Mbeat makes JUNK - Their 7 port hubs are crap and their service is bullshit.

Yes the Noble Little Acer Aspire One, with it's 3 little USB ports..

Mouse + Bigger Keyboard + Tethered Phone = Where do you plug in the camera / USB stick / etc?

Well I picked up one of these, and a spare, just in case the original died, and one for a friend.
And they have always proven to be totally unreliable..

Some days some ports work, other days, not, but for the most part, neither of them have consistently worked at all.

They have the quality and reliability that earns them embedding in the concrete wall - if it wasn't for the fact that they were not fit for anything and they also happened to cost a fair bit at the time....

Tried them on different computers, different hardware plugged in - the dodgy hubs were pretty hit and miss / unreliable across all systems.....

They are fucking shit.

So assuming that the later units may have had the bugs ironed out....

I contacted them to swap them over, via their website:

Something, like, "The hubs have always been unreliable and I'd like to swap them over."

The Reply:

How many hub  did you buy? Could you show me the receipt? Thank you.


I bought 3 of them, gave 1 to a friend, and kept 2 of them for myself. And no, I don't gave the receipt.

But they have always been unreliable. So I'd like to swap them, for units that have the bugs ironed out.

The Reply:

Where did you buy them? These three units are faulty?


I don't recall clearly which place I bought them from.

But they have always been dodgy.

Some ports are unreliable, or only work sometimes, others....

Basically when virtually new, I set them aside and never used them or only one of them if I had too - the least worst.

I be prepared to swap them over, IF you have the bugs ironed out of the newer models.

The Reply:

What is the model of the hub?



And then NOTHING........

So thankyou Mbeat Support Agent 007.

Your lip service to back up your crapware products has been duly noted.


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