How to train your feminist fuckwit, into becomming your dim witted fuck toy.

It's easy.

By combining home economics, domestic duties and fucking, your can train your dim witted feminist fuckwit, into becoming your submissive, obedient fuck toy.

However, if she is an intractible nazi with tits, you can get all your out of town friends to fuck her, and when she gets pregnant, you can kick her arse out on the street where she belongs and get new one.

The best thing is that your not the father, and she can't prove that you are, she can't sponge off you for getting her pregnant (It's always the man's fault THEY get pregnant and the guy has to support her), and she will have to take herself and her bullshit else where...

Feminists come cheap you know, as anyone who can't separate fact from fantastical ideology, usually doesn't have much else going for them.

Womens Studies courses are particularly adept at pumping out pussy without a point, cheaply, without critical thinking faculties and at bargain basement prices.

 "Turn your feral feminist fanny into a domesticated domicile.
At the House of Bliss Concentration Camp".

"Push the iron forward, pull the iron back.
Push the iron forward, pull the iron back.
Push the iron forward, pull the iron back.

Concentrate, Concentrate,

It's very easy once you get the hang of it!

Push the iron forward, pull the iron back.
Push the iron forward, pull the iron back.
Push the iron forward, pull the iron back..."


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