OK.... People from a long way, away, a long time ago, came to Australia. Before they came, they were foreigners, and after some 40,000 years, they became "Aboriginal" or Abbos for short. Then while I have limited knowledge of the continual migration too and from Australia during the intervening centuries.... by assorted peoples from many lands.... By taking a leap of time, to 1788.... "On the 26 th January 1788, The First Fleet, led by Captain Arthur Phillip and including 1,000 officials, marines, dependents and convicts, landed in Botany Bay. The British declared Australia terra nullius , or land belonging to no-one, and dispossessed hundreds of thousands of Indigenous Australians." OK - now following in the foot steps of the original invaders, who went on to slaughter millions of other life forms, as they over ran and occupied the country, just how long does it take for all the other (more or less) people of the second wave of invaders and occupiers, to be come...