Speke Wog - Adaptive Language.

I woke up watching the Polish news on SBS, to some dumb bitch, who decided to get out of the car, walk around to the other side, and open the door... and stand there like a fucking tool..

I gathered, that they were in A) a zoo, and B) it was a drive through tigers compound.

Any way....... the tiger made very short work of her..

A squeak and a peep, and them massive clawed paws and teeth dragged her off camera with a single swipe.

I have no sympathy for dumb fucks... not like that...

In fact - I kind of liked it.

I hate having to deal with stupid cunts, I hate having to be around them, and there are times when I get some kind of ironic joy, from when they fuck themselves up..

Like this drug fucked space cadet...

So out of it, does a right hand turn off the road and onto the railway tracks - gets stuck, and stands there on the phone, beside the car, while a train - with head lights blazing (350W at 75V = powerful lights) and air horns blaring - is approaching.

I am quit happy for overt liabilities to eliminate themselves from being a danger to me.

Like people who haven't got the brains to mentally calculate that a) You should not be racing trains to the level crossing, and b) you have to be rather generously calculating the distances in you favour - instead of cutting it really fine...

But they do, and they can't, and they didn't - and they die.

No sympathy at all.


But I did like the opportunity for adaptive language.

The peeps of the Pole, spelled Tiger Attack, as ATAK TYGRYSIE.

I like that "ATAK" - it's a good word with a concise spelling. So much better than "attack".

"K" is a good letter too, like "zink" instead of "zinc", or "Kompressor" instead of "compressor".

Kompressor with a K looks impressive. And it sounds good - Kom-pressor.

So lets embrace Wogalog and skip the dialogue.

I also get pissy about us, not using wog (generic name for other people) words and wog sounds for wog things.

It's the dumbed down brain washing bullshit... of, "A pack of wolves" "A flock of geese", "A school of fish" crap.

If you look at how we in Australia are supposed to say "Munich" in Deutchland, oh sorry I meant Germany - but people from that place spell it "Munchen"; and we say "Turkey" but the the Turks say and write "Turquie" (or close to it).

It pisses me off that we are supposed to go along with the linguistic dumbing down instead of the skilling up.

And there are going to be many opportunities for creative translations with different written character sets, like cyrillic (Russian etc), and all the squillions of other dialects to English ( a million times over) and back, but we really need to be saying their words, their way, a whole lot more...

And the family fight, outside the car, in the tygyrsie compound - by all means. 

Go for it.

It deletes the dumb fucks from the gene pool.


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