God Bless the Neo Nazis - Or welcome to the Idiot Fesival of The Ignorant


 Mr Pea Brain, works cheap. 
Will suck and fuck and whine bullshit for a buck.

Yes Australia - the land of the clueless free range fuckwit, is in the death rattles of the scam season called a Federal Election.

The wogs vs the wogs, the skips vs the skips, the religious nuts vs the religious nuts, and they are all at each others throats, except when their collective stupidity aligns, and their fractions of common causes, like the christians vs the moslems and vis versa, when they can pick on the poofters - because their retarded scripture says so....

Except their scripture is copy cat hand me down crap, from the jews, which are nothing other than a bullshit cult, based upon the plagarised laws of Babylon, by king Hammurubi.

And with NEO - meaning NEW, and Nazi, meaning the Aryans (jew tribe of Israel) who were the idealised poster people from National Socialist's propaganda dept. (advertising agency), so named by Aolf Hitler, because in his own words, the name "The Communist Party" was already taken (Read Mein Kampf)..

And Hitler and his legions of retards, were primarily catholic / christian, and Adorable Addy, was into exterminating every one and everything, including homos, jews and commies - and every dubious or non compliant member of the party....

But the christian ministeries of hate, which grew from the jew cult of hate and extermination, with Adorable Addy at the fore, declared the adherents of the jew cult to be grossly improper, based upon their cult, of which Addy sucked up too and played along with it's original version and it's bastardised version there of. (the old and new testicle).

Last time I head, the party head office closed down in 1945, and nobody from Australia has either invented time travel, nor have then been able to enrol as members of the party.

Bummer Huh? 

So the poor old new nazis, are in a real pickle aren't they.

Lied too and fed scams, based upon barefaced bullshit, by lying fucking arseholes, and they can't actually be members, if there is no membership to have.

And the retards in the media, see a the usurped peace and prosperity symbol, tattood onto the heads of people, with short hair cuts, and "Oh it's a bonafide member of a long since extinct political party, that was financed at high rates of return, by American bankers and industrialists, which broke the depression in the 20's and 30's. in the USA......

And god bless America, these shit fits made enormous profits from rearming Germany in preparation for WW2.....

Of course they are not responsible for starting Would War 2, it was the cunts who shot the guns... 

Adorable Adolf even stole the logo from wogs in mountains, who don't give a flying fuck for the jew cult and it's idiot derivatives....

As they have their jolly fat man, and endless reams of crap to wade through, from 55 million flying fucks in the bardo states..

And the Australian 2016 election rolls on, with Malcolm the Turkey Turnbull, lying his fucking arse off, with the "fake pasty faced tradie" feeding us more political propaganda than Goebells giving a christian IQ test, and the sideshow circus just rolls on, and fucking on, and fucking on....

So all you wog cunts who have come to Australia in the last 250,000 years, you all can fuck off back to where you came from.

Back to your trees and fleas in Afrika.

And stick this up your arse Turnbull.

Get that ugly prick, that moaning pasty faced tradie to give you a hand - the compliant lying fuck will do anything for a dollar.

"More Vaseline!" - Yes Malcolm, no Malcolm, three bags full Malcolm, pushing it in a bit harder Malcolm.

And this is a really good documentary, you see, pretty much every person in every party agrees with every other person, in every other party... except for a few small differences.

The Goddam Election! with John Safran


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