
Showing posts from June, 2014

Makes Sense to Me - Foreign Call Centres Fail


Aircraft Systems Engineering

Oh joy. Oh Joy. Oh Joy - MIT or the - Massachusetts Institute of Technology amongst many other "University" type institutions, is offering "Open CourseWare".... Jolly, jolly, jolly good....... “The idea is simple: to publish all of our course materials online and make them widely available to everyone.” Dick K.P. Yue, Professor, MIT School of Engineering Unlocking Knowledge MIT OpenCourseWare (OCW) is a web-based publication of virtually all MIT course content. OCW is open and available to the world and is a permanent MIT activity. View a list of our most visited courses Empowering Minds Through OCW, educators improve courses and curricula, making their schools more effective; students find additional resources to help them succeed; and independent learners enrich their lives and use the content to tackle some of our world’s most difficult challenges, including sustainable development, climate change, and cancer eradication. Rea...

Sammich Makers


JEEEEZERS - You IDIOT Website Developers!!!!

  The bludging bastards of telephony, Telstra and other parasitic purveyors of the copper connected crap - who gouge on every issue, were what turned me off the land line for ever. I mean if you shop around, you can get a mobile phone plan, with unlimited calls and 4 Gig of data, for about the same price as the rental cost only, of a land line. So with Telstra, $40 per month, every month, gets you plugged in land line only and with other companies mobile plans, you get unlimited calls and the internet. Add in all the bullshit of dealing with a phone company every time you move home, or facing the crap when they gouge you, and nickel and dime you to death or fuck up your bill - leaving the land lines in their lap starts to look like a good deal. It does not happen often, but it happens enough, that on the contact us form of a number of websites, they INSIST* on you, providing a land line* number, in the compulsory* web form field.* You know that little area that says "All items mar...

Roundup-Ready GMO Maize Causes Serious Health Damage

Take out a subscription to this website: June 25, 2014 Seralini Redux Roundup-Ready GMO Maize Causes Serious Health Damage by OLIVER TICKELL A highly controversial paper by Prof Gilles-Eric Séralini and colleagues has been republished after a stringent peer review process. The  chronic toxicity study  examines the health impacts on rats of eating  a commercialized genetically modified (GM) maize, Monsanto’s NK603 glyphosate-based herbicide Roundup. The original study, published in Food and Chemical Toxicology (FCT) in September 2012, found severe liver and kidney damage and hormonal disturbances in rats fed the GM maize and low levels of Roundup that are below those permitted in drinking water in the EU. However it was retracted by the editor-in-chief of the Journal in November 2013 after a sustained campaign  of criticism and defamation by pro-G...

I am not surprised - but humanities depth of stupidity - it's amazing.

In the last 2 weeks - I have had 6 or so people I am phoning, ask me what my phone number is. I say, "It's on your Call Number Display." And the dumb cunts, will then start to read out, the number on their screen, that is coming from my phone to me, to ask me to verify if that is the right fucking number... These days I just cut their stupidity short, by interrupting them and saying loudly and slowly so there can be no uncertainty as to what I am saying, "The number that IS on your screen, IS the number of my phone. There is no need to read it out to me." And the cunts will go either "Ohhhh Ohhh Ahhhhhh..... - what do you mean?" Or they will piss and moan with some shit like, "Oh - your very rude." It's the sort of dumbness, that parallels asking, "How do they fit all that water inside this little tap?" They are the sort of people I'd like to tell them to get under their car, so they can turn the knob on the car jack, to let...

Steel Toe Capped Boots and Motorcycle crashes.

This is an interesting topic - on the basis of relevancy and it needs to be known and shared. First off - not a lot of people have ever gutted a steel toe capped boot. This is what a steel cap - minus boot - looks like. They are no miracle mega alloy steel - but they are very strong in both the steel that they are made from and the design that makes them resist flattening out. These are excellent when using chain saws, heavy steel parts etc., etc., etc.... They are a great idea and they work really well - in a work boot - at work. But they are not suitable for wearing on a motorbike. Why is this so? OK to confine the issue to a general set of conditions, instead pointlessly diluting the relevancy under the broader context of all issues under all circumstances. We will confine it too a collision consisting of a person travelling at speed, on a motorcycle, wearing steel capped boots, having their foot, impact a vehicle coming towards them, at a similar speed - in a square on fashion. A s...

People who suicide shit me.

A friend rang me today to tell me of a young fellow he had been looking out for, for a long time, had killed himself. Early 20's etc.. There are a whole heap of reasons why people do it and some people make rational decisions and some find it too hard to go on. Some have terminal health issues and others emotional health / mental health issues... A lot of people come from crap families with fucked up parents who won't own their own shit and deal with their issues - so they find and breed with like minded losers - because that is the crap they are familiar with - and then they set the role models for relationships and the bench marks for emotional health - and idiot / crazy / fucked up people produce idiot / crazy / fucked up children. And the crap just goes on and on through the generations - and society is composed of huge swathes of crazy people from crazy families...... All the cunts pedalling their religious mind fucks...  and the long reaching and far ranging issues from a...

Webinars and Webcasts - or Web Based Seminars - and the fuckwits who promote them

Advertising Agencies - etc., Idiot Marketing Departments - I hate them. I also hate things that are "fucking stupidly" done. OK I love reading, fucking and maintaining an objective course through life..... /So I subscribe to assorted journals / tech / industry etc., or have, about assorted subjects. Many of them require a proper sign up - and I think my email address should suffice. But what happens is that they like to "OFFER" me the chance to participate in assorted things - either directly or through one of their affiliates - usually through the format of a web based seminar. That is FINE.... But where these idiots fuck it all up, is they send me an email espousing this magnificent opportunity... And it all goes down hill from here. The email contains a link - to sign up for the webinar - but Americans are particularly fucking stupid in this respect - in that they assume that their 2pm is every one's 2pm - when it's my 5am... And they don't include a ...

Yummy - Curves and Cunts

I have a thing for women with nice wide hips and firm full luscious thighs . I saw this one in some Youtube BBC docco and went "WOW - I am in lust!" The face sucks lemons - but the body is great. And contrary to much of the internet - it has all of it's clothes on too.... She is in this - comes in at about 5:35 Actually this is really worth watching. Horizon The £10 Million Challenge BBC Full Documentary There is a story behind this image - it's the marine chronometer - that enabled non traditional sea farers to navigate by time and location, around the world in the late 1700's. This is a different watch - supposedly made by the same guy. In 1714, the British government offered a longitude prize for a method of determining longitude at sea, with the awards ranging from £10,000 to £20,000 (several million pounds in modern terms) depending on accura...

The Numb Skulls of Origin Energy - are at it again.

LOL I was paying off what I owed at $100 plus per fortnight - and the cunts decided to cut my power off, I spent up to restore my own power supply and lighting - and then the ombudsman told them to reconnect the power. Then  the IDIOTS at Origin Energy - then decided to push me into a payment plan of $76 every two weeks... LOL If they had of just left me alone, they would have gotten paid off at nearly double that rate... After YEARS and YEARS of never ending bullshit - that was the last straw. I changed power companies - to any one of a selection who OWN renewable energy generation gear - wind farms etc.... But I also found out that the shit heads running the big corporations - are trying to do all they can, to kill off renewables - including those who run Origin Energy - so they can keep the power prices artificially high, from their dirty antiquated coal burners. So anyway I have told the shits at Origin Energy that they are on MY payment plan for them, of $10 a month.... And no...