I have discovered I hate the Hollywood Wierdos with the bleached teeth.

I ran across a woman the other day, with the depressingly "super white beyond white" teeth, that had been chemically treated, to look like a show room full of refrigerators, in super bright day light level lighting...

And since then I have been noticing this pathetically super white Hollywierd fakeness on mostly American TV people.

I mean if your've been blessed with truly shit teeth that really look genuinely bad, sure, go for a tidy up....

Or reconstructive surgery after some kind of a bad time... fine..

But Jesus fuck - these plastic people and their Barby doll bits...

The plastic surgery, the tattooed eye brows, the facial implants, etc.

I have come to hate the fashion tragics that are dumb enough to think that looking like the fake people in the highly modified tooth paste / teeth whitening / brightening treatment adds - with teeth 10 shades whiter than the surface of the sun.....

So fake.


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