Feminists, the media antagonists and their agendas.

Women and body image. Women - A few generations back. "From your mothers side of the family - obviously." The woman evolved into a mixture of ghastly chisel faced stick insects and lard arses that eat too much and never exercise. The current crop. This is more advertising agency / socially enlightened movement - to stop presenting women as stick insects so the fat chicks feelings are not hurt for being failures when they compare themselves to the mutants that crawl out of the fashion industry pages.. But pretty much all of those women, are that shape, from being just fat enough to pass as "light weight" normal - when the average woman is obese.... The dead give away, is that the advertising / feminist body image bullshit artists, and what they present, is that in the parasites in the "Victoria's Secret" run mutant stick insects and the "Dove Soap / Cosmetics" campaign - ALL the women are fat and not at all fit - because they all lack muscle d...