Our piece of shit prime minister - the lackeys of corporate corruption.

And Yay to Pauline Hanson for using her position to smash the American hooks on our citizens and their choke hold on world wide honesty and accountability. Our prime ministers of late, have all been "say nothing, do nothing, don't stand up for anything or anyone" arse lickers to the global corporate crap, because this team sleaze attitude is what got them the job, from amongst their peers in the first place. Stand up for Julian Assange? "I see nothing, I hear nothing, I know nothing - and maybe we can look at it in another 10 years time." Go and punch Tony Blair in the face on the steps of parliament in front of a huge crowd? Ohhhh nooo can't do that. Drive up to the doors of the Equadorian Embassy in the Prime ministers car, open the passenger door and say, "Assange, get in! I am taking you home!" Mr Ring Licker Turnbull - "Oooo no, can't do that." - because this greasy palmed, money grubbing terd, hasn't got a spine. Look at al...