George W. Bush - Nazi - Tony Abbot - Nazi? The Globalisation of Corporate Coruption.

More idiot criminal American Presidents - and then Australia gets the criminal Liberal Party and it's idiot prime minister - Tony Abbot.

So is this scumbag of epic proportions - a way to drive the Australian people into serfdom under the Nazi party, with it's American satellite stand over merchant, or is humanity (Australian Style) just too fucking dumb?

Lawsuit challenges possible Iraq war

Group says Bush needs declaration

February 15, 2003|By Thanassis Cambanis, The Boston Globe.

BOSTON — A group of U.S. soldiers, their parents, and six members of Congress who sued the White House over a possible invasion of Iraq accused President Bush of acting like a monarch, not an American president.

"The president is not a king," said John Bonifaz, the lead attorney in the lawsuit filed in U.S. District Court here Thursday. "He does not have the power to wage war against another country absent a declaration of war from Congress."

Bush and Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld are named as defendants in the suit, which seeks to block military action against Iraq unless Congress issues a declaration of war.

The White House did not express major concern about the lawsuit, which asks a federal judge to issue an injunction barring a war in Iraq.

"The Constitution grants the necessary authority to the president in his role as commander in chief," spokesman Ken Lisaius said. "Furthermore, Congress has spoken on this matter."

Federal Judge Joseph Tauro scheduled a hearing for Thursday. A spokesman from the Department of Justice, which will defend the president, would not comment on the case.

Congress passed a resolution in October authorizing Bush to use force in Iraq, but the plaintiffs in the lawsuit maintain that the Constitution requires an outright congressional declaration of war.

Experts in constitutional law said they believed the October congressional resolution passed the threshold established by the 1973 War Powers Act.
"In my own view, the formalities of calling something a declaration of war ought not to matter," said Richard Fallon, a professor at Harvard Law School. "Congress has concurred in authorizing the president to put troops in harm's way."

Similar federal lawsuits challenging the 1991 Persian Gulf war and the Vietnam War failed.

The Korean, Vietnam, and gulf wars all were fought without declarations of war, and Fallon pointed out that federal courts are hesitant to interfere with executive branch powers.

"I would be astonished if it worked," Fallon said of Thursday's lawsuit. "No matter how much you might think this forthcoming war is a bad idea, you might have some qualms about a court issuing an order to stop it once hostilities are under way."

The plaintiffs in the complaint include a U.S. Marine stationed in the Persian Gulf, a recently activated member of the Massachusetts National Guard and an Air Force reservist from Massachusetts. They are identified in the complaint as John Doe to protect them from harassment or retribution, Bonifaz said. Four of the six parents of military personnel are identified by name in the suit.

The six members of Congress, all House Democrats, who joined the lawsuit are Reps. John Conyers (Mich.), Dennis Kucinich (Ohio), Jesse Jackson Jr. (Ill.), Jim McDermott (Wash.), Jose Serrano (N.Y.) and Sheila Jackson-Lee (Texas).

In December 1990, a federal judge threw out a similar lawsuit by 54 members of Congress who claimed President George Bush needed a formal declaration of war before launching an invasion in the Persian Gulf. In that case, the judge ruled the lawsuit was premature because the president had not yet clearly committed to a war.

Judges ruling in similar Vietnam-era cases found that Congress had effectively authorized that war through resolutions or through military appropriations.
Bonifaz, director of the National Voting Rights Institute, has taken on controversial lawsuits before, suing oil giants Unocal and Texaco on behalf of displaced people in Burma and the Amazon basin.

After filing the lawsuit Thursday, Richardson and Lessin said they planned to travel to New York to take part in an anti-war march.


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