
Showing posts from January, 2016

The Holey Roman Crapfest of Catholic Cock Suckers oppose Same Sex Families.

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Some reasons why Murdochs US based, propaganda wind piss can't be trusted.

Image January 29, 2016 Western Media Ignores Putin’s Progress in Syria by Mike Whitney The UN-sponsored Syrian peace talks, which began on Friday in Geneva, will be boycotted by the main Syrian opposition group which has insisted that Russia stop bombing its positions while negotiations are conducted. To appreciate how ridiculous these demands are, one would have to imagine a similar scenario taking place in the United States. Let’s say, for example, that Ammon Bundy, the crackpot leader of the armed militia that seized the federal wildlife refuge in eastern Oregon, demanded that the FBI and all other federal agents vamoose while the UN convened negotiations between his representatives and the Obama administration for the establishment of a transitional government that would remove Obama from power after 18 months while rewriting the constitution so it better reflected the ...

Blacke Eye for the UK Bullshit Artists

This is really awesome - ‘Justice prevails’: Activist who graffitied military vehicle has criminal case dropped Published time: 29 Jan, 2016   Court proceedings against a peace activist who scrawled “arms tested on children” on a battlefield truck bound for the world’s biggest arms fair have been scrapped.  Vyara Glysen, 28, was arrested in September and charged with criminal damage after she graffitied a military vehicle that was en route to the Excel Center in east London. The exhibition space was being prepped for the Defense & Security Equipment International (DSEI) weapons fair, scheduled to take place the following week. The fair is held every two years in London, and is regularly attended by representatives from repressive regimes. It has also previously provided a platform for weapons dealers to illegally promote arms that are used for torture. ‘War for peace is counterintuitive’  G...

What is it with FUCKING retards - like the ones who run Ebay?

Seriously - another revamp of their shitty site, from PRODUCT (desired / under consideration) and details of product.... size, weight, power consumption, compatible with etc... From that - to PRODUCT... Menu bar listing ALL the other products the seller is selling; And then PRODUCTS like it, that other sellers are selling... And then FINALLY down the LONG web page of 50 fucking DATA CHEWING images and links later., we get to the product description. Then the delivery details etc.. It should be legal to punch advertisers in the face - just for being advertisers. And things like "I don't have time to fuck around all day on the internet, scrolling through your endless amounts shit, that I don't need, don't want and did not go searching for." Like I want to get on the net, look things up, spend as little time as possible doing it and then fuck off and do other things. I do not like being embroiled in the shit created by complete and utter fuckwits... So now instead of...

Fuck McDonalds and McDonalds is Fucked...

Yesterday I had to travel quite a distance, on the devil worshipping, satanist, animal fucking, beast of a motorbike (quote retard from FOX news for that shit).. And I arrived in Bum Fuck Nowhere...... Big Place, odd shopping hours... etc. And I am fucked. So I went to Maccas - the name that the shit heads running McDonalds, STOLE from the community that abbreviated the name, and used as an invention of their own creation....for DECADES... (The scum) I tried out the "app driven self service menu boards, touched incessantly by females of all ages with their fingers - used for compulsively masturbating with in the toilets - with the same fucking fingers..." Uggghh GROSS. Well the touch screen boards are just fucking MENTAL - trying to find the cones (little ice creams) - I mean ice cream / desserts /  fucking - 5 minutes of logical searching.... = get fucked. So I bailed on that and went to the counter - and I talked to a human. I picked up 2 of their cones...(little ice creams...

Fucking DUMB CUNTS and CLOTHING SIZES....... The fucktards at LEE jeans.

Tack on a shit load of hate for IDIOTS who run IDIOT websites.... L ee - as in Lee Jeans, as sold in Australia...... Well their listed pants size, inside the pants, that fit me, are not what the tape measure says around my waist. The discrepancy is out by about 25%..... i.e. size 35 (Lee Jeans) is like a 44 inch waist. The fuckholes running that website, have a guide to sizes - which means how their assorted styles FIT you... And there is NOT a fucking real world measurement conversion system chart anywhere on their site... The only thing is a whole plethora of skinny arsed gym bunnies, wearing the different cut jeans like straight leg, taper leg etc... And that is a WHOLE HEAP of useless shit type help. Fucking cunts should have a fist full of tape measures rammed down their retard throats.... And phone all the shops... well it's Beer O' Clock at the head office - closes at 5 and by 4.30pm - no one is answering the calls and the answering machine is on. And after talking and t...

An interesting question. "When exactly does a gubbo, become an abbo?"

OK.... People from a long way, away, a long time ago, came to Australia. Before they came, they were foreigners, and after some 40,000 years, they became "Aboriginal" or Abbos for short. Then while I have limited knowledge of the continual migration too and from Australia during the intervening centuries.... by assorted peoples from many lands.... By taking a leap of time, to 1788.... "On the 26 th January 1788, The First Fleet, led by Captain Arthur Phillip and including 1,000 officials, marines, dependents and convicts, landed in Botany Bay. The British declared Australia terra nullius , or land belonging to no-one, and dispossessed hundreds of thousands of Indigenous Australians." OK - now following in the foot steps of the original invaders, who went on to slaughter millions of other life forms, as they over ran and occupied the country, just how long does it take for all the other (more or less) people of the second wave of invaders and occupiers, to be come...