Rock on with ISIS - The Allahu Akbar Song

Like I can't understand Arabic, but the verses rhyme - in the words and tones...

It's actually quite a good song...

Kind of like this:

"I fuck the sheep - it go ba-baa

In the back seat of my ca-car

Next week I fuck the goat arse

 Islam is awesome - Allahu Akbar"

But when you focus solely on the rhythm and the harmonics, it's a really good song....

And it's really well done.

It's a good production.

But when you get into the translated "sheet music" - it's more of that retarded Islamic shit - the stone age blinkered train of conformist thought...

Just like any mix of theocratic / political brainwashing - from anywhere in the world, that unquestioning retards blindly recycle.

I guess it's the same as listening to "Onward christian soldiers" or "The battle hyme of the republic" for anyone that doesn't have any understanding of english. 

They probably go, "That's a really jolly song - don't have a clue what it's about, but it sounds good."


This the sort of song, that would sample well into a hard driving techo type beat...

With lots of gorgeous dancing girls, with nice fat cunts in bikini's and shorts, and nice arses and tits - and they walk on two legs, not four.

Sharia Whore.

Dancing Girls:

Sampling examples:

JFK - Whiplash (Bad Habit Boys Mix) - Perfect Sound Quality

Gumball race across the country.  


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