I just could not face another day of American political crap.

Mmmm K - I do like some articles that appear in "Counter Punch", and "New Matilda".

But before the 2016 American election - it was all "Hillary Clinton is a war mongering scheming cunt".

And now that Donald Trump has been democratically elected, the American and indeed global media, has been masturbating themselves into a frenzy over this too.

I am tired of listening to the endless speculation and yapping dog bullshit....

Todays Tripe: 

Counter Punch:

Michael Hudson on why it's time to overhaul the neoliberal establishment, starting with the Democrats.

Gary Leupp on how the rigged system stifles democracy.

Diana Johnstone says now is the time to organize!

Jim Kavanagh explains the real meaning of the Trump victory.

Marshall Auerback on class politics and the fight against Trumpism.

Luciana Bohne on why we must all revolt against Trump and the corrupt system.

George Wuerthner on the new threat to Chief Joseph Highway.


This week CounterPunch Radio host Eric Draitser sits down with Paul Street break down Hillary's fall, Trump's rise and what's ahead for the left.

New Matilda.

Opportunity Knocks: Ian McAuley On The Economics Of A Trump VictoryThere’s ever reason to believe Donald Trump policies will hurt Australia. But there’s some important differences and insulation, writes Ian McAuley. Trump’s election has energised Australia’s far right. Abbott, Abetz,…

Fascism Might Sound Like A Joke, But It’s No Laughing MatterTo some, the rise of Donald Trump might have seemed as ridiculous as it did hilarious. The laughter appears to have dried up, writes Greens MP Jenny Leong. Many months ago a youtube…

Being Pro-Nuke Is OK, Dissing Renewables Isn’tIn our ongoing series on nuclear energy, Terry Leach takes up the cause for renewables. Geoff Russell has copped a bit of flak lately for his pro-nuclear writings, as has…

Servants And Slaves: A Simple Guide To Why Australia’s Rulers Cultivate RacismRace relations have long been used as a powerful tool to divide, and to distract, writes Liam McLoughlin In the early 18th century, Virginian legislators used racism to crush class…

Lessons From The Great American ‘White Lash’Tina Grandinetti already understands the sting of white racism. But with the rise of Donald Trump – and One Nation - she’s bracing for even more push back. I wish…

All The Ingredients For ‘Trumpland Down Under’ Are There. Here’s How To ResistWhat happened in – and to – America could happen in Australia, writes Xiaoran Shi. But there is a way to stop it. It is often said that we can…

The Deplorables: The Moment Clinton Lost, And The Lesson The Left Must LearnFrom on high, Hillary Clinton dubbed Trump supporters racists. And it was all downhill from there, writes Mike Fewster. Okay, I didn’t expect Clinton to lose but there was one…

Why Donald Trump Won: What The Numbers Tell Us (And It’s Probably Not What You Think)The Republican candidate managed to drag across blue collar voters, and Clinton won less votes from women than Obama did in 2012. Michael Brull crunches the numbers on an election…

Don’t Forget The Role The Republicans Played In Donald Trump’s Monstrous RiseThe Grand Old Party appears to have escaped much of the wrath over the ascension of Donald J Trump. But they’re in it up to their eyeballs, writes Max Chalmers.…

What Should We Make Of The Election Of Donald Trump?What are we to make of the election of Donald Trump? Does his rise from outer-borough New York real estate heir to President of the United States (with a reality…


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