The Aldi Facial - Oh yeah Baby!

ALDI IS RUN BY FUCKING MORONS. This is based upon personal experience and years of full on infighting with them. The Aldi Management. OK - global pollution. Plastics poisoning the air, the earth and the sea. Aldi brand "Lacura - exfoliating wash". "Contains micro-beads to help unclog blocked pores." Manufactured in AUSTRALIA. After every other cosmetics manufacturer phased plastic micro-beads out AND IT'S GLOBALLY BANNED EVERYWHERE, the IDIOT management of Aldi are still getting it made for them and they are still selling their facial cleaner - filled with plastic microbeads. (but they won't tell you which bunch of Aussie cash grabbing shit heads are manufacturing it for them either) Ingredients: Water, polyethylene (beads) , soap and shit..... It just grinds up finer and finer and finer...... Plastic Microbeads in cosmetics and cleaners? This has been a very public issue, for a very long time. AND the morons at Aldi just don't get it. Why? Because th...