Abbo Lip Service - And the big disconnect.

The diatribe of shit goes on, and on, and on.....

"We acknowledge "Blah, Blah, Blah" as the traditional owners of this land."

Well that's fine.

But who the fuck are "THEY"?

There is a complete disconnect from "The individuals" - the tribe, the culture, the land, the laws, the territory, the hunting and gathering techniques and tools, the understandings of the land, the sea and the sky, etc.

What went on, what is is going on, and what direction are "they" going collectively and individually?

One of the (really old) elders I spent time with, talked about how he had spent time hunting and gathering along the rivers and esturies of northern NSW, with his father and grand fathers and uncles etc.

He said if you did that these days, the farmers (land, oyster and fish) would shoot you.

And the young people when you take them camping out bush, the first thing they ask, "Where we going to plug the colour tele in?"

So while the singular "Land of the Traditional Owners" statement is cast far and wide, there is fuck all to go with it... 

There is fuck all nation recreation and rebuilding.

There is not a lot of personal and cultural connection.

There is no meat in the wrapper.

Bring us the meat.


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