Same sex marriage - in Australia.

The opposition to it, it's religion or cult based oppression.

The toxic mind fuck residues, of the jew cult, the catholic cult and the islamic cult - both spin off's of the jew cult.

The jew cult - is a cult based upon plagarism - of the war slaves from Judea, in Babylon, stealing the city / state / laws of the land, as carved in stone, in the city centre, by King Hammurubi - and subsequently added to by the catholic cult (old and new testament)....

1780 BC

The jew cult version of it, includes gay hate:

Chapter 18 verse 22 "You shall not lie with a male as with a woman; it is an abomination."
Chapter 20 verse 13  "If a man lies with a male as with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination; they shall surely be put to death; their blood is upon them."

And the "Sin of Sodom" isn't wanting to gang fuck the angels arses, or the host sending the kids out to be gang fucked by the crowd instead, it's the fact the population were a pack of self centred cunts:

Ezekial 16:49 - "Now, this was the sin of your sister, Sodom. She and her daughters were arrogant, overfed, and unconcerned, they did not help the poor and needy."

And despite much bitching about islam and sharia law (cult enforcement) in Australia, and the sectarian inroads these arseholes are making, the catholic cult has been at it a long time, with catholic schools, colleges, medical facilities such as hospitals and doctors, charities, think tanks, political groups, and politicians... and state based funding for their activities and education (brain washing).

It's thanks to these ingraciated arseholes and their plagarised hate crimes against same sex "sex" and relationships, that we have had, and continue to have, these mind fuck head games and oppressive policies against same sex relationships.

If you want a real consideration of the most mind fucking people you can get, consider which of the politicians, are catholic...

And see which of them are doing the most, to fuck up and continue hate crime against same sex relationships.

Malcolm Turnbull is a catholic.

In a nutshell, it comes down to the exposure and repeal of institutionalised "religious" bullshit, that the religious had no right to make and enforce in the first place.

The second thing is that I am totally against clueless unquestioning group think, whether is be feminist crap, nazi bullshit, corporate criminal activities, political party crime etc...

But in examining how feminists and their nazi bullshit and their brain dead "Ohhh me too" crap recycling minions, have fucked it all up for men, the statistics are out, that men have caught onto what a shitty deal it is marrying women, and men are rejecting women and their retarded nazi crap, and are refusing to marry them any more.

The institution of marriage is now basically dead.

Something like 75% of all men between the ages of 24 - 35, and not getting married, and are never going to get married, and are telling the women to shove their wedding rings up their arses.

So in one sense, standing up to the jew cult and it's self serving spin off's like christianity and islam, and these mindless fucks and their plagarised hate crimes against same sex relations is a good thing,

But on the other hand, the institution of marriage is basically dead.

Men Going Their Own Way - MGTOW.

This guy presents a fairy solid and cohesive presentation of the facts about feminism, and what a bunch of cunts, a lot of women are....

But he sums it up very succinctly in the last few lines in the last video...

MGTOW: Marriage is all but dead! 70% of men 20-34 not married in US

MGTOW: Marriage is all but dead (part 2)! How about the 25-34 age range? + A conservative response!

MGTOW: Marriage is all but dead (part 3)! The effect of the economy and porn


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