
Showing posts from November, 2016

Our piece of shit prime minister - the lackeys of corporate corruption.

And Yay to Pauline Hanson for using her position to smash the American hooks on our citizens and their choke hold on world wide honesty and accountability. Our prime ministers of late, have all been "say nothing, do nothing, don't stand up for anything or anyone" arse lickers to the global corporate crap, because this team sleaze attitude is what got them the job, from amongst their peers in the first place. Stand up for Julian Assange? "I see nothing, I hear nothing, I know nothing - and maybe we can look at it in another 10 years time." Go and punch Tony Blair in the face on the steps of parliament in front of a huge crowd?  Ohhhh nooo can't do that. Drive up to the doors of the Equadorian Embassy in the Prime ministers car, open the passenger door and say, "Assange, get in! I am taking you home!" Mr Ring Licker Turnbull - "Oooo no, can't do that." - because this greasy palmed, money grubbing terd, hasn't got a spine. Look at al...

The trouble with the nut jobs pushing for nuclear war is...

Well while I don't trust those cunning Ruskies (Putin) entirely, I don't trust the Merkins and the UK, and the NATO blockades and encirclement, at all. The Chinese? Well I trust our American arselicking media a shit load less. The pro-US media are a pack of lying, arse licking, yap-yapping, lap dogs first and foremost. But anyway. Here are some good reasons why the total global nuclear arsenal, should be refitted for shooting up shit loads of planet smashing asteroids (Hey they are a good asset), and Why they are bad for killing each other with. 1. No internets. Despite the claims it was originally developed to be difficult to knock out, everything civilian and business, is made from NON EMP HARDENED chips, circuitry and hardware. So if the big bangs actually miss you, the EMP will fizz you. It will fizz your PC, laptop, mobile phones and networks, satellites and receivers, hospital equipment, TV, etc. So if there are any of these fucking plundering and profiteering weasles lef...

Tragically stupid boy, product of...

Tragically stupid parents.... Who are part of a tragically stupid culture.... Grows up to be a tragically stupid prick. But then again while many people want to get on with their lives, many people, especially the religious, the military and the political, are tragically stupid people who raise tragically stupid kids to be tragically stupid pricks - just like them. It's a funny thing though, where ever there is shit happening, religion, politics and military all are intertwined and all are involved. And this kid? "Oh look at me, look at me, I am a complete and utterly ignorant tool - and I am important too!" Fucking idiot. Neo-Nazi youth leader recorded saying ‘Hitler was wrong to show Jews mercy’ Published time: 28 Nov, 2016 17:32     Jack Renshaw, a spokesman for the British far-right fascist group National Action, is facing a criminal investigation after a recording emerged of him tell...

Yes snorting LSD, is the same as seeing god.

Religion is like drugs in the way it activates the brain, scientists say     John Ross     Higher Education reporter     Sydney Religion is the opiate of the masses, Karl Marx said. New research suggests he may have been right, with scientists finding that religious experiences light up the brain in much the same way as drugs. MRI scans of 19 devout Mormons have revealed that powerful spiritual feelings activate the “nucleus accumbens”, known as the brain’s reward circuit. “This puts religious experience in the context of other pleasure inducers in the brain — listening to music, types of love, also gambling (and) experiences from cocaine or meth amphetamines,” said lead researcher Jeff Anderson, a neurobiologist with the University of Utah. The study was published overnight in the journal Social Neuroscience. T...

Stepping beyond the religious appologists.

You see, where all these"religious academics, scholars and interpreters of the holey scriptures" come unstuck, is that none of them have the balls to say straight out, "This whole thing is crap!". And none of the holey books even match...... Duhhhh. The jew cult is and it's book of bullshit - the torah is just that - it's foundations are pure plagarism. Chistianity? That is a hodge podge of mixed up ancient mythology, outright lies and revisionistic crap. The fucking catholics and all the 28,000 other variants of this holey bullshit trip are proof of that. And islam - I mean this academic - in one sense, he has written a good article, but on the other hand, he omits to say that the quaran is a piece of superstitious bullshit. It's just copy cat crap from the jew cult. Some bunch of fucks made it up, and it's NOT the book of truth as written by their brand of the same non existent god of the jews, who stole the bylaws of Babylon and added their own cr...

Two Coaches - on is hit in the head with a paper plane, the other, a hockery puck.

Barry Trotz of the Washington Capitals was hit on the head by the puck during his team’s NHL game versus the Toronto Maple Leafs. Toulouse football manager Pascal Dupraz narrowly avoided serious injury on the touchline at the weekend – when he was floored by a paper airplane which hit him on the head. Pascal the waifing weasle, was then promoted to the feminists collective as the office cunt licker.

A jew spew - Rabbi Wankalot said....

Yes the chief administrator of the zionist nazi cult, Sephardi Chief Rabbi Shlomo Amar, or "Slow Mo - the dimwitted", says the very same dirt his ancestor Adam was created from, is coming out his un-gay arse. Therefore his rabid rabbi arsehole is holey. While "Slow Mo the dimwitted", spends his daze, cursing the imaginary bastard son, of the imaginary voices inside his head, and citing his ancestors book on britzkrieging the middle east, running their own holocausts, concentration camps and killing and eating each other and their own children. Yes the divine guidance, from the imaginary voices in "Slow-Mo's" head, he said, has been telling our ancestors, to this very day, to find the other people, who also believe in their own voices of imaginary gods, that they should all be put to the sword, their animals slaughtered, and the alters smashed into rubble..... So sayeth the lying arsehole scam artist priests, of the jew cult.... http://suker-punch.blogs...

10 minutes of pure, relaxing, scenic bliss...

As a dumb fuck, idiot woman, tried to do some naked rope bondage to herself, in a tree, and fucks it up and gets stuck... Halfway up..... LOL Apparently she was like that for 4 hours..... The only thing that would have made it funnier, would have been for the branch to break off and land on her..... And for half the village to come out and fall around laughing about it all.... But never mind - it's pretty fucking  hilarious as is... Naked self-bondage in the woods gone wrong.

There are some days......

I kind of like nice quiet back roads, no traffic, trucks, cars etc. And I don't want to go places there are lots of people, lots of chaos, and lots of traffic.

I just could not face another day of American political crap.

Mmmm K - I do like some articles that appear in "Counter Punch", and "New Matilda". But before the 2016 American election - it was all "Hillary Clinton is a war mongering scheming cunt". And now that Donald Trump has been democratically elected, the American and indeed global media, has been masturbating themselves into a frenzy over this too. I am tired of listening to the endless speculation and yapping dog bullshit.... Todays Tripe:  Counter Punch: Break Up the Democratic Party Michael Hudson on why it's time to overhaul the neoliberal establishment, starting with the Democrats. Trump, Clinton and the Rigged System Gary Leupp on how the rigged system stifles democracy. After the Election: Don't Panic, Think! Diana Johnstone says now is the time to organize! Ship of Fools: What Trump Teaches Jim Kavanagh explains the real meaning of the Trump victory. It's Class, Stupid, Not Race Marshall Auerback on class politics and the fight against Trump...