Wimmuns Crikkit is cummin on Telly...

Hmmmmmm caps, bikini's and high heels - and sexy, sexy, wimmins playing crikkit.


Lots of throbbing clits bulging out of their slits, with nipples hard from ice cubes.


Actually it's good to see it marketed more professionally and intelligently - rather than the usual Sunday arvo bogan fest, with one TV camera, and a couple of shit drivelling commentators...

And 10 people sitting in the stands..


I mean, I never watch cricket anyway....

But in the adds, the chix were wearing colorful uniforms - and they sprint differently to men, because of being shorter, and having wide hips.......

"Wide Hips..... Women....... Mmmmmmmmmmmmmm"

Yeah a truly one dimensional person - If I can't read it, eat it, or fuck it - I am generally not interested in it.

So the adds were good.



I have managed to see like 10 minutes, in like decades, and only because it was on, while I did something else, before I could change channel.

Cricket, is not bad, it's just really fucking slow......

And really fucking slow, that involves a lot of people, doing more or less, absolutely fuck all, and doing fuck all, all day, for weeks on end - bores me shitless.

But today I came in for an afternoon nap, flicked on the idiot box, and there it was - "The Wimmins Crikkit".

I watched a whole 10 minutes.

Only for one reason. They were women.

Young, healthy, fertile and fit - and nice long hair - in pony tails.

Training like proper athletes, playing a reasonably decent game, and looking like people who can play a decent game;

Instead of limp wristed lame arse chicks, "Oh my god, I chipped a nail...." "Mi leep stick, mi leep stick, anyone seen my leep stick?"

And other such intelligencia type crap.

So the chicks are fit, and play a decent game.

I hope this takes off.

The only real difference between the womens and the mens cricket though, is that the men have a lot more upper body strength, and the men hit the bigger longer shots, the sixes etc., which adds the excitement, amongst the daze of monotony.

The women are doing the strength training and it's paying off.

For cricket fans, this looks like a good deal.

But I have had my 10 minutes of watching it.

And I have other things to do.


I published an article about a year ago - on "womens football" - might have been about rugby.

And the women, talk like drop kicks, act like drop kicks, think like drop kicks, play like drop kicks, organise themselves like drop kicks and MARKET themselves like drop kicks.

And they put forward a very lame "product" on TV...

Getting women playing sport, into the more professional / commercial realms, can't be done by pushing "the local teams" on a "shoe string budget", when the game play is a little ho hum, the commentary is crap, the coverage is dismal, and their object is to get "their game play / plan" on TV, rather than what it is they are "putting on TV".

I am not much of a sport nut, I am a "anything that is very well done" nut. 


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