The dickheads of the media - parroting the drama. 6 BILLION years from now - we are all going to die.

Yes as the dear old hydrogen bomb called Sols, runs low on hydrogen and begins burning helium, the suns core will heat even hotter, and this star will expand until the nearing heat, warms the planet enough,  to evaporate all surface water off, and then slowly by slowly the sun will continue to expand, until this ball of rock glows from the heat, and eventually is enveloped in the grossly hot plasma of the sun it's self..

I mean the media drama queens are onto this shit, now?

This information is just standard "life cycle of the stars" - everyday astronomy stuff...

And now these media morons, are sexing up this piece of shit, like it's a brand new episode of Neighbours?

What next? "Humans have holes in their arses"? - ‎1 hour ago‎
EARTH will be burnt to a crisp when the sun grows to 100 times its current size, scientists have terrifyingly warned. By Sean Martin. PUBLISHED: 16:59, Fri, Dec 9, 2016 | UPDATED: 17:08, Fri, Dec 9, 2016 ...

Highly Cited

International Business Times - ‎Dec 8, 2016‎
L2Puppis Composite view of the star L2 Puppis in visible light. Studying the star may shed light on whether Earth will survive the sun's expansion into a red giant 5 billion years from now. Photo: P. Kervella et al. (CNRS/U. de Chile/Observatoire de ...
The Sun - ‎Dec 8, 2016‎
PLANET Earth will be burned to a crisp as the sun swells to a hundred times its current size, scientists have warned. If our species manages to avoid being wiped out by nuclear war, doomsday space rocks or apocalyptic epidemics, we may live to see the ...
Daily Mail - ‎Dec 8, 2016‎
By then, the sun will grow to a hundred times bigger than it is today, swallowing up Mercury and Venus, before it dies as a white dwarf star two billion years later, according to a new study. This sneak preview into the future of our solar system was ...
Daily Star - ‎Dec 8, 2016‎
Mankind faces a hellish fate as the Sun is set to consume parts of the solar system – burning away our planet – and not even a doomsday bunker will save you. Scientists have laid down the horrifying vision of mankind's fate as they map the progress of ...


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