Aldi's intellectual defiencies with the obvious arise once again.

I like some things about Aldi, their toxic germ warfare cleaner, being a combination of sodium hydroxide and chlorine, being an outstanding example of destroying all known forms of life - a particularly long standing talent of the corporate germanic united nations (See Vid for B.A. [Before Adolf] info).

 But their demented lies, product testing - or the lack of, the bullshit spoken by their retarded "corp speak" glove puppets etc...

The management of Aldi are fucking morons and liars - and some of what they sell is shit - here is another case in point.

OK the science of shaving.

An old Greek barber taught me how to shave in excellence and style.

I asked him why do barbers put hot steaming towels over peoples faces prior to shaving them.

He explained that the hair takes up the moisture, and it softens and pokes out a little further, making it both easier for the razor to cut, and after the shave, the cut hair pulls in a little further.

So by having a shower, scrubbing the face at the beginning, and cleaning all over, then washing the hair etc., and shaving at the very last, the hairs become very soft, and using the cheapest of the cheap Bic disposable razors, I can get 3 or 4 shaves a week, from the one razor, and I can use the same razor for 3 or 4 months.

They are a good razor, they hold an edge and they are reasonably block resistant with a big slot to slide the hair out through, after "planing" your face - and a reverse stroke or two drags most of the longer ones back out if you do choke them up on heavy stubble or removing beards...

But not so the Aldi razors...

You see the Twin Blade "Prince" labelled ones, ARE complete garbage - perhaps lasting 1/4 of my face until they are blocked - and completely so.

And it comes down to the design.

You see here are the twin blades....

And the abysmally "dissolving by the second" lubricating strip....

2 or 3 shaves and they are gone = cheap and nasty.

And the little glowing "dotted line" is a streak of plastic stuck between the blades. There is nothing but a blanked off slot between the blades - there is no back exit for the shaved hairs to come out. The hair jams in there exceedingly well.

And it blocks up with hair badly and completely, and they seem to get as blunt as all fuck within 30 seconds.

The other thing that pisses me off about the MORON management of Aldi, is that while it is a disposable pivoting head razor, there is NO NEED to throw away a perfectly good handle - and to just change the blunt fucking heads.

You know ONE handle could last 20 fucking heads, and that is a shit load of totally unnecessary plastic handles and 10 x the amount of packaging, going to waste...

So I figured that no man in his right mind is going to use such a piece of shit razor, and only completely stupid cunts would put such a piece of shit on the market - and somewhat enthralled at how stupid the management of Aldi actually are, I rang to see just how this particular issue would pan out.

I like to experience new depths and interpretations or variations there of, if only to lighten my mood somewhat - and more to get a sense of completion of the impossible against the futile.

Got through to the light weight lip service glove puppet, and the affirmative, "Oh yes we test all out products, before we put them on the market" rang very hollow - like all the other moronic bullshit this management team spit out at those who dare to inquire.

And the liars from Nazi Land record all phone calls, and they store them indefinitely - which contradicts nicely, with their lying arsed claim they could not find any record of a previous inquiry... and their failure to act upon it.

(As they fucking do with everything - or not, as the case may be)

The management of Aldi will dump some of the worst shit on their shelves - and their moron management "don't get it"....

Their bottom dollar products are (occasionally) pure shit.

Their razors might actually work, IF you were to shave daily with them, not every 3 or 4 days - but the blade quality feels like they'd go blunt on soft butter.

And the quality varies between them, from the same pack. 1 razor might get a decent shave from, the next 2 or 3 from the pack, will be going as blunt as fuck in 30 seconds...

So they fail on design and quality. Totally.

After trying to shave with a few of them, I'm throwing the whole pack out, going back to the Beautiful Bics.

Aldi razors? Their insipid customer service? Never again.

Just a huge pass on the Dept of Lying Idiots.

And for the record, I can sharpen blades up from rooned to nasty sharp...

But I make the choice of the double grind, from the "razor sharp" blade shape, with the micro-bevel, that gives a good balance between being a good edge holding tool, and a easy cutting general profile.

The rooned plane blade from Ebay.

Ground back behind the damage, flat and square. And all by eye, on a bench grinder.

Putting in the hollow ground bevel.

The finished edge with a hollow grind and a razor sharp micro-bevel on the leading edge.

And the fucking morons at Aldi, can't figure out shit, even when the crap they sell comes from their own packets.

This is what they say on the packet:

"Flow through design keeps the blades cleaner for a smoother shave."

Well they are not a flow through design, they are blocked between the blades, by design, the metal / blade quality is piss poor to suspect at best, and they block up BADLY and they give a fucking shit shave.

And they caveat their crap by saying this:

"Aldi guarantees that our exclusive brand products are developed to our stringent quality specifications." (If you think they are shit bring them back with you etc.)

The management of Aldi are so fucking dumb they couldn't tell the difference between a finger up their arse and a bar of (shaving) soap up their arse....

The neg reviews on product review, sound sincere and accurate:

Aldi Prince Maximum 3 Razors
1 out of 5, reviewed on Feb 24, 2017
Had a shave this morning and couldn't see the whiskers in the basin. That's because they were still on my face. Absolute rubbish razor compared to Gillette, Schick even Bic. Aldi is a real puzzle with its quality control, mostly excellent but sometimes terrible. I'm sure their next shaver will be OK.

1 out of 5, reviewed on Jun 13, 2016
These razors are absolute rubbish. Every time I use one, it looks like I shaved with a brick wrapped in barbed wire.
Aldi should be ashamed for selling garbage like this.

Prince Maximum 3 Disposable razor
1 out of 5, reviewed on Apr 13, 2016
Was the worse shave I have ever had. I had to use 2 razors to shave my face once (I did have a bit of stubble). Was extremely uncomfortable and then left a rash. Extremely unimpressed. I threw out the rest of the packet.

Documentaries can be good. 

This is a very good insight into corporate corruption, and manipulating the masses - and the front face of profit at any cost...

Wars? The bankers, the investors and the industrialists do quite well out of them.

A superb managerial style indeed.

So be a good obedient consumer. Hurry down to Aldi - limited quantities, they might run out.


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