Nut Job in Nice.

Mmmm thank you arsehole - for making the world just that bit worse.

Then the media jumps hysterically from the French money spinner, to the Turkish coupe  that fizzled most grandly - with a decent death count..

Mmmm dead, buried and fucked military - they die all the time.... Not that sexy - a few nukes on a US base, everyone and anyone arrested...

And the next day - back to the dramatics of Nice, with the sifting the fly shit from the pepper, the minutea of every intricacy...

And the media churns on, and on, and on....

It pissed me off, the prick with the truck.

It's unfortunate that they didn't shoot the cunt sooner.

But what pissed me off even more, was the sanitised, smudged over sanitised version of reality - with the dead, wounded and dying, all smudged out into hazy spots of obscurity - the pointlessness of their deaths, censored into unexpliciated smears through the photocopiers of history....

Some fuck running over a shit load of people in a truck - it's an ugly scene. It's an ugly tragic scene.

The insult of making what is horrible into something like a pill poppers haze, is so fucking phoney.

It did happen, but it didn't sort of really.

So spare me the sanitised bullshit.

This is what people really look like after they get run over by trucks.

This is the sort of shit the survivors saw and what the living, injured and everyone else involved, really had to deal with.


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