The lying, thieving, arseholes of NASA

The retards at NASA have "patented" the use of a single point diamond tool to cut the final profile of an optical grade mirror, in Alumium (Invented by Humpty Davros king of the Darleks), and then lapping it with India ink, which is essentially carbon (soot) and water - and the diluting that out for an ultrafine lap. For starters, I formulate inks and dyes, with a variety of solvents, pigments and binders. I have even formulated carbon based inks, that will outlast eternity...... It's a specialist area of extreme ageing, hermetic sealing, issues of irradiation, molecular disintergration, controlled atmospheres etc., to push the capacity of the ageability of paper based text beyond the limits of human imagination. But plain ochre or mineral pigments on rock, will last almost indefinitely too - in the right conditions. Anyway - India Ink - I have mastered and refined its creation and production, mainly because Ilove the absolute blackness and flow of a properly formulated i...