The bludging bastards of telephony, Telstra and other parasitic purveyors of the copper connected crap - who gouge on every issue, were what turned me off the land line for ever. I mean if you shop around, you can get a mobile phone plan, with unlimited calls and 4 Gig of data, for about the same price as the rental cost only, of a land line. So with Telstra, $40 per month, every month, gets you plugged in land line only and with other companies mobile plans, you get unlimited calls and the internet. Add in all the bullshit of dealing with a phone company every time you move home, or facing the crap when they gouge you, and nickel and dime you to death or fuck up your bill - leaving the land lines in their lap starts to look like a good deal. It does not happen often, but it happens enough, that on the contact us form of a number of websites, they INSIST* on you, providing a land line* number, in the compulsory* web form field.* You know that little area that says "All items mar...