Shitbags in Business. The Art of being stupid arseholes isn't just the perogative of Feminists.

This really happened:

I needed some small bits of tube to make elastomer bearings with....

Say 18mm OD, 1mm wall thickness, 6mm long, and about 10 of them...

That is 2 for the bearings, and 8 to practice the assembly technique on.

Plus a few extra little bits and pieces. About 1 handful.

All up - probably about $8 - $12 tops, for all the metal.

I asked said Office Jerk Off, and how much for all the cutting? "Oh we usually do it for nothing" - said he.

So I am expecting steel rings to look something like this.

And the "cut" comes from using a hand tool or a machine tool, that works something like this:

 While not quite as good, a passable cut can be made using something like this:

 A week later, I call them up - and they are expecting payment over the phone and delivery by courier.

Delivery - sight unseen, prior to payment.

I asked what does it all come too?


Me thinks - "This IS too much."

So I query this prick. "Why so much?"

"Oh Oh he had to cut the tube with an angle grinder, (Oh fucking really?)

And he was really careful and did an excellent job.... (Oh fucking double really)

Sounding like the guy who did the cutting has just made some flat band wedding rings - so far.

And he had to cart the metal tube from the racks to the cutting area...

(3 meter lengths of sweet fuck all Kilo of tube.. all of 50 paces away)

And this justifies charging you for the metal and about 2 hours cutting time...

I laid down the contract - "You said I'd only be charged for the metal and the cutting would be done for nothing."

"Oh Oh" the lying moron bullshits - "Oh yeah  we talked about this and we knocked $45 off the price, so it's only $105.00."

I said, "Contract + finalised issue".

He said, "Keep moving the goal posts, we will talk about it when you get down here."

So anyway, I travel to Shitfield and there lies the box of said goods..

We open it.

We have several more problems, in addition to the price.

First off - idiot has given the cutting job to the moron of a storeman (bad move)

Secondly, the moron storeman uses the WRONG EQUIPMENT to cut the tube with.

He uses an abrasive cut off saw, like this:

And it produces cuts like this - only worse.

And the reason why it's worse, is because the MORON storeman, care of the moron office thief, is cutting off very short lengths of tube, and the little bits get dragged into the saws apparatus, putting deep gouges into the tube ends on the way to spitting them out the back...

So the little rings are badly burred - inside and out, and on both ends, they are cut at fairly radical angles - with 7mm length on one side and 3mm on the other, and they have huge gouges out of the ends and sides...

They are effectively scrap, and cannot be used.

I tell him to throw them out, because they are no fucking good - they are fucking ruined.

And I know all the equipment used in this industry and how to use them all, I know that irrespective of the "fucking bullshit quality of work", I also know that making 10 BAD cuts like this can be done at about 3 seconds per cut - meaning that the entire job, from racking to packing, should have taken no more than 10 minutes in total.

Yet this fucking moron in the office is billing me for 2 hours.

So shit for brains is so fucking dense, that he is still trying to bullshit me with his billing....

We have gone from ~$10 for the metal, with free cutting, to $150 - and kindly taking $45 from that, and the guy did an incredible piece of work with the cuts, he did a great job and really took a great deal of care, and the fucking moron has reduced the tube sections to scrap, by using the wrong equipment in the wrong way, and the piece of shit in the office, is STILL  trying to get me to pay, for what is ruined scrap.....


Yes, and it goes on.....

I have brought in some 3 x 20mm by 450mm flat bar, to be bent into a square U shape, and the boss had taken it out to the press and was getting it done....

When the office moron, despite being a totally dumb fucking cunt, who has totally fucked this up from the beginning - and lied every step of the way about it and through it....

When he was still pressing for payment - I said "NO" as in your game playing and lying and bullshit - is stopping right here and now = end of deal., moron man then scuttles out the back to tell the morong manager that I am not paying...

I am out the front waiting for this cunt, and he comes out, "Oh blah, blah, blah so your not going to pay are you?"

So I said, "Naaa, and I'll have my piece of metal back thanks."

"Well your not getting it back" says he.

I said "It's mine, it belongs to me, I brought it with me."

And I reefed it out of his hand.

He then tells me "Don't come back here."

I clarify the issue for him - "Na it's not a case of not being welcome to come back here, it's a case of me choosing to never rehire you (retarded lying fucking arseholes) to work for me, ever again."

So there you go.

Moron manager backs up dick head thieving lying office fuckwit, who tried to get away with selling $10 of metal, with free cutting, for $150.... which they had turned into a thimble full of scrap metal.

See men can be every bit as fucking stupid as the average feminist.


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