Gloating over the Australian Good Design Awards - for being retarded arseholes.

I think with the latest drowning of the east coast of Australia with huge storm that spanned the eastern side country more or less completely north to south.

Citing such events as these:

"Overall, the Bureau says that weekend rainfall totals of 80 to 150 mm are likely for much of the area with localised falls between 200 to 300 mm."


Hundreds of State Emergency Service crews are working along the NSW coast to deal with the damage caused by wet and windy weather, and flood warnings have been issued for 23 rivers in the state.


Damaging winds with peak gusts of 90kmph affected some coastal areas of southern Queensland with more than 350mm of rain falling on the Gold Coast hinterland since Friday morning.

Much of the NSW coastline and areas near the coast are expecting between 100 to 300mm of rain over the weekend.

The BoM's Michael Paeche said "incredible" levels of rainfall fell in Queensland on Friday night, with Yeppoon recording 80mm just after midnight and areas between Bundaberg and Gladstone recording up to 93mm in an hour.

Senior forecaster Jonty Hall said there were particularly heavy falls just north of Brisbane on Saturday morning.

"Some of those produced rainfall amounts up to around 130 or 140mm in a three-hour period through this morning," he said.


Australian scientists say peak rainfall will also be more intense, over a more confined area and over a shorter timespan. And when overwhelming levels of rain fall on asphalt, tiles and cement, drainage systems built for a different climate regime may fail to cope.
“As warming proceeds, storms are shrinking in space and time,” said Conrad Wasko, a PhD candidate in the school of civil and environmental engineering at the University of New South Wales (UNSW).
He continued:
“They are becoming more concentrated over a smaller area, and the rainfall is coming down more plentifully and with more intensity over a shorter period of time. When the storm shrinks to that extent, you have a huge amount of rain coming down over a smaller area.”

Total precipitation

Most climate predictions are based on computer simulations that extend existing data. But this study is based on storms that have already happened.
Wasko and his colleagues report in Geophysical Research Letters that they analysed data from 1,300 rain gauges and 1,700 temperature stations across Australia to look for a link in the local temperature to the total precipitation, duration and area of a cloudburst.
The meteorologist’s rule of thumb is that the potential moisture content of the atmosphere increases by 7 per cent with every 1°C temperature rise, so it follows that summer storms should potentially deliver more rainfall. The same scientists last year established that storms were getting briefer in duration.
The latest study looked at the area of rainfall and found that the heaviest downpour had moved nearer to the centre of each storm. And although the testing ground was confined to Australia, the study could have a message for city planners and hydraulic engineers worldwide.
Professor Ashish Sharma, one of the co-authors of the UNSW study, said:
Australia is a continent that spans almost all the climate zones in the world – Mediterranean, tropical, temperate, subtropical – everything except the Arctic or Antarctic. So the results hold a lot of value. We are finding the pattern repeating itself over and over, happening around Australia and around the world.
Look at the incidence of flooding in Mumbai or in Bangkok last year — you see urban streets full of water. You see it now in Jakarta and Rome and many parts of Canada. That’s because the stormwater infrastructure cannot handle the rain and part of the reason there’s more rain is the increase in global temperatures.
Measurable difference
In addition to record temperatures during heatwaves, Australia has been hit by devastating floods linked to climate change, and in 2010 so much rain fell on the continent that it made a measurable difference to sea levels.

The Australian authors had already predicted that floods in some places – especially the warmer urban areas – could increase by 40 per cent. But there are a number of uncertainties.
Professor Sharma said.
When we say that the storms are shrinking in space and shrinking in time, and we say floods will increase, we are making an assumption that the volume of water coming down is not changing.
That assumption is very conservative, because you would expect the air to hold more moisture. If you factor in that as well, there’ll be even more rainfall and more floods.


So I hope to the fuck it was the idiot judges and committees that got flooded out and copped it the worst...

The issues I have raised here, are must be the national focus.

But to prove hat a complete and utter bunch of dick heads the "Good Design Awards" people are, they give an award - the top place - the top award to a fucking design of bee hive - that enables direct honey extraction from a running and populated hive, that makes extracting the honey as easy as milking a cow.

And to make this award for a bee vomit factory, even less relevant in a nation of sugar addicted diabetics, this thing "I recall"*, was bought onto the market some 20 years ago..... (The new inventors)  and it has been periodically resurfacing ever since.

(*25, 30, 15 ???? years ago? - it was a long time ago)  

Yes - and I know the design of the flow hive is good, but in the face of climate change where extreme weather fluctuations, massive flooding, super deadly hot heat waves, extreme droughts etc...

It's neither a ground breaking start up company, nor is it new, and while promoting the hard pressed bee and agriculture in the bigger sense, the flow hive, in the grand scheme of things, in terms of reversing pollution and climate change, it's not particularly relevant:

So am putting shit on the Australian Design Awards - the event, the committees and the judges - for basically being out of touch with reality and being stupid people making stupid decisions.

We must be focussing on renewable energy, a national fossil fuel free transport system, and a undoing all the ecological damage we have done to ourselves and the planet.

A ground-breaking start up company from Byron Bay in NSW, Flow Hive, has been awarded the most prestigious award for design and innovation in Australia, winning the 2016 Good Design Award of the Year.

"Winning Australia's Good Design Award of the Year came as a thrilling surprise because the entries are of such a high calibre. We are so very grateful to the many people who have helped and supported us along the way and very proud that the Flow Hive is designed and manufactured in Australia," said Stu and Cedar Anderson, the father and son couple behind the Flow Hive after receiving the Good Design Award of the Year.

Commenting on this year's overall winner, Dr Brandon Gien, CEO of Good Design Australia said, "Good design has always been about ideas whose time has come - a showcase of the way that design creates value, and improves our quality of life - our Jury could not have selected a better project to reflect these values."

Mr. Ty Hermans from the Evolve Group, pictured above with the Prime Minister of Australia and Wyatt Roy, Assistant Minister for Innovation, were commissioned to help design the Flow Hive said "Winning the Good Design Award of the Year is such an amazing opportunity to shine a spotlight on what great design can do for Australia."

The Good Design Awards Ceremony coincided with the launch of Vivid Sydney, now the world's largest festival of light, music and ideas. Winners were announced at a black tie gala night at the Overseas Passenger Terminal in Sydney attended by more than 600 industry guests.

More than 25 Best in Category Awards were handed out across seven main design disciplines, some of which are featured here.


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