and the article he was writing and that appeared in print on April 14, 2003.
Mr. Covey's name comes up again in the next Part VI article, as does 9-11 Commission member John F. Lehman so please pay attention.
We have been told by the Bush administration that American Airline Flight 77 was flown into the Pentagon by a "crack pilot" who was a marginal car driver. Hmm, I did not buy that story for even a second. That the Pentagon fire was so hot it vaporized most of a 60-ton airplane including cobalt jet engine parts that would not evaporate in the temperatures of a normal building fire, but they got enough human DNA to prove who was on the flight. Hmm, if it were hot enough to melt a plane including a cobalt heat resistant jet engine, human DNA recovery would have been impossible so I don't buy that fable either.
So, how do we prove that the "Official Bush Story" is actually the "Official Bush Lie?"
That has not been easy and we have had many working on this night and day for three years to get to the bottom of the matter.
After the Pentagon attack, the video cameras and tapes at a nearby CITGO, the Sheraton Hotel along I-395 and Virginia DOT cameras were all confiscated by the FBI and they have yet to disclose any of the contents that were recorded by those cameras. Those cameras would have recorded what came in to hit the Pentagon and if viewed by the public, all the world would know that it was not a Boeing 757, American Airlines Flight 77, as we were told. All the world would know that Bush's assertion is in fact a huge lie.
They cannot disclose those tapes without indicting themselves that it was the U.S. government and select "private sector outsourcing" that did the alleged terrorist attacks of 9-11. In short, our government would have to admit that it is al Qaeda and that this GWOT (Global War on Terror) is fabrication made up to provide excuses for a despicable U.S. energy and war policy.
The post-attack cleanup at the Pentagon shed some light on the fact that it was not a 757, but exactly what the part recovered was has not been easy to find or locate.
It is not a "turbofan" component, it is in fact a "turbojet" component from an US Air Force/Navy vintage type of jet engine technology that was used on just a limited number of fighters, bombers and reconnaissance planes.
There was one credible witness found that saw "a two-engine jet airplane, the engines were under the wings." That is a visual description of a 737, 757, or 767, but it is also a description of an A-3 Skywarrior.
It was very difficult to find the exact FAA certified company that is equipped, tooled or certified to work on the jet engines that were used in the A-3 Skywarrior. However, since the USAF and Raytheon still have some of the A-3s in flying order, we knew that there had to be a plant somewhere that was doing the repairs on what was otherwise a "decommissioned aircraft" such as the A-3.
By their own admission and website advertising propaganda, Praxair Surface Technologies is the only company FAA certified to work and rehabilitate worn out or corroded components of the Pratt & Whitney JT8D turbojet engine in question.
"Your reliable source for Turbine Engine Fan Blade repairs is now providing total overhaul capability of JT8D Fan Hub Assembly repairs. Praxair is the only approved source to overhaul both blades and hub assemblies."
For those of you that do not pay attention to such things, 9-11 Commission member Jamie Gorelick sits on the board of directors of United Technologies and Pratt & Whitney is now owned by United Technologies. Former Bush EPA secretary Christine Todd Whitman also sits on the United Technologies board, and that is a company that is raking in big bucks due to Bush War Policy.
The front fan hub and compressor assembly of the Allison J33, J71 (now owned by Rolls Royce), and the Pratt & Whitney J57 and Pratt & Whitney JT8D as shown above are all fairly similar but they also have something else in common.
The front fan hub and compressor assembly of the Allison J33, J71 (now owned by Rolls Royce), and the Pratt & Whitney J57 and Pratt & Whitney JT8D as shown above are all fairly similar but they also have something else in common.
There was just one conflict of interest on top of another on that 9-11 Omission Commission.
The bent out of shape piece shown on the FEMA photos is the front shaft bearing housing.
What you are seeing above is a "balance test assembly," since jet engines do spin fast and have to be very accurately balanced. Jet engines do in fact have a "center shaft" and it must be balanced and it must have bearing seals front and back. The FEMA photo shows such a front seal and a rotor hub missing its fan blades. The key is the cleats on the outer perimeter that the fan blades attach to and these particular blades are easy to knock off in a collision such as that at the Pentagon.
The roll of masking tape in the background will give you an idea of scale, and then compare to the A-3 photos and the much larger fan needed for the 757 type of high bypass jet engine. In short, the Pentagon part is not from a 757, period.
Some of the team kept digging and they finally found what might be the actual type of part that was at the Pentagon. The part that is visible in the left of this photo could well be the exact part, and I can assure all that what you are looking at is not the front fan of a 757 jet engine. That is a 737 type of "turbojet" power plant and might well be in the "modified A-3 Skywarriors."
The roll of masking tape in the background will give you an idea of scale, and then compare to the A-3 photos and the much larger fan needed for the 757 type of high bypass jet engine. In short, the Pentagon part is not from a 757, period.
Some of the team kept digging and they finally found what might be the actual type of part that was at the Pentagon. The part that is visible in the left of this photo could well be the exact part, and I can assure all that what you are looking at is not the front fan of a 757 jet engine. That is a 737 type of "turbojet" power plant and might well be in the "modified A-3 Skywarriors."
I bet that jet mechanic from Evergreen Air (a known CIA affiliated company) can tell us where that fan blade comes from and do so in front of a Spitzer or Morganthau grand jury.
There is the "mystery part" and no, it is not part of a 757 jet engine and never has been. Oops!
They are all jet engine components (past and present) on the A-3 Skywarrior twin-turbojet airplane and on older versions of the 737. The USAF only has a few of the A-3s left in operation and what was formerly Hughes Aircraft, now Raytheon, has a fleet of them at Van Nuys, Calif. This type of turbojet engine has never been used on a Boeing 757, so the debate on "type of plane" can end there. This is a jet engine component with fan, not an auxiliary power unit (APU) as some have speculated or dropped into the conversation as disinformation.
What has been interesting is the level of "content blocking" that there is on the Internet where specific information regarding certain "jet engine components" such as those shown at the Pentagon have definitely been blocked. Our team had to take steps to go around the content blocks to get at the photos you are seeing regarding these rotor hub components.
That part has a specific UPN (Universal Part Number) and it cannot be found by looking for that UPN. Other measures were needed to find what you are seeing in these photos to circumvent what is apparently intentional content blocking.
They are all jet engine components (past and present) on the A-3 Skywarrior twin-turbojet airplane and on older versions of the 737. The USAF only has a few of the A-3s left in operation and what was formerly Hughes Aircraft, now Raytheon, has a fleet of them at Van Nuys, Calif. This type of turbojet engine has never been used on a Boeing 757, so the debate on "type of plane" can end there. This is a jet engine component with fan, not an auxiliary power unit (APU) as some have speculated or dropped into the conversation as disinformation.
What has been interesting is the level of "content blocking" that there is on the Internet where specific information regarding certain "jet engine components" such as those shown at the Pentagon have definitely been blocked. Our team had to take steps to go around the content blocks to get at the photos you are seeing regarding these rotor hub components.
That part has a specific UPN (Universal Part Number) and it cannot be found by looking for that UPN. Other measures were needed to find what you are seeing in these photos to circumvent what is apparently intentional content blocking.
Someone has gone to considerable lengths to make sure that the actual components that were found at the Pentagon could not be found and it took my team over two years to hammer through such blocks to find three of these photos (Praxair and Evergreen) to verify the component.
Yes, Hughes aircraft had a fleet of them and was bought out by Raytheon.
Hmm, that company is doing well for two reasons that I know of due to Bush war policy and even the move from Mode 4 to Mode 5 technology since the PRC got its hands on our top secret Mode 4 technology with that little Hainan Island incident and our Navy EP-3 that was forced down in April of 2001. As of Sept. 11, 2001, most air traffic controllers and National Air Guard units were not upgraded after the PRC got their hands on some of our most sensitive military technology.
Just stop and consider, if we can attack other nations with impunity and at will, we can attack ourselves too and cloak it from commercial operations just like we do in other nations.
Just stop and consider, if we can attack other nations with impunity and at will, we can attack ourselves too and cloak it from commercial operations just like we do in other nations.
The above photo is a launch of an AIM-54 Phoenix Missile, air-to-air missile.
Making this launch an air-to-surface missile would not be a great feat and Hughes/Raytheon manufactures several such missiles that would blow a 16-foot diameter hole in the Pentagon with ease.
Type: AGM-65B (Air Force), AGM-65D (Air Force), AGM-65E (Marines), AGM-65F (Navy), AGM-65G (Air Force).
Contractors: Hughes Aircraft Co., Raytheon Co.
Propulsion: Thiokol TX-481 solid-propellant rocket motor (hint burns white and leaves a white smoke trail at all altitudes and jet engines do not do that)
Service: Air Force, Marines, Navy
First Flight: 1984
IOC: 1994
This type of air-to-ground missile (AGM) is what is used to hit buildings and blow big holes in them, like the 16-foot diameter hole in the Pentagon. Note that 737s and 757 do not come equipped with such fire control systems or the mounting pods for the missiles, however, the A-3 Skywarrior is built to support the firing of such systems.
The photo below of a modified A-3 landing clearly shows the missile-launching platform under the wing.
As you can tell from the above photo the A-3 Skywarrior is already configured for the AIM and AGM missiles and another hint is the change from the older nose design to the F16 nose design which includes "fire control systems" and a few other high tech devices.
Also note that jet engine fuel burning does not leave a white trail at sea level, only at higher and much colder altitudes. However, AGM type missiles burn solid rocket fuel and it leaves a white trail at all altitudes.
Also note that jet engine fuel burning does not leave a white trail at sea level, only at higher and much colder altitudes. However, AGM type missiles burn solid rocket fuel and it leaves a white trail at all altitudes.
If you have seen the Pentagon photos that have been released regarding the jet engine part inside the Pentagon, the following is also a photo that is not part of a 757 engine that we have found, even in physically inspecting one inside a jet engine maintenance shop.
This following part is also not a 757 component; it is a component from the types of "dual chamber" turbojets represented by the Allison J33, J71, Pratt & Whitney J57 and JT8D.
This following part is also not a 757 component; it is a component from the types of "dual chamber" turbojets represented by the Allison J33, J71, Pratt & Whitney J57 and JT8D.
They are called in the jet industry a "diffuser case" and the UPN content numbers on this particular item have been blocked and otherwise scrubbed on the Internet.
However, the following is the diffuser case design for the 757 jet engines and it is quite different from that shown at the Pentagon.
That is due to the difference between "dual-chamber turbojet" versus the newer "high bypass jet fan" designs found on the 757 and 767 jet airplanes.
Note the triangular bezels around the openings and then note that the Pentagon diffuser case has no such openings or reinforcing points.
The diffuser is built into a much larger component and not a separate component in the newer 757 type jet engines. This is a very large component within the 757 type of jet engine and there are two of them on every 757. Note, not a single one of these was found at the Pentagon and this is not a component that would have melted or evaporated in any manner at all.
Another component was found at the Pentagon in the form of a wheel hub. It did not take much to confirm that the particular wheel shown below is the type made by B.F. Goodrich in their aerospace division. They also made the wheels for the 757 but a simple proportional check of width versus diameter will easily show that the below photo is not of a wheel hub from a 757, which has a much larger radius than width.
Another component was found at the Pentagon in the form of a wheel hub. It did not take much to confirm that the particular wheel shown below is the type made by B.F. Goodrich in their aerospace division. They also made the wheels for the 757 but a simple proportional check of width versus diameter will easily show that the below photo is not of a wheel hub from a 757, which has a much larger radius than width.
This radius being about the same as the width of the wheel hub is also another clue that the 757 story is a Bush Lie.
In fact, if one looks very closely at the diameter versus width of the tire that was found at the Pentagon, this is the type of tire used for carrier based and general rear wheels of smaller military planes, not commercial airliners.
This is the type of wheel hub one would expect to find as one of the two rear wheels on an A-3 refitted with current equipment rather than equipment that is no longer being manufactured.
The information in this article has been hand-delivered to New York Attorney General Eliot Spitzer.
This entire "American soldiers blood for oil" formula the Bush Family has stuck in their heads is about the lowest thing I have ever seen. Most Americans notice that they care not a bit, a common characteristic for nitwits, about the death and maiming of our soldiers or how many bogus enemies they are killing in the process.
This entire "American soldiers blood for oil" formula the Bush Family has stuck in their heads is about the lowest thing I have ever seen. Most Americans notice that they care not a bit, a common characteristic for nitwits, about the death and maiming of our soldiers or how many bogus enemies they are killing in the process.
All they think about is oil and money, influence pimping and looking good for the cameras, while behind the scenes is a draconian and Machiavellian attitude towards all Americans that do not fit the Bush Family standards of wealth and elitism.
Ever wonder why this family seems to think sending people to die is just "another day at the office?" I wondered about that too and as I assembled One-Way Ticket to Crawford, Texas the answer became plenty clear to see. If one is a wealthy snob like them, it just doesn't matter if a person comes home dead, or alive, or maimed just as long as the big bucks keep flowing to the Bush Family and the Bush Cabal members (i.e. their wealthy elite friends).
Didn't you get the memo?
Ever wonder why this family seems to think sending people to die is just "another day at the office?" I wondered about that too and as I assembled One-Way Ticket to Crawford, Texas the answer became plenty clear to see. If one is a wealthy snob like them, it just doesn't matter if a person comes home dead, or alive, or maimed just as long as the big bucks keep flowing to the Bush Family and the Bush Cabal members (i.e. their wealthy elite friends).
Didn't you get the memo?
This is all about the greater glory of the Bush Family and Big Oil and Big Military. They are better than other Americans. Don't believe me; just ask them. They and their friends think they can attack this nation and walk off scot-free and richer due to all of the chaos and plunder they created for Big Oil, Big Defense and Homeland Security expenditures that are mostly for their friends, not for you or me.
They do not see anything wrong at all with being so arrogant or despicable that they use military force when they and their commercially abusive "Financial Terrorist" friends cannot get certain foreign nations to do business with them. It does not seem to occur to them that "good US policy" might go a long way towards other nations wanting to do business with the U.S. and the "friends" they send over there to do such deals.
There is a big difference in an "insurgent enemy" and someone shooting at us because the Bush Family and their friends are thieves.
They do not see anything wrong at all with being so arrogant or despicable that they use military force when they and their commercially abusive "Financial Terrorist" friends cannot get certain foreign nations to do business with them. It does not seem to occur to them that "good US policy" might go a long way towards other nations wanting to do business with the U.S. and the "friends" they send over there to do such deals.
There is a big difference in an "insurgent enemy" and someone shooting at us because the Bush Family and their friends are thieves.
If this were the 1800s, the Bush Family would be lynched and strung up in "hang 'em high" fashion for "rustling" what belongs to others.
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According to several sources that knew him, the late Todd Engstrom was a key player in a post-9-11 payoff.
In addition to people coming forward with hard information about Todd Engstrom, a former Bridas Corporation person has come forward as well to fill in blanks and all things point to one thing: 9-11 was staged to take over the Caspian Basin oil and the pipeline needed to get that oil to the oceans. Since we do not play well with Iran, the pipelines and the oil and gas have to come across Afghanistan to get to the oceans.
Even the U.S. alleged problems in the Ukraine are tied to the Caspian Basin and the bogus glory of the BushLeague Oil Empire that thinks it can pull off this "oil scam and power grab" and dump the entire cost of acquisition, exploration and development and cost of security onto the backs of the U.S. taxpayers (and our fed up with Bush military). Yes, they are that stuck-on-stupid in BushLeague, and, no, more and more Americans are not buying their lies.
If you missed it, the Prime Minister of Georgia [former USSR state] was recently assassinated or conveniently wound up dead.
In addition to people coming forward with hard information about Todd Engstrom, a former Bridas Corporation person has come forward as well to fill in blanks and all things point to one thing: 9-11 was staged to take over the Caspian Basin oil and the pipeline needed to get that oil to the oceans. Since we do not play well with Iran, the pipelines and the oil and gas have to come across Afghanistan to get to the oceans.
Even the U.S. alleged problems in the Ukraine are tied to the Caspian Basin and the bogus glory of the BushLeague Oil Empire that thinks it can pull off this "oil scam and power grab" and dump the entire cost of acquisition, exploration and development and cost of security onto the backs of the U.S. taxpayers (and our fed up with Bush military). Yes, they are that stuck-on-stupid in BushLeague, and, no, more and more Americans are not buying their lies.
If you missed it, the Prime Minister of Georgia [former USSR state] was recently assassinated or conveniently wound up dead.
Zurab Zhvania, 41 was a major thorn in the side of Bush Cabal members that wanted a pipeline from Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan across Georgia to the Black Sea because Zhvania was resisting the building of that pipeline. Mr. Zhvania was merely an obstacle in the path of New World Order progress and opening of new markets to line only certain pockets.
All over the world, impediments to BushLeague Oil Co are being eliminated in one manner or another. Some of the Neocons mouth off that "it is all about jobs," but in reality it is all about greed.
Mr. Engstrom was from Galva, Illinois, married, lived in Athens, Illinois, and worked for a Tennessee based company for a while. Survivors include his widow, 11-year-old son, and parents who still live in Illinois.
He was killed on the way to Balad, Iraq by an RPG attack on his vehicle. Admittedly, that is not unique as many Americans are dying in Iraq due to RPG attacks and even IEDs, but this one is quite different.
All over the world, impediments to BushLeague Oil Co are being eliminated in one manner or another. Some of the Neocons mouth off that "it is all about jobs," but in reality it is all about greed.
Mr. Engstrom was from Galva, Illinois, married, lived in Athens, Illinois, and worked for a Tennessee based company for a while. Survivors include his widow, 11-year-old son, and parents who still live in Illinois.
He was killed on the way to Balad, Iraq by an RPG attack on his vehicle. Admittedly, that is not unique as many Americans are dying in Iraq due to RPG attacks and even IEDs, but this one is quite different.
Todd Engstrom was involved in something on September 11 and September 12, 2001, which it might be why he was killed. Read on and you will better understand.
EODT confirmed in a press release the latest deaths on Friday of Aaron Iversen, 38, and David Randolph, 33, during an insurgent attack on their military convoy near Baghdad.
Both were former Marines. Iversen was a Dallas native who lived in Marion, Ark., near Memphis with his wife and daughter. Randolph grew up near Greeneville, Tenn., and lived in Conway, S.C., with his wife and four children.
C. Roy Stauffer, senior minister at Lindenwood Christian Church in Memphis, knew Iverson and spoke to him about the dangers of his job."We talked about death, we talked about faith," Stauffer told The Commercial Appeal newspaper. "He was trying to reconcile his faith with his fear of death."In September, another EODT employee, Todd Engstrom, 35, of Athens, Ill., was killed while traveling in a convoy on his way to Balad, Iraq. Engstrom, who had commanded a special-forces team for the United Nations in Kosovo between 2000 and 2002, headed security at a camp used by U.S. military and contractors near Fallujah.
Aaron Iversen, formerly of Dallas, TX is survived by wife Sandra and children, Victoria (Tori) and Matthew (Matt). Mr. Iversen served over10 years in the U.S. Marine Corps specializing in Aviation Maintenance and Ground Security Force. Mr. Iversen was hired by EODT in April of 2004 to provide security support in Iraq.
Prior to being in Iraq, Mr. Engstrom was involved in Kosovo with the Special Operations Group of UNMIK (United Nations Mission in Kosovo) police training work.
He was part of something akin to a quasi-military SWAT team.
Currently stationed outside the continental United States, Todd is the Director of Training and an Operator for a United Nations Special Operations Group. This unit consists of 25 U. N. certified "high-risk" Operators from around the World. Their primary responsibilities include "high-risk" arrests of international criminals/terrorists and providing close protection for international war crime judges, prosecutors, witnesses, terrorist/war criminals and principals the U. N. deems as "high-risk".
Isn't it amazing they are never sent to arrest the war criminals that hired them?
Following his work in Kosovo, Mr. Engstrom was reportedly hired by Blackwater to provide security in Iraq to EOD Technology, Inc., a company based in Lenoir, Tenn., near Knoxville. Both Blackwater and EOD have done quite well under the Bush War Policy and Oil Policy.
Some time shortly after the attacks on 9-11-2001, a military (or CIA or private contractor like Evergreen or Blackwater) plane was loaded in Kosovo with a very large sum of money and that plane then flew to an airbase or airport probably in either Turkmenistan or Uzbekistan.
Following his work in Kosovo, Mr. Engstrom was reportedly hired by Blackwater to provide security in Iraq to EOD Technology, Inc., a company based in Lenoir, Tenn., near Knoxville. Both Blackwater and EOD have done quite well under the Bush War Policy and Oil Policy.
Some time shortly after the attacks on 9-11-2001, a military (or CIA or private contractor like Evergreen or Blackwater) plane was loaded in Kosovo with a very large sum of money and that plane then flew to an airbase or airport probably in either Turkmenistan or Uzbekistan.
From there, large crates of money were loaded into helicopters and flown into the northern areas of Afghanistan. Mr. Engstrom reported that to his relatives and said the military base appeared to be an old Russian military base; i.e. Afghanistan from the description. Mr. Engstrom was one of the guards sent along to protect that money and that post-9-11 payment.
Stop and think a minute Kosovo is not exactly a world banking center and the likelihood that such a large sum of money was just laying around, all boxed up and ready to deliver to 9-11 doers, was probably not a "readily available item." That means someone had "foreknowledge," had already positioned the money in Kosovo, 9-11 happened and the shipment was then sent forth as planned. The delivery of that very large sum of money was made on September 12, 2001, according to Mr. Engstrom before he met his demise in Iraq.
Odds are his demise was planned and he probably did not see it coming. He knew too much, being involved in a flight of "questionable motive" that delivered a massive amount of U.S. dollars into Northern Afghanistan just hours after 9-11 happened. Just think about that for a moment: within hours they were already moving to attack Afghanistan before any verified information about who did the attack was in hand and the payoff money was already on its way.
In short, the goal was to attack Afghanistan and take out the Taliban and the Argentine-based Bridas Corporation, and take over the oil and gas pipeline right-of-way that was needed to get the oil and gas to market.
In short, 9-11 was the excuse to attack and, yes, ladies and gentlemen, it was planned and the US planned it. That Kosovo flight was not an Osama bin Laden operation. You can bet everything you have on that matter. Some of you might even get a mental image of a rattlesnake, biting itself. That is what 9-11 was.
It was an excuse for policies and actions that otherwise would not make sense or would not be condoned by the American public.
Now, bear in mind that a flight leaving Kosovo headed east would have flown over Romania and parts of the Ukraine, or if they swung further south, over Turkey and Azerbaijan. Figuring they took the direct route, since no one knew about the flight at the time, we have asked Russia and the Ukraine if they happened to have tracked this particular flight on the time and date in question. No response yet, but the question probably raised some eyebrows.
The northern part of Afghanistan has been controlled for years by General Rashid Dostum. He is an Uzbek that fought in the Russian-Afghanistan war on the side of the Russian Afghanistan Communist government. No mystery in that, since Uzbekistan is a former Russian state. He is an Uzbek, not an Afghani. Uzbekistan is a landlocked nation with oil and gas that also needs pipelines to get the oil and gas to the world markets.
If you read Parts I and II (above) of this series of articles, Uzbekistan is also where Enron and Mayer Brown, Rowe & Maw (Richard Ben Veniste, 9-11 Commission member, senior partner of that law firm) shared an office in their planning to make huge amounts of money from the Caspian Basin oil and gas ventures, but they had to have pipelines to get the oil and gas out of that region of the world.
Where is gets interesting is that both the Taliban and General Rashid Dostum had signed agreements with Bridas Corporation to allow the building of a crucial pipeline across Afghanistan, and George H.W. Bush and George W. Bush and their greedy Big Oil buddies wanted control of that pipeline.
Stop and think a minute Kosovo is not exactly a world banking center and the likelihood that such a large sum of money was just laying around, all boxed up and ready to deliver to 9-11 doers, was probably not a "readily available item." That means someone had "foreknowledge," had already positioned the money in Kosovo, 9-11 happened and the shipment was then sent forth as planned. The delivery of that very large sum of money was made on September 12, 2001, according to Mr. Engstrom before he met his demise in Iraq.
Odds are his demise was planned and he probably did not see it coming. He knew too much, being involved in a flight of "questionable motive" that delivered a massive amount of U.S. dollars into Northern Afghanistan just hours after 9-11 happened. Just think about that for a moment: within hours they were already moving to attack Afghanistan before any verified information about who did the attack was in hand and the payoff money was already on its way.
In short, the goal was to attack Afghanistan and take out the Taliban and the Argentine-based Bridas Corporation, and take over the oil and gas pipeline right-of-way that was needed to get the oil and gas to market.
In short, 9-11 was the excuse to attack and, yes, ladies and gentlemen, it was planned and the US planned it. That Kosovo flight was not an Osama bin Laden operation. You can bet everything you have on that matter. Some of you might even get a mental image of a rattlesnake, biting itself. That is what 9-11 was.
It was an excuse for policies and actions that otherwise would not make sense or would not be condoned by the American public.
Now, bear in mind that a flight leaving Kosovo headed east would have flown over Romania and parts of the Ukraine, or if they swung further south, over Turkey and Azerbaijan. Figuring they took the direct route, since no one knew about the flight at the time, we have asked Russia and the Ukraine if they happened to have tracked this particular flight on the time and date in question. No response yet, but the question probably raised some eyebrows.
The northern part of Afghanistan has been controlled for years by General Rashid Dostum. He is an Uzbek that fought in the Russian-Afghanistan war on the side of the Russian Afghanistan Communist government. No mystery in that, since Uzbekistan is a former Russian state. He is an Uzbek, not an Afghani. Uzbekistan is a landlocked nation with oil and gas that also needs pipelines to get the oil and gas to the world markets.
If you read Parts I and II (above) of this series of articles, Uzbekistan is also where Enron and Mayer Brown, Rowe & Maw (Richard Ben Veniste, 9-11 Commission member, senior partner of that law firm) shared an office in their planning to make huge amounts of money from the Caspian Basin oil and gas ventures, but they had to have pipelines to get the oil and gas out of that region of the world.
Where is gets interesting is that both the Taliban and General Rashid Dostum had signed agreements with Bridas Corporation to allow the building of a crucial pipeline across Afghanistan, and George H.W. Bush and George W. Bush and their greedy Big Oil buddies wanted control of that pipeline.
On 9-11-2001, the Turkmenistan government had been flipped and was backing U.S. interests over Argentina-based Bridas Corporation, and the Bhutto government in Pakistan had been overthrown and it had also signed agreements with Bridas Corporation that were suddenly useless. The last remaining obstacle was the Taliban and Bridas Corporation.
That is a fact and it is undisputed.
My bet is the thought of joint venturing with Bridas Corporation never entered their minds but then such would have affected the "bottom line" of the Bush Junta buddies and massive amounts of cash would have flowed to Bridas and Argentina. Why joint venture with anyone when they can wage a bogus war and take over all of the oil and gas and the pipeline right-of-way?
The last remaining obstacle was to get the Taliban / Bridas Corporation removed so U.S. interests could take over the pipeline that was needed to get the landlocked Caspian Basin oil to the sea for shipment around the world. The triggering event for that to happen was 9-11 so the American public would condone the use of force against Afghanistan. They are even working on routes to take the Caspian oil out through the former Russian states of Georgia and the Ukraine as pipeline routes to Europe and the Black Sea.
But, back up a minute they did not bother to tell any of us that there was a huge payoff to General Rashid Dostum or someone else in Northern Afghanistan the day after 9-11.
That is a fact and it is undisputed.
My bet is the thought of joint venturing with Bridas Corporation never entered their minds but then such would have affected the "bottom line" of the Bush Junta buddies and massive amounts of cash would have flowed to Bridas and Argentina. Why joint venture with anyone when they can wage a bogus war and take over all of the oil and gas and the pipeline right-of-way?
The last remaining obstacle was to get the Taliban / Bridas Corporation removed so U.S. interests could take over the pipeline that was needed to get the landlocked Caspian Basin oil to the sea for shipment around the world. The triggering event for that to happen was 9-11 so the American public would condone the use of force against Afghanistan. They are even working on routes to take the Caspian oil out through the former Russian states of Georgia and the Ukraine as pipeline routes to Europe and the Black Sea.
But, back up a minute they did not bother to tell any of us that there was a huge payoff to General Rashid Dostum or someone else in Northern Afghanistan the day after 9-11.
That is very important, so remember it. That is in all probability a "prosecutorial fact" in this endless stream of lies from Bush and DC. The Bush administration has not been forthcoming with those facts and neither has the 9-11 Omission Commission. There are members who sat on that 9-11 Commission that are directly benefiting from what you are reading here. Parts I and II of Pop Goes the Bush Mythology Bubble [see links below] addressed those conflicts of interest in detail.
When one is involved in a truth movement and making it clear to all that his only interest is the truth regarding 9-11, pieces of potential evidence show up from the most unlikely places, as happened on November 21, 2004:
When one is involved in a truth movement and making it clear to all that his only interest is the truth regarding 9-11, pieces of potential evidence show up from the most unlikely places, as happened on November 21, 2004:
Mr. Schwarz:
This comes from a friend of mine who worked with the late gentleman's wife. I think that after I tell you this, you will appreciate my reasons for guardedness. This story was relayed by Mr. Engstrom's widow:
Mr. Engstrom, while a member of the SpecOps unit of UNMIK Police, was ordered on a mission. Said mission took place 12 Sept. 2001. At least that is when they jumped off, in full battle gear. They were loaded into windowless planes, along with people they had never seen before, as well as shipping crates. They were flown to a location where they were loaded into helicopters.The helicopters were also "blacked out" so the occupants of the cabin could not see outside. They landed in what Mr. Engstrom described as a base built into the side of a mountain. A very large base. They deplaned and unloaded. At that point they were met by people with features that were consistent with those who occupy the Middle East. Upon unloading the crates, the unknown personnel opened the crates. In the crates were, as Mr. Engstrom described it:"Huge amounts of money".The money was transferred to the possession of the indigenous personnel. On 12 Sept 2001.
3. Who else was involved - were these CIA or DoD? UNMIK? - There was his UNMIK Colleagues. He reported to his wife, and she reported to my friend, that he did not know who the others were. Need to know and all that. He was just a shooter. Nothing more.
4. Estimate of how much? - A huge amount.
5. Do they think he was killed to silence regarding 9-11? - Hard to say. That said, if you were going to silence someone like him, with that potential knowledge, where better than Iraq? How better than an RPG?
6. Who was he working for? That would help in identifying who might have done it. Most of the IEDs are not insurgents, they are Mossad or US. Most UN work is contracted out. - UNMIK was his employer, as he put it. On the other hand, he reported he did not know who the principals were on this mission.
7. What was he doing in Iraq and working for whom? - Blackwater.
For those readers that caught my recent piece exposing Bechtel and Jock Covey, take note that Covey was in fact in Kosovo with the UN mission (as Number 2 in Kosovo, so somewhat in charge of many things) and so was Todd Engstrom, who we now know was sent on a special payoff mission right after 9-11 happened.
Furthermore, we have hard facts to show that Todd Engstrom was in fact with UNMIK on the date in question so this payoff flight probably originated in Kosovo or nearby. UNMIK, Kosovo, Engstrom and a post-9-11 payoff are facts and information that have been withheld from all of us and it will not be hard to find out why through a grand jury.
It might be interesting to follow exactly how Jock Covey went from #2 in Kosovo to head of corporate communications for Bechtel, since Bechtel stands to line up many major projects as a result of this bogus Bush "Global War on Terror" (GWOT) and its underlying power grab for oil electrical generation plants powered by natural gas of course (GE makes those), and other key expenditures are wrapped up around this bogus GWOT.
It might be interesting to follow exactly how Jock Covey went from #2 in Kosovo to head of corporate communications for Bechtel, since Bechtel stands to line up many major projects as a result of this bogus Bush "Global War on Terror" (GWOT) and its underlying power grab for oil electrical generation plants powered by natural gas of course (GE makes those), and other key expenditures are wrapped up around this bogus GWOT.
Go back far enough and one finds that Jock Covey was a Kissinger associate in years past and that ties back to 9-11 Commission Vice Chairman Lee Hamilton and the Wilson Center he heads.
If you missed Part 4: More reasons to not investigate 9-11, Canadian sources informed that MacDonald Detwiler & Associates ["MDA"] were doing GIS mapping in New York that would have been needed to launch a "shock and awe" attack on the WTC with exacting [read excruciating] accuracy and was also the firm that developed the software used in "Red Team Canada Blue Team USA" war games in jet fighters.
If you missed Part 4: More reasons to not investigate 9-11, Canadian sources informed that MacDonald Detwiler & Associates ["MDA"] were doing GIS mapping in New York that would have been needed to launch a "shock and awe" attack on the WTC with exacting [read excruciating] accuracy and was also the firm that developed the software used in "Red Team Canada Blue Team USA" war games in jet fighters.
It was that same war games program that was "in use" on 9-11 and NORAD failed to scramble jet fighters. Mr. John F. Lehman, 9-11 Commission member, was involved in a takeover attempt to acquire MDA shortly before 9-11, as Racal Instruments, a takeover target that was partially owned by J. F. Lehman & Company. Hmm.
Then we have the Clinton influence peddlers trying to get the deal for Unocal [March 1996: U.S. Ambassador to Pakistan, Tom Simmons, urges Bhutto to give exclusive rights to Unocal. Bhutto offended and demands apology.]
Then we have the Clinton influence peddlers trying to get the deal for Unocal [March 1996: U.S. Ambassador to Pakistan, Tom Simmons, urges Bhutto to give exclusive rights to Unocal. Bhutto offended and demands apology.]
By 1995 Bridas had hammered out a deal with the Taliban and Uzbek General Rashid Dostum to build the pipeline and by 1996 had to file the "interference of contract" lawsuit against Unocal in Texas when they started getting jerked around in Turkmenistan. Turkmenistan is one end of this pipeline, Pakistan the other end and in the middle is Afghanistan (Taliban and Bridas Corporation).
That middle piece was, in a word, crucial.
Hot of the PressesMarch 22, 2004:Bridas's $495 Mln Award in Turkmenistan Dispute Left Intact
2004-03-22 10:23 (New York)
Bridas's $495 Mln Award in Turkmenistan Dispute Left Intact
By Laurie Asseo
March 22 (Bloomberg) The U.S. Supreme Court let stand a $495 million arbitration award to Argentina's Bridas Corp."
It took years for justice to reign, but Bridas won at the Fifth Circuit, U.S. Court of Appeals on September 9, 2003 (Bridas SAPIC v. Government of Turkmenistan, et al., No, 02-20929, 5th Cir).
Remember from Parts I and II of Pop Goes the Bush Mythology Bubble that the law firm of Mayer Brown, Rowe & Maw represented Turkmenneft in the lawsuit to keep Bridas tied up in court and senior partner Richard Ben Veniste was playing Where's Waldo? on the 9-11 Omission Commission while that matter was at 5th Circuit and the U.S. Supreme Court.
Also remember that Jamie Gorelick sits on the board of United Technologies and Schlumberger, both companies that are raking in huge dollars due to Bush War Policy and Bush Energy Policy.
In addition, remember that former Republican Governor James Thompson of Illinois is now with Winston Strawn, a known lobbyist for Bechtel and Parsons Brinkerhoff, and a former executive of that engineering company is heading up reconstruction in Iraq and, darn, suddenly there is now $9 billion of those reconstruction funds missing over there. If you recall, the "reconstruction amount" was $18.6 billion, so close to 50 percent of the funds are missing, folks. The bank has been robbed and DC is in spin cycle.
Didn't you get the memo? They are The Bush Family. They are better than other Americans and they think the law does not apply to them. Don't believe me; just ask them.
They think they can do any damned thing they want to do including wage war and terrorism against this nation to pave the way for stupid business and oil agendas that they cannot otherwise get done. Not because you and I are despised around this world, but because they and their despicable friends are despised around this world.
There was a post 9-11 payoff, the flight originated from the Kosovo area, and that took "pre-planning." That simply means that someone in the United States was directly, and I mean DIRECTLY involved in the planning, financing, strategizing, and execution of 9-11 and whoever that is, each and every American wants that SOB and their SOB buddies swinging from the gallows.
That flight was sent to the Caspian Basin area to pay someone off, and Americans were there, saw it, and are now dead at least Todd Engstrom. My hunch is we dig deep with a grand jury and we are going to find other Americans that have been silenced to protect the Bush Cabal and what they, Big Oil and Big Defense did on 9-11-2001.
Flights leave records and people who saw them, so regardless of where the flight came from that Todd Engstrom got on, in full combat gear to guard the delivery of the money to Afghanistan, those trails can be found and proven.
In addition to finding the trail regarding Mr. Engstrom, we have also had a high level former Bridas Corporation person come forward to shed even more light on the truth about what Bush & Co, Clinton, US oil companies, our CIA and others did to Bridas Corporation in Turkmenistan, Afghanistan and Pakistan to take over a deal that was otherwise not in the "hands of the right parties" as far as U.S. influence pimps were concerned.
Please sign the petition if you too demand the truth and justice regarding September 11, 2001. There is much truth to be found and we have a nation's capital that is filled with people that have an aversion to the truth. It is time that we as American citizens get to the bottom of what they fear so much and why they fear the truth.
Remember from Parts I and II of Pop Goes the Bush Mythology Bubble that the law firm of Mayer Brown, Rowe & Maw represented Turkmenneft in the lawsuit to keep Bridas tied up in court and senior partner Richard Ben Veniste was playing Where's Waldo? on the 9-11 Omission Commission while that matter was at 5th Circuit and the U.S. Supreme Court.
Also remember that Jamie Gorelick sits on the board of United Technologies and Schlumberger, both companies that are raking in huge dollars due to Bush War Policy and Bush Energy Policy.
In addition, remember that former Republican Governor James Thompson of Illinois is now with Winston Strawn, a known lobbyist for Bechtel and Parsons Brinkerhoff, and a former executive of that engineering company is heading up reconstruction in Iraq and, darn, suddenly there is now $9 billion of those reconstruction funds missing over there. If you recall, the "reconstruction amount" was $18.6 billion, so close to 50 percent of the funds are missing, folks. The bank has been robbed and DC is in spin cycle.
Didn't you get the memo? They are The Bush Family. They are better than other Americans and they think the law does not apply to them. Don't believe me; just ask them.
They think they can do any damned thing they want to do including wage war and terrorism against this nation to pave the way for stupid business and oil agendas that they cannot otherwise get done. Not because you and I are despised around this world, but because they and their despicable friends are despised around this world.
There was a post 9-11 payoff, the flight originated from the Kosovo area, and that took "pre-planning." That simply means that someone in the United States was directly, and I mean DIRECTLY involved in the planning, financing, strategizing, and execution of 9-11 and whoever that is, each and every American wants that SOB and their SOB buddies swinging from the gallows.
That flight was sent to the Caspian Basin area to pay someone off, and Americans were there, saw it, and are now dead at least Todd Engstrom. My hunch is we dig deep with a grand jury and we are going to find other Americans that have been silenced to protect the Bush Cabal and what they, Big Oil and Big Defense did on 9-11-2001.
Flights leave records and people who saw them, so regardless of where the flight came from that Todd Engstrom got on, in full combat gear to guard the delivery of the money to Afghanistan, those trails can be found and proven.
In addition to finding the trail regarding Mr. Engstrom, we have also had a high level former Bridas Corporation person come forward to shed even more light on the truth about what Bush & Co, Clinton, US oil companies, our CIA and others did to Bridas Corporation in Turkmenistan, Afghanistan and Pakistan to take over a deal that was otherwise not in the "hands of the right parties" as far as U.S. influence pimps were concerned.
Please sign the petition if you too demand the truth and justice regarding September 11, 2001. There is much truth to be found and we have a nation's capital that is filled with people that have an aversion to the truth. It is time that we as American citizens get to the bottom of what they fear so much and why they fear the truth.
Also, sign the Sibel Edmonds petition so that we can all know what American names surfaced in what she translated at the FBI.
Those are facts not forthcoming from DC, Bush or the 9-11 Commission and your well being and mine are directly tied to knowing exactly who did 9-11 and why.
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