In dealing with some profoundly idiotic people....

There are SOME individuals who I have to deal with from time to time, in the area of drugs, detoxes and rehabs, that are complete and utter cunts.

And statistically - it's inevitable that they will be such arseholes for so long, that they get to the point where, even they can't stand living with themselves and then they kill themselves.

And like idiots who drive through the wet, cold, dark, twisty mountain roads at high speed, in the middle of the night, during a down pour, with one shitty yellow old head light and bald tyres - you can look at them at the start of their fiasco and say, "They are not going to make it through this."

They are going to do what it takes to bring themselves undone,  and as a result - they will die.

But the necessary idea is to not get into their car (or their crap) with them.

In regards to a couple of particularly idiotic destructive pricks who have crossed my path, with conduct that ought to result in an utterly savage beating, for both being dangerously hostile and disrespectfully way out of line...

One particularly virulant prick got this:

"Me? Buy into your bullshit? Never. I am going to get on with my life without you and your crap, and this way, I will keep on having a great life and the only finger prints on the gun that is used to kill you, will be yours."

It struck me that this was an incredibly tactful bit of diplomacy.

And he will - given enough time he will become such a cunt that even he can't stand living with himself and then he will go and kill himself.

There are some people - like idiots who fall overboard from the ocean liner in the middle of the night. When you throw them a life ring and say, "Hurry! - Get in it!", They reply, "Don't you tell me what to fucking do!"

Well that is about all you can do.

If they want to run around being fuck ups, then, when it comes to them pedalling their crap in your life, then you just have to say it straight...


One of the things that the brainwashed morons in Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous never tell you is that purely on the sales figures and not the nebulous etherial, is that in regards to the "Welcome" chips, key rings and other shit that the groups buy and hand out to the newcomers, for every 75,000 of these bits of clubby cult bullshit, that get sold and then handed out to all the newcomers, only ONE 30 year medallion gets sold.

That means, in a somewhat rubbery figure, which is similar to the actual sales figures, that 75,000 people walk in the doors of AA and similar and 30 years later, there is only one of them left.

Some people do leave for lots of good reasons, and some fuck up and fail at life for other reasons.

But the main reason most people fail is not from a lack of resources, but from the unwillingness to pursue and use them.

The idea of a business plan, mentioning the business plan, and talking about a business plan over coffee, and actually doing the business plan - and submitting it for approval, are two different things.

And talk is cheap.


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