A jew spew - Rabbi Wankalot said....

Yes the chief administrator of the zionist nazi cult, Sephardi Chief Rabbi Shlomo Amar, or "Slow Mo - the dimwitted", says the very same dirt his ancestor Adam was created from, is coming out his un-gay arse.

Therefore his rabid rabbi arsehole is holey.

While "Slow Mo the dimwitted", spends his daze, cursing the imaginary bastard son, of the imaginary voices inside his head, and citing his ancestors book on britzkrieging the middle east, running their own holocausts, concentration camps and killing and eating each other and their own children.

Yes the divine guidance, from the imaginary voices in "Slow-Mo's" head, he said, has been telling our ancestors, to this very day, to find the other people, who also believe in their own voices of imaginary gods, that they should all be put to the sword, their animals slaughtered, and the alters smashed into rubble.....

So sayeth the lying arsehole scam artist priests, of the jew cult....


For fucks sake, as the upholder of the laws, from the voices inside his own head, I am surprised "Slow-Mo the dim witted",  is not writing his own divinely inspired cook books..

The Cannibal Kikes
Cook Book For Kids.

Take your first born, swing it by it's legs and smash it's brains out on a rock. Gut and quarter with a sword. Cook over the alter of burnt offerings, until the smoke reaches the nostrils of my imaginary god and he is pleased with your sacrifice, and then serve at the community banquet.

PS. No being gay or arse fucking, or you shall offend the imaginary voices of our imaginary gods in our heads and we shall have to kill you, because the imagined voices told us so.

*Annonated for clarification.


Jerusalem’s top rabbi says ‘homosexuality punishable by death,’ faces backlash

Israeli politicians and LGBT activists have called for the resignation of Sephardi Chief Rabbi Shlomo Amar after the high-ranked *dim witted* cleric said that homosexuality was punishable by death.

“This is a cult of abomination, this is clear,” Amar said when asked of his attitude toward homosexuality in an interview with Yisrael Hayom newspaper, cited by Times of Israel.

“This is an abomination. The Torah says it is punishable by death. It is in the first rank of severe offenses,” he said.

(*Because he is a biggotted dumb cunt who is too stupid to be able to think for himself - hence, "The book of superstitious bullshit said", instead of, "I said", just like the SS cop out, "I was only doing my job".)

Amar added that he didn’t believe in some people having a homosexual orientation, calling such claims “nonsense.”

(*The old testicle is after all, an authoritative scientific text, written by a peer reviewed community, and not a bunch of cult based bullshit, from stone age lying snake oil salesmen.)

“There are desires and a person can overcome it if he wants, like all other desire,” Jerusalem’s top rabbi said.

After the release of extracts from Amar interview on Thursday, an LGBT activist, Shirley Kleinman, filed a complaint to the police, blaming the cleric for incitement to murder.

“Let’s try and ensure that this man will not remain in his key public position,” Kleinman wrote on her Facebook page, as cited by The Jerusalem Post.

“This is not an anti-religious issue, I have nothing against religion, every person shall live in accordance with their faith. I do have an interest to protect my rights and your rights to live, and [to live with] dignity,” she said.

The call for Amar’s resignation was backed by Knesset members Yael German and Meirav Michaeli, who wrote to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Religious Services Minister David Azoulay on the issue.

The parliamentarians from Yesh Atid and the Zionist Union stated that the chief rabbi was “exploiting his position” as religious authority “for a campaign of dangerous incitement against a large public group in Israel.”

“A public figure who endangers the safety of Israeli citizens by discrimination and incitement should be fired from their position immediately,” German and Michaeli said in a letter.

Jerusalem City Council member Laura Wharton addressed Amar directly, calling on him to retract on his anti-LGBT statements.

 “Your comments are gross incitement, and just one year after the murder of Shira Banki [at the 2015 Jerusalem Gay Pride Parade], I would have expected that you would know they are destructive of our society,” The Jerusalem Post cited Wharton as saying.

It’s not the first time Jerusalem’s top rabbi has found himself in hot water after his controversial remarks on the LGBT community.

Last year, Amar was criticized for suggesting that most people were “disgusted” by homosexuality and labeling Jerusalem’s gay pride parade “an embarrassing phenomenon.”

However, he condemned the murder of a teenager at the 2015 parade, saying that the act couldn’t be justified.


The book of the jew (or old testament) is based upon pure plagarism..

I recall the first 6 or 8 books of the old testament out of the first 11, are almost wholly or substantially in part, word for word rip-off's of the Code of Hammurubi:


Then the rip off - The king james bible, containing the book of the jew - or the old testament - with the cult of christos - for the Genitals (cathoholics and other pseudo religious scum)


And all the fucking retard copycat scammers have been recycling the zion cults propaganda ever since - i.e. the cathaholics and the moslems....

And their brainless gay hating illogical bullshit.

The jew cult, is a cult of hatred, murder and control.


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