Microsoft's Phone Sales Tank... as in off the cliff.

Microsoft can get fucked really.

Linux Rules and that is about all there is to it.

I have had decades of fighting with them and their idiot corporately corrupt shitware...

I remember this brain dead fuckwitism, got really noticeable when Windows 95 came out, and they had set the file searching program, to only look for file types made using Microsoft software, like *.doc, *.txt, *.

So none of the other file types like Word Perfect, etc., etc., etc., could not be searched for....

And that resulted in me, and a huge amount of people taking on MS about this kind of bullshit....

That is an example of what a bunch of scummy "product lock in" cunts at Microsoft are, and always have been...

This report on their scumware phone sales, just nose diving into the bricks, gladdens my heart.

As it goes these articles are good, if only for the gloat factor, on how after XP and Office 2003 - all Microsoft did, was repackage the same old shit in idiotic and unimaginative ways, to make operating systems and software that was worse than ever.

And now the great Microsoft bullshit trip into the mobile phone market, is wheezing it's last breath....

Sales of Windows Phones plunged 76 percent in the second quarter, plummeting from 8.2 million in 2015 to less than 2 million this year, researcher Gartner said today.

Windows mobile device market share fell below the one percent mark worldwide to 0.7 percent during the first quarter of 2016, according to Gartner. Just one year ago, Windows device sales were anemic at 2.5 percent, but that’s still many times better compared to where they are now. 


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