Cattle Car Galactica - The bikers guide on how to kill roos, without them killing you.

These are the roads in the day time:

These are the same roads at night:

When travelling across country, in roo infested areas, I have calculated that I can either sit on 50 - 80K in the centre of the highway, watching every shifting shadow in the darkness - as a way of increasing my reaction time - seeing the roo, having more time to brake, swerve, accelerate etc, to avoid an impending impact...

I mean this is a good way to play it, under the circumstances, but it's a slow way to cover long distances when the roos are active - late afternoon, all night to mid morning...

By plodding along at a fast idle in a higher gear - you really can avoid all impacts, with kangaroos at night...

But it's not as good as this method.

You can sit about 3 to 4 meters from the back of a truck - directly in centre with the rear right wheels - at 100Kmh...

Why and how so.

The B double truck, typically has a single front steering wheel, followed by 8 double wheel sets  - and any thing that goes under the front wheels, and comes out the end of them, is mashed flat...

The size and weight of the truck, shields me from impacts from the left, and from the front, and mostly from the right, with a very narrow visual field to concentrate on (ahead of the truck and off to the right hand side, and I have the ability to pull hard to the left and shield myself behind truck, if an incoming roo from the right is seen.


It's a case of the roos speed, the truck either killing them in a frontal impact or them going into the wheels on the sides or jumping away from the truck, and any thing the gets hit and going under the truck, is mashed by the wheel sets or comes through under the centre of the truck - downed, smashed but generally whole-ish....

Or they get smashed up and bounced off to the side of the road...

So for the sharp eyed motorcyclist, travelling right up the rear end of a large truck, is an excellent way to travel through roo country at night..

And if your close enough - as in about 3 meters or less, you will get gently sucked into the back of the truck, and if your a little further away like 4 to 5 meters behind the truck, there is increasing drag from the atmosphere.

It's a narrow window of vectors, trajectories, and the safe sweet spot, but it's much like engaging a cross country hyper drive... the galactic conveyor.. 

Just zip in behind the 80 ton battle tank, and blast through the dark night - and decouple - to drop out of hyperspace - some place far across the country. 

The mobile monster meat mincer,, having leveraged the odds greatly into your favour.

: )

Concentration of course, must be total.

A bit of a caveat about all of this:

It's one of these things, if you do it exactly, it's just fine. Like pulling a sustained note on a violin.

The concentration bit is no joke..

I don't take alcohol, or any mind or mood altering substance - and I think impairments are a no-no. However I do get tired.

Tiredness is a huge killer, and assorted substances, greatly magnify the impairments.

OK there is a state of mind - we will call it "Bright and Fresh" - and then there is the "Ughhh - fuck" moment, when one is finding ones self coming too, after a few seconds of falling asleep at the handle bars, in the on-coming lane of traffic, without there being any on-coming traffic.

Bright and fresh, is 100% on the  ball. "Ugghh Fuck" - is dead, with or without the "Ugghh Fuck".

(To be continued)

Things about trucks..

A trucks load, determines it's braking distance and the time from the application of the brakes, to the application of the braking force - as the descelleration to kick in, as the tyres grip.

You can tell by how the "Cargo" moves relative to the road, and the wheel sets, and the rate of acceleration out of low speed zones, as it comes out of towns - as to how much load the truck is carrying....

The cargo part of the truck, when fully loaded, will tend to float, while the wheels and axles will follow the contours of the road. An unladen truck, will tend to bounce along with the wheel sets.

It's important to mentally calculate the load and braking parameters of the truck you following.

Because when your tucked in behind one - the parameters - the times and limitations are fairly narrow, but there is adequate room to operate within - because both you and the truck are travelling in the same direction, at the same velocity.

An unladen truck under hard braking, will be quicker to begin stopping when the brakes are applied, and the stopping distances are much shorter.

This is the primary variation, which alters the window your operating within.

While travelling through the middle of nowhere, trucks almost never ever apply emergency braking - but they statistically will be braking hard, through towns with late night traffic. 

Typical motorcycles easily out brake a fully loaded truck - but adjust your distance accordingly...

If it's late, and the odds of picking up another truck besides the empty one you scored, just sit a little further back... not much, a meter or two.

Again - concentration must be total - no night time touristy shit, you gotta have the focus and the reaction time in your favour - to keep the braking and manouvering advantage of a motorcycle in these circumstances..  

And some trucks, with low hanging run under prevention bars and chassis, help to mash up any more in tact bodies on the way through the tunnel under the truck between the wheels.

If you can be choosy - pick the better trucks.

So for all the shit for brains bleeding hearts / mental cases etc., if the roos jump in front of trucks, they are basically going to die anyway. 

The smart idea, is to methodically, and in a calculating way, take advantage of the substantial protection and speed advantages, that tailing a truck, in a very specific way, affords you, specifically when transiting through higher risk of impact areas, in the higher risk times.

You cannot escape risk, but you can significantly mitigate these risks, by either going very, very slowly, or using the shielding that a truck affords.


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