"Hand on My Cock" Turbine Turnbull on Renewables....

"blaaaa blaaaaa blaaaaa - 10% renewable energy target, achievable some time in the next 500 years, blaaaa blaaaaa blaaaaa....."

blaaaa blaaaaa blaaaaa.....

blaaaa blaaaaa blaaaaa.....

blaaaa blaaaaa blaaaaa..... 

Hand on cock, banker boy, ex Goldman Sachs director, global tax cheat, owns shares in Philip Morris, responsible for clear felling forest in the Solomon Islands, plays kiss arse to the coal miners and the gold plated coal fired power companies - charging us 45c Kwh while wind generators ARE making electricity for 2c Kwh,

blaaaa, blaaaaa, blaaaaa,

blaaaa, blaaaaa, blaaaaa,

blaaaa, blaaaaa, blaaaaa,

Mr Marvellous, and his sun shiney arsehole.

Poser value = fucking NIL

Meanwhile in "Rest of World" land...


Wind Energy Production In The World: Spain Working Toward 100 Percent Renewable Energy

 "Wind is unpredictable, but on any given day the 9,500 state-of-the-art wind turbines controlled by Acciona generate enough energy to power more than 29 million homes."


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