Aldi's market share is stalling - Or the tools have their hands on it.

Once upon a time, Aldi's marketing strategy of "Hurry, buy now, limited stocks available", was a draw card...

People got tired of the desperado "snap our fingers and jump" shit.

And partly through competitive markets, and market glut.

And mostly through their shitty, lazy and technically clueless management, purchasing and marketing departments, and their habit of putting fucking crap shit up for sale, i.e. their power tools tend to be cheap (=nasty) shit.

The professional quality - that is still going strong 20 years later they ain't.

And I don't know of a single man, who having bought Aldi power tools, in the past, who wants to buy any more of the Aldi branded power tools, now or in the future.

So now the Aldi stores, have piles of unsold power tools, piling up in them.


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