
Showing posts from March, 2016

I am not a fan of Merkin Poly-Ticks, but

This is a good article that I read this morning.... I am not a fan of Merkin Poly-Ticks, but this brought up an interesting array of insights. The waning influence of American political parties March 31, 2016 9.25pm AEDT Young Americans don’t care much for political parties. According to the Pew Research Center , 48 percent of millennials (ages 18-33) identify as independents. That’s almost as many as identify as Democrats (28 percent) and Republicans (18 percent) put together. Political scientists are often skeptical about the independent option in surveys. Most individuals who choose to call themselves “independents” still vote consistently with one party or the other. They are partisans except in name. Even if that’s true, the lack of loyalty or concern for parti...

The issue of relative denseness

OK a least favourite topic.... I am travelling past a Sunday Fete / fund raiser / market. I am kind of hungry - long trip - and I can smell meat on a BBQ. I decide that "Yeah I'd like at least one" so I double back and go to the fete. I have a quick squiz around and then work my way up to the BBQ. Picture this: The stall is about 5 meters wide, by 3 meters deep, and it has a brick wall behind it. The area is "fenced off" by a row of trestle tables in front of it, cluttered up mostly by boxy things, and the BBQ running behind it, has a screen in front of the hot plate.... There is nothing on the one free trestle table top, that inidcates the serving of food... No cash tin, no trays of cooked sausages, hamburgers, loaves of bread, bottles of sauces, paper napkins etc.... They look like they have had it set up and have been selling their wares for an hour or two... (important point) There is not even a fucking sign up - saying what they sell, and how much for. So I...

Delivery Status Notification (Failure)

I replied to an email.... Legit communication - didn't pay too much attention to the senders email address. It bounced. Found the proper email address. Updated the message. First off - don't ever send anything to me via email, from a "no reply" email address OK. Secondly as per below. Send.

So fuck off Turnbull - you and your mates, The old liberal party hasn't got what it takes.

I was reading this included article and ........... I find it hard to comprehend what a dick head - Turnbull and his cash grabbing cronies in the Australian Liberal Party are, going upon what they do.... But I did manage to almost instantly come up with some lyrics for it.. "So fuck off Turnbull, you and your mates. The old Liberal Party hasn't got what it takes...." Turnbull Fiddles With Green Energy Policy While Carbon Continues To Burn By Ben Eltham on March 24, 2016   With its renewable policy sinking without a trace and Arthur Sinodinos again in trouble, Turnbull’s extended election campaign has got off to a bad start, writes Ben Eltham . If you accept – and it’s hard to deny – that Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull’s decision to recall Parliament signals the start of a 14-week election campaign, then that campaign has not got off to a grea...

Re the Gear Up Sonic Animal Deterrent (Kangaroo Whistle)

"I bought some of them there "Anee-mal Wissuls" to scare the bejesus of the hoppy critters.... and taint saying nuthin on the packit.." (pictures coming) The exact same whistles are brought out under a heap of brand names, for different retailers.... Like Lion Brand, and   (more coming) Since I have a brain between my ears - and I hate piss poor "anything" - add in advertising, specification sheets, etc., etc., etc... I asked the wholesalers / distributors some clever questions. webenquiries@ In a clear air stream,what is the necessary air velocity to make them begin to work in meters per second? What is the frequency they whistle at? What is the sound pressure level in decibels at 1 meter, 10 meters and 100 meters and 500 meters? What is their effective range and under what conditions? And can you send me a copy of the results that assert that they have proven to be effective at deterring animals? And exactly what is your definition of ...

A World War has Begun: Break the Silence

Image March 23, 2016 A World War has Begun: Break the Silence by John Pilger I have been filming in the Marshall Islands, which lie north of Australia, in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. Whenever I tell people where I have been, they ask, “Where is that?” If I offer a clue by referring to “Bikini”, they say, “You mean the swimsuit.” Few seem aware that the bikini swimsuit was named to celebrate the nuclear explosions that destroyed Bikini island. Sixty-six nuclear devices were exploded by the United States in the Marshall Islands between 1946 and 1958 — the equivalent of 1.6 Hiroshima bombs every day for twelve years. Bikini is silent today, mutated and contaminated.  Palm trees grow in a strange grid formation. Nothing moves. There are no birds. The headstones in the old cemetery are alive with radiation. My shoes registered “unsafe” on a Geiger counter. Standing on the be...

George W. Bush - Nazi - Tony Abbot - Nazi? The Globalisation of Corporate Coruption.

More idiot criminal American Presidents - and then Australia gets the criminal Liberal Party and it's idiot prime minister - Tony Abbot. So is this scumbag of epic proportions - a way to drive the Australian people into serfdom under the Nazi party, with it's American satellite stand over merchant, or is humanity (Australian Style) just too fucking dumb? Lawsuit challenges possible Iraq war Group says Bush needs declaration February 15, 2003 | By Thanassis Cambanis, The Boston Globe. BOSTON — A group of U.S. soldiers, their parents, and six members of Congress who sued the White House over a possible invasion of Iraq accused President Bush of acting like a monarch, not an American president. "The president is not a king," said John Bonifaz, the lead attorney in the lawsuit filed in U.S. District Court here Thursday. "He does not have the power to wage war against...

CALTEX - American Criminalo

Yesterday I was toodling around Melbourne Australia, after not having "been there" for some 10 or so years - and it's all changed. One of the most significant "cultural branding changes" was that there was an almost complete absence of fuel distributors, aside from CALTEX - over most of the state of Victoria.... and a few BP's sprinkled amongst them. CALTEX. CALTEX. CALTEX. CALTEX. CALTEX. CALTEX. Everywhere. And one of the really fucking interesting things is that being an American oil company - they don't sell ethanol blended fuels like E10 and E85. Out of perhaps 20 or so CALTEX fuel stations - most of them looking reasonably new etc., not one of them even sold E10 - up to 10% Ethanol Fuel. Nope just crude oil based fuel, stolen from all the dead people they murdered by the millions around the planet - with the arse licking Australian government supplying tax payer funded weaponry to help kill a shit load more people - the locked in fuel supply system...