The trouble with the nut jobs pushing for nuclear war is...

Well while I don't trust those cunning Ruskies (Putin) entirely, I don't trust the Merkins and the UK, and the NATO blockades and encirclement, at all.

The Chinese? Well I trust our American arselicking media a shit load less.

The pro-US media are a pack of lying, arse licking, yap-yapping, lap dogs first and foremost.

But anyway.

Here are some good reasons why the total global nuclear arsenal, should be refitted for shooting up shit loads of planet smashing asteroids (Hey they are a good asset), and

Why they are bad for killing each other with.

1. No internets.

Despite the claims it was originally developed to be difficult to knock out, everything civilian and business, is made from NON EMP HARDENED chips, circuitry and hardware.

So if the big bangs actually miss you, the EMP will fizz you.

It will fizz your PC, laptop, mobile phones and networks, satellites and receivers, hospital equipment, TV, etc.

So if there are any of these fucking plundering and profiteering weasles left - who are not locked down inside their impregnable multibillion dollar bunkers, by all means if they have ended your civilisation, feel free to end theirs.

2. All transport and everything that enables it to operate - fucked, gone, everything stops - permanently.

From everything like combine harvesters, trucks, tractors and trains - there goes the worlds entire food supply.

It's can't be grown, transported or cooked - and once the system of food production stops, so does pretty much every man, woman and child as well.

No cars, aircraft, ships, motorbikes.... Nuffin.

Fried control chips, fried computers = stand still.

3. Nuclear winter.

All the RADIOACTIVE dust, smoke, and the decades long ice age....

Mmmmm pretty much everything dies of cold, hunger and radiation.

Etc., etc., etc.

So next time the war mongering, war profiteering and brinkmanship busting bastards want to up the ante, produce the profits, and penalise the people - smash them one - in the face.

Bash the bankers - and their revenue raising governments, "Oh you have to take out a loan for $20 trillion to pay for all these weapons, because if you don't, then the other side will have tactical superiority.... so you can buy up on all this shit and the tax payers will have to pay for it all....

And then to the other side, "Guess how much they are spending upon NEW and vastly improved weapons... Better range, more fire power, greater accuracy.."

So the lying snake oil salesmen go.

Lynch the bankers, the politicians, the weapons manufacturers and the military.....

$50 trillion on weapons - and we can't afford, healthcare, schooling or housing...

And they are aiming their nukes at us, after we aimed our nukes at them.

Yah for sure.


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