Discriminate AGAINST stupidity.

The TV networks of Australia are run by some of the scummiest cunts this retarded shit hole of a country can produce....

In fact the media is wholly representative of the population it comes from, and that it feeds it's own self serving shit back too.

Any thing they can make money from, any way they can manipulate you to accept it, and any means to get you to buy it, they will use it.

So anyway - I do like SOME TV, generally SBS, or the ABC, etc., but my tolerance for shit and the retarded arseholes who try to feed it to me, equates to almost zero.

The free to air networks excel in spreading the low I.Q. corporate whoring manifesto.

I like this TV show - "How Britain Worked", I actually quite like watching humanities cleverest doing the cleverest of things - where people make things, they think about things and they do things.

And this is a genuinely good show....

And this episode was completely fulfilling, the pure pleasure of creativity, of making good things - the velocipede.

Especially where they had the Queens royal wooden carriage wheel maker, make the wooden bicycle wheels, and then shrink the hot iron tyres onto the rims.

Orgasmic, High I.Q. estacy. So beautifully done.

And from the Penny Farthing, came the safety bicycle.

Published on Feb 24, 2015

Guy Martin helps the team at Gayle Mill to get the mill up and running again, and then use it to make a replica of one of the less-celebrated inventions of the Victorian era: a Macmillan bike the first pedal-powered bicycle.

This extract - includes the truly frightening bit, where he loses control, and all the pedal gear, is thrashing away madly between his legs, as he races down the big hill, on a tar macadam sealed road, on a steel tyred wooden wheeled bike.

But on tonight's episode, well they used to be on the ABC, or my shit filter for advertisements completely blocks all adds out, and any recollection of them...

It's this episode...

How Britain Worked



This week, Guy Martin helps with the 500,000 pound restoration of the world's oldest surviving Brixham sailing trawler, a boat that created a quantum leap in the 19th century fishing industry and resulted in Britain's love affair with fish and chips.

But it's on this TV network / station  7 TWO.

And you see the problem is that this 24 minute program (or whateva) is soooooooooooo packed full of long blocks, of shouty, shouty, shouty ---- BUY, BUY, BUY adds....

Well I am not interested in listening to fuck holes who prophesy the doom of humanity, through global warming, pollution, plagues, nukes etc., etc., etc., during the news, and bust their guts with bug eyed sluts, trying to sell billions more monster gas guzzling cars...

And I am not listening to blocks, and blocks, and blocks of insipid shouty adds.

And I am not putting up with a 24 minute program, being stretched out to an hours content, about things, I don't want, or need, and I don't want to know about.

So what do I do?

I either read the programming guides, and NOT turn the TV on, or

I change channels to a more add free station, that is showing something I do want to watch, or

I turn the TV off, and go do something useful.

I actively discriminate against stupidity.


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