Black Smiths - Are super cool, sexy and smart. Feminists are just pseudo intellectual wankers.

This is why feminists, and their crawling cunt licker man buddies, never count for anything.

These MEN, in the following video, are very intelligent, they are working as a tightly integrated team, where you have to pay attention, be actively be playing your part, and this is a very rewarding man only environment - because feminists and their equal opportunity, sitting on their arses, fingering themselves all day, espousing great insights like, "Oh I am really offended by that" - have absolutely no part to play in the workforce.

Not only ought they never be given the rights to a kitchen of their own, they ought never be herded up and penned like cattle for feeding, fucking and breeding, as feminists produce stupid children.

Nope - just stick them out on agistment, in great big fields, surrounded with razor wire and a water trough, where they can wander around in circles all day, eating hippy shit tofu, and spouting feminist cliches` at each other..

These guys are shit hot.

Crazy Chinese smiths. Forge a large flange on the street


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