The issue of relative denseness

OK a least favourite topic....

I am travelling past a Sunday Fete / fund raiser / market.

I am kind of hungry - long trip - and I can smell meat on a BBQ.

I decide that "Yeah I'd like at least one" so I double back and go to the fete.

I have a quick squiz around and then work my way up to the BBQ.

Picture this:

The stall is about 5 meters wide, by 3 meters deep, and it has a brick wall behind it.

The area is "fenced off" by a row of trestle tables in front of it, cluttered up mostly by boxy things, and the BBQ running behind it, has a screen in front of the hot plate....

There is nothing on the one free trestle table top, that inidcates the serving of food...

No cash tin, no trays of cooked sausages, hamburgers, loaves of bread, bottles of sauces, paper napkins etc....

They look like they have had it set up and have been selling their wares for an hour or two... (important point)

There is not even a fucking sign up - saying what they sell, and how much for.

So I know they are cooking up meaty things for sale, but there is no way to tell what it is they are selling, and how much for.

The Fete / Sunday Market started at 9am, and it's now 11am... so they have been there for quite some time.

There is a girl fishing around behind the counter - probably 17 / 18, completely ignoring "me" the customer.

I ask her, "What do you have for sale?"

She goes, "Oh what do you mean?"

"What are you sell-ing? What have you got for sale?"

It looks at me, and says, "Oh ummmm I don't know......."

Then it turns around and asks it's useless cow of a mother... "Maaaaaa - this guy wants to know what are we selling?"

Retarded mother looks up, asks "What", the daughter repeats it's self, and then the mother goes "Waffle, waffle, wafffle".

And she is waffling on, she then pulls out a "Sales Sign" hidden behind boxes on the ground... with the goods for sale and prices... written with a permanent market in really small writing that I can't read from 3 meters away, that is intended to show what they have for sale, to the passing public, in an open area, at a Sunday Fete.... that no one can read.... and it's not put up where people can read it...

Idiot daughter - who appears to have been serving customers there all morning..... then says to me, "Oh we are selling sausages, they are $2 with sauce and $2.50 with fried onions...."

Mentally I go.

Simple sales issue.

Fucking clueless counter staff.

Poorly set up sales stand.

They are not selling 40,000 items and it' not her first day on the job - they are only selling ONE item and the girl has NO idea what is for sale and what they are selling it for... in a space of 5 meters by 3 meters witha BBQ in the middle of it and they are only cooking ONE food item on the BBQ....

(Groan - Face Palm)

So the idiot girl has to ask the idiot mother.....

Retard mother has the "Produce for sale" sign, on the ground behind boxes - instead of up the front where it should be...

Fuck, fuck, Fuckity-fuck........

So in the space of a mere 30 second exchange that is much like getting your teeth pulled without anasthetic - we have a sequence of like 10 ticks in a row, all in the "Idiot" category....

I think, "In the space of one transaction - a simple 30 second event - every step of the process has been completely fucked up by these people and my tolerance for stupid people and their bullshit has just gone into melt down..."

And like an autistic child at a fireworks festival, I have gone into sensory overload at the ineptness of it all - I can no longer cope, and I just walk off.


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