This fucking shit weather...

In Jan 2011 - the flood waters were actually kind of hot - if it had of been a bath, you could have stayed in them for 3 or 4 days, and not have needed to add more hot water....

But in these last two or three weeks, it's been slightly warm - only from the sunshine and high humidity, but it's been fucking ICY cold at night - and the clouds passing over have been snow clouds - that oddly dark fluffy make up, that dumps snow on the higher altitudes....

And all the impending flooding of basically fucking ice water....

And I was coming back the other night on the motor bike, wrapped up in all the fabulous "stay warm and dry" wet weather gear, in the pissingly cold kind of torrential rain thinking,

"What a cuntingly cuntish cold wet night. I am absolutely cuntified."

As the super bright head light, had it's lumens soaked up by the cold, wet and dark surfaces..

Making it a dark night indeed.

But as I looked up into the freshly washed night sky, in the pitch black night sky, far far away from the city lights, the stars were very clear and white in the absolute blackness of intergalactic space.


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